Categories > Original > Sci-Fi

The Diary of a Zombie Killer

by jennyrebecca 0 reviews

This is the diary of a zombie killer.

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Published: 2010-07-30 - Updated: 2010-07-31 - 894 words

June 18, 2082....

I am beginning this journal in celebration of my new post as Caption and in honor of the dreadful holiday:Z-Day. ....

It all started in 2012. The year many thought to be their last, the end of the world. (And they were right. The old world died and gave birth to the awful one I now inhabit.) World War III was in full swing, and the WUUP (World United Under Peace) was formed to keep everything calm until things settled down. Peace treaties and compromises were made. And long lasting hatred and misunderstandings were being resolved. It seemed that the Earth would finally enter an age of world wide peace and prosperity. Everyone was happy and looked forward to the change. Except for the few countries who saw as the war to finally rise in power and be on top. Even if it only meant conquering the weaker countries during all the confusion. The time to strict a full fledged attack against any country was perfect, but they didn’t have enough firepower or money to do it. So they settled on biological warfare. It being the most popular with the smaller countries. Rounding up all the scientists and wannabes they could lay their hands on they started on trying to cook up a virus that would wipe out thousands, but give them enough time to negotiate for a cure. After trial after trial of the same boring stuff, they finally made it. With a cure to back it up to the surprise of many. The diseases would be breathed in and carried in a host for a number of days. With every contact made with another person, the virus would spread. After a while the host will just die. No symptoms or anything. But if given the cure, (named the “Perfect Cure” by many later) they were then rid of the virus forever. Though not everyone tested with the diseases died. A few (2% of the people infected to be exact) actually got super-man like powers and immortality. Though with no way to know who was the 2% the knowledge was ignored and the evil country released the virus in all the major cities (and a few small towns in the middle of no where just for the fun of it). The world panicked. It was willing to give anything for the cure. And so the evil country rose in power within days and ruled with an iron fist. But they were careless. They didn’t make enough “Perfect Cures” for everyone. And when the time came for them to die, they didn’t. Furious, thinking they'd been tricked the executed every single person involved and lived months in peace and prosperity like which has never before been seen. Then on June 12 everyone infected dropped dead just like they were told they would. But they didn’t stay that way. 3 days dead and then the bodies woke up. Not really alive, but still working, and really hungry. And the world had killed the only people who knew how to make the “Perfect Cure”. So before long 85% of the population was eaten by the ever hungry zombies. And the rest fled to the rain-forests where it was discovered zombies were to slow to be much of a threat. A good place to pick them off. Six colonies where made. Buried under ground were they grew into massive cities. Of course food was needed so a few unlucky souls got to live above ground to farm in the rich jungles. And protecting those farmers are the ZTF (Zombie Task Force). And that’s when I come to now a days. Most (the ones near the central cities) of the ZTFs are made up of highly priced old war vets who taught their troops with no fear. But a few on the outer rims, had only ragtag men who either had nothing better to do, or hated the Central Cities. The Central Cities had thousands of people under it s control. And no one knew (or maybe just forgot) but the Central Cities were really just the WUUP in disguises. Staying in power they had everything they ever wanted, all without even trying. Their cities where high tech things that people of the past would have gawked at in awe. Everyone was chipped and regulated to make sure no infections or diseases ever arose. Though some believed it was all conspiracy to keep the masses under watchful control. ....

And so we get to me. The new Caption of one of the ZTFs. But not the best one in existence, the Naked Tooth (the most ruthless and powerful ZTF, the innermost ZTF base it did the most daring missions of keeping the peace, not having to worry about zombies). Nope, I get thrown to the farthest most point of civilization, into the ragtag band of nothings called the Tiger’s Pelt. Nothing terrifying about that name. Its hair. Kitty hair. –sigh- But I brought it upon myself. So I wont complain. In public anyways. If only I had never… -BEEP!- Oh freak! The alarm set off scared the crap out of me. Looks like I get to be cleaning up dead stuff. What a great way to settle into a new home. Oh well. It’ll give me an excuse to be lazy later.....

End of Log One
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