Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat

IM Chat

by MCR_Vampire_321 0 reviews

MCR talking on IM Chat with other friends in High School ;D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-07-30 - Updated: 2010-07-31 - 290 words - Complete

NotOkay - Hello
PenceyPrep - OMG HI GERARD !!
NotOkay - Hi
PenceyPrep - HELLO !!
NotOkay - Frank, calm down...
PenceyPrep - ...
NotOkay - sigh
PenceyPrep - Hi
NotOkay - Hello
PenceyPrep - Did you see Jasmine today?
NotOkay - Yeah why?
PenceyPrep - She looked hot!
NotOkay - You should ask her out
PenceyPrep - But what if she says no?

-blackgreenrose has entered the chatroom-

NotOkay - It's worth a try
blackgreenrose - What's worth a try?
PenceyPrep - Nothing
NotOkay - It was something but Frank wants to turn it to nothing
PenceyPrep - Gerard, SHUT UP!
blackgreenrose - Whatever...
NotOkay - Jasmine...
blackgreenrose - Yes?
PenceyPrep - Gerard don't push your luck
NotOkay - Never mind
blackgreenrose - Oh, did you guys here? I got a boyfriend!
NotOkay - What? Who?
blackgreenrose - Me && Tom
NotOkay - Since when?
blackgreenrose - Like lunch time today
NotOkay - Oh
blackgreenrose - Frank are you still there?
PenceyPrep - Yes
blackgreenrose - You're not saying a lot
PenceyPrep - I have nothing to say

-PenceyPrep has left the chatroom-

blackgreenrose - Did I say something?
NotOkay - He's fine, it was probably just a subtle way of telling us it's his bedtime
blackgreenrose - lol
NotOkay - I'm bored

-MWay has entered the chatroom-

MWay - Mom says get off the computer and go to bed
NotOkay - Jeez
MWay - Mom said it, not me
blackgreenrose - But I'll be a loner!

-FootballFan has entered the chatroom-

FootballFan - Hi
blackgreenrose - Hi Lucy
NotOkay - Goodbye
MWay - Goodbye

-NotOkay has left the chatroom-
-MWay has left the chatroom-

FootballFan - Losers
blackgreenrose - You are so mean to them!
Football Fan - They'll get over it
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