Categories > Original > Drama > Chibi Vampire: The Selibri's Waltz (Or: The Dream--The Reality.)


by paladin313 0 reviews


Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Horror,Humor - Published: 2010-08-08 - Updated: 2010-08-08 - 5642 words - Complete


Chapter 16

Romulus and Remus received the call, and they now realized that they indeed were committed to the cause now. They had stopped messing around, and they were willing to put an end to this. They told Jean-Claude that they would meet him, and that they were also sure that they could guide them in with their senses as honed as they were. Before they left, however, they placed a secure call to the princess. Vera answered and heard what was going on, and patched things through to Mina quickly. Mina then said, "I see things are progressing?"

"They are moving very smoothly, your highness," said Remus,"They look like they've stopped playing around, and that they are ready to put an end to all this."

"Facilitate them the best you can," she responded, "We will get ourselves in place here. Let us know the second they decide to head off to Romania."

"Will do, your highness," said Remus, "I can't wait to fight alongside the Day Walker! It almost seems that there is something divine guiding him."

"All the better," she responded, "Oh, and by the way, what about the Selibri about which you spoke?"

"They are being hold up in what they call Clan Tower. The place is a veritable fortress, and they also have mind tricks they can use to keep people out that they don't what there."

"Did it keep you out?"

"No, because it seems that creatures like us that have the senses we have can get past it. There is nothing to fear for them."

She pondered this for a minute, and then said, "See what you can do to persuade them to send them to us. We can indeed keep them safe. If all goes well, they will not only be safer here, but they can aid us in the finish of things."

Remus nodded and said, "I'll talk to Miriam. She seems to be the leader of things. Jean-Claude doesn't have a mind to imprison them, so if they insist, I think he'll let them go."

"I look forward to seeing you again," she told him, "This can all end soon, and we can progress."

"I look forward to that day," he told her, "We're off to work."

They both hung up, and Mina sighed. She was in her inner sanctum again, enjoying her Stigma as Vera kept her company. This time, she was playing old McCormack 78s, enjoying his interpretations of Handel. She was also looking at the pictures of Akira all around her. It would be years before she saw him again, and she so looked to that day. "Take care, my love," she said, "Work hard and come back to me soon."

They were soon at the armory, and Tony then said, "Hey, pizan! 'Ay, what's you poison tonight?"

"This time it's AK-103, high capacity magazines for everyone, but the Beowulf for me," answered Jean-Claude, "We'll need garlic and hollow point rounds."

"Whoa, you must be goin' afta some toughies tonight," said Tony, surprised at the fire power he wanted.

"I just want to be sure," said Jean-Claude.

Onyx was leaning against the wall, staying quiet and waiting. Jean-Claude saw this and said, "This is all in case we have overwhelming numbers to face, and it's intimidating to many. You're welcome to use whatever you like in the armory."

Onyx sighed, and unbuttoned his cloak, opening it up so that all of the weapons he had were showing. "I'll be fine for now," he said, afaint smirk on his face.

Tony looked from behind the counter at his arsenal, admiring it, as Onyx buttoned it up again. Jean-Claude smirked and said, "I like your style."

Tony then said, "Hey, you got garlic rounds, or silver ones?You won't kill much witout dat!"

"I have garlic, silver is too hard to work with," said Onyx.

"Good enough," said Jean-Claude, "Well, Onyx, you seem to know where we are going. Lead the way; we'll be wherever you say we need to be."

Onyx acknowledged this and said to Yuri, "You work some of the ritzy clubs around here and see what you can dig up. We need to go to one of the clubs and this time, ask questions instead of shooting first and then asking questions."

"If that's the case," said Jean-Claude, "Then these rifles are too big. We need concealment. Tony, switch it to MP-5, 10mm, same kind of rounds. The Beowulf I can conceal."

Now reequipped, the Hand was ready, and Karin asked Chiyuki,"Are you coming?"

Chiyuki nodded and said, "Yup," and Tony immediately handed over her blade. "Okay, let's get it going..." said Jean-Claude, but then there was Elda dressed to kill, saying, "Not without me!"

Onyx raised an eye at the new comer, and waited for the orders to go. Yet, Elda saw that, and said, "Don't worry about me, honey, I've been crawling around a bit!"

Jean-Claude raised his scarf and said, "Let's go!" and they were out the door.

Before long, Romulus and Remus caught up with the group, and by the looks of them, they were in no mood to trifle. Jean-Claude then said,"Onyx seems to know where to go. It's time."

They nodded as they joined the Hand in this. Jean-Claude let Onyx lead the way. One could almost hear AC/DC's "TNT" or "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" in the background as the crew made their way. As they got closer to the club, Onyx stopped, "So, according to what I know, if we look more casual, this might work better if we are trying to get info right now, if anything wrong happens, you'll know."

He grabbed Tarai, who had followed them and said, "Please stay away from attention type situations; we are going to go get our info now."

He slung an arm over Tarai's shoulder, who looked at least two years older than she was, as they walked up to the said building. Considering how they were dressed, it was a bit too late for "casual." Jean-Claude was in his normal outfit, Karin was in her cat suit, Anjou in her black sailor dress and black tights, Kenta and Hondo were all in black like ninjas, but unmasked, Vincent was in his normal Wyatt Earp look, and Wiener was in his black pants, tee shirt, leather trench coat, and black fedora. They then followed Onyx and Tarai. "Ah, forget the quiet way!" Onyx said when he realized that wouldn't work by the looks of the outfit there, and turned invisible. Tarai nodded to an unheard voice and yawned. "Okay, we burst in there, but don't kill anyone important," she said, looking naively innocent and not belonging in this hunting party, "Onyx is creative in torture. One we have them giving us the answers we need. Then you can ash 'em."

"Wait," said Jean-Claude, "Is this a place filled with undead?"

"They are undead creations of Dracula," Onyx's voice said next to Jean-Claude, "and lots of them, though their defenses don't look like they are expecting anyone."

"Well, let's keep it subtle at first, and see how they react," said Jean-Claude, "If they instantly turn defensive, trash the place!"

"Alright," he said, and then his voice vanished entirely.

The crew entered the place casually, hoping to get the feel for the kind of club they were entering. Jean-Claude went to the DJ, hoping for there to actually be some AC/DC on the player, kind of hoping for the mood music. The DJ nodded when he saw Jean-Claude, thinking he had a request. "You up here for a request dude?" he asked, when he noticed Jean-Claude coming up to him. "Thunderstruck," he said in his persona, looking for the right mood music if things got ugly, "Follow that with 'One Of Us Is Going Down.'"

The DJ rolled his eyes, "Lame, dude! Choose something better. I only take good requests."

Jean-Claude snatched him by the collar quickly and said in his way, sternly, "You got a problem with good rock and roll? PLAY IT!" and then pulled him eye to eye to get the point across that he was not to be crossed, and then pushed him back as he walked away. "Kiss off, dude! I'll play whatever I like!" he yelled at him, and opened the player to put on some music that had more dissonance and disharmony than music. It was really music for your ears to bleed by. First, he scanned the DJ to see if he had a body temperature, then Jean-Claude wheeled around, went over to the stacks of discs and looked for what he wanted anyway, just hoping the idiot would try something. "Oy! Get out of my stand dude!" hollered the DJ at this invader, obviously too stupid to realize what stood before him. He ignored him, seeing if he could find any AC/DC in the stack. If this guy were human, he'd just knock him out. If he were undead, his head would come off his shoulders. He was human, but he looked like a bouncer, "Dude, get out of my stand, butt munch!"

That was the last thing he would hear for a while once Jean-Claude's fist found its way into his jaw at full strength as he said, "I do what I want, dipwad!"

After a moment to be sure he healed the jaw if he broke it, he went back to find the music. Chiyuki was suddenly there and snapped, "You didn't have to knock him out you know!"

"I didn't need to be drawing more attention than we were already doing," said Jean-Claude, "He'll live. Now, I want the right mood music," and he kept searching.

Chiyuki tapped him on the shoulder and asked as the heavy guitar played, "This isn't the right music?"

"Well, I want to follow it up if nothing more happens right away...ah, here it is!" he said, all satisfied now. He pulled out "The Razor's Edge" and cued up "Thunderstruck" and then the title track, which was about the same pace as what was playing. "I don't imagine that it's going to stay quiet for long anyway," noted Jean-Claude.

He left the booth, letting that song play, but setting up his choices as well. Chiyuki shrugged, and shivered slightly as she felt someone go past her. "Onyx!" she hissed, angrily.

Jean-Claude started to mill around, trying to get the feel for who was in there. The one thing he especially wanted to do was to be sure that there were no unsuspecting humans in there that were being lured into atrap. If that were the case, and they made a move on him or her, there would be Hell to pay! Vincent hinted to Anjou to use her feminine charm on some in there, not being that jealous, knowing that it was business. Karin and Kenta hit the floor, hoping to keep their ears open. Wiener and Vincent went to the bar. Elda was being Elda. Wiener said to the man, "One Coke."

"Okay, rum and Coke coming up," but Wiener said, "I didn't say that, I said a Coke."

The bartender looked at him oddly, and then gave him a dirty look as he poured his drink. Tarai was sitting by the bar, a forlorn, cute look to her. She was waiting for the first unsuspecting dummy to come up to her. Tarai glanced around, seeing if anyone was coming. After a while she sighed, no one would most likely, she still looked pretty young. Onyx was then suddenly there. "Hello," he said, smiling slightly at her.

Onyx sighed and said, "You seem to be working it wrong entirely, this is a different scene from the ones we are used to. Lean against the wall; you'll get more attention that way," then vanished again.

Jean-Claude saw Tarai leaning on the wall, and he went over to her. Tarai glanced up at him when he approached. "Trying to attract attention?" he asked.

"Yes...Male attention," she responded.

"Maybe if I acted interested, that would bring them?" he commented.

"I'm not sure, but it's worth a try," she said, shrugging.

Then Jean-Claude spoke loudly enough to be heard, "Man, you're one hot chick!"

Tarai was blushing a bright red, but, as they planned, this got more attention. "So, why have I never seen such a vision of loveliness around here before? Where have you been hiding?" added Jean-Claude, laying it on well. "Nowhere important," she said, doing the cute and innocent look.

As he was doing this, Jean-Claude was looking around to see if anyone was approaching. Soon, a young man, undead, approached her. He seemed good looking, but very, very arrogant. "Here he comes," he whispered,"Play it up well."

Tarai nodded and gave the man an innocent smile. "Hello," she said, in a "too-cute-for-her-own-good" voice. He then said out of the corner of his mouth, "Should I act jealous?"

"If you think it would help," she mumbled.

He turned to face the invader and said, "Hey, I saw her first, turkey neck!"

The arrogant undead snickered, thinking he had a stupid human mark. "What would such a pretty girl want with a football jock?" he asked with a faint Transylvanian accent.

"Bingo!" thought Jean-Claude as he said, "What would she want with a string bean like you, pencil-necked geek?"

"I have power you can hardly fathom, you weak, warm-blooded idiot," he snarled, having absolutely no clue as to what stood before him. "Oh really? And just what would that be?" he asked, the fool not being able to see under his scarf, as the fangs of Jean-Claude extended, trying now to anticipate the unsuspecting fool's next move. The undead grinned, but Tarai hissed at Jean-Claude, under her breath, "Play weak. Let him win: we don't want to make a scene yet."

Thus, Jean-Claude waited until he did something vampire-like, and when he did, he would quickly back down. He did not want to show any of his stuff yet, even though he would have taken the dive. Once the undead did, he smirked and said, "That's what I thought," putting a possessive arm over Tarai's shoulder. Jean-Claude let them get a distance, and then tailed behind them, being at the ready for whatever was needed. The man continued to talk to her, his name was Aurelius and he was apparently very rich because he was in big with, "The boss" as he addressed him. Tarai continued to sound interested in him and what he was saying, filtering out his bragging for the important stuff. Jean-Claude was also taking notes mentally, and at the same moment, signaled the others by putting two fingers under his eyes, and then pointing to the couple. Tarai nodded and asked, "Who is this boss man you talk about all the time?"

At this point Aurelius leaned in towards her and said in asultry tone, "I'd have to awaken you to be able to tell you."

Jean-Claude was now drooling. He'd been itching to trash the place, but he played it patient, being the good boy, just waiting for the proper time and pretext. He knew this guy had no clue about living vampires, and what she could do. Tarai blushed, and feigned innocence still. "A...awaken?" she asked, "What do you mean?"

Aurelius brought his mouth down to her neck, and kissed it softly, saying, "I'd turn you into something with unimaginable power."

Then, things went very bad for Aurelius. Tarai then kicked Aurelius in the balls with everything she had. The others were ready to move, but Jean-Claude raised his hand. He wanted to be sure he did not ruin whatever was about to happen. Aurelius bent over slightly, his face contorted in pain and anger. "W...what the Devil!" he said, through gritted teeth.

Jean-Claude smiled and cracked his knuckles, waiting for the fireworks. Tarai smiled and said "It seemed that you needed to calm down, and I had no other way to do so."

Aurelius growled and went at her, but suddenly bouncing off an invisible barrier and landing a few feet from Tarai. Jean-Claude then motioned for everyone to stand down. He did not want to jump the gun. Aurelius was about to charge at Tarai when there was a blade pressed against his throat."Hello," Onyx said, "Yes, this is pure silver. Yes I will kill you if you do not come quietly and tell me what I want to know."

Jean-Claude then stood up, ready for action in case they needed to come to the aid of their comrades. However, there were the human victims in there, and he wanted to get them out as well, and he hoped that this would be his chance. Aurelius hissed, "Stupid human," but he didn't fight back. "Die Kaiserenhand," said Jean-Claude, "Split: Karin, Anjou, with me-the rest, get the humans out of here and to safety. Do what you need to."

Jean-Claude followed their "willing volunteer." Onyx grinned, and said something in creole to the vampire at the door, he then opened it and revealed a large room, into which Aurelius was shoved into, and into which Onyx followed soon after. Tarai then said something again to the guard, and he left, Tarai taking his place. Jean-Claude was right behind with Karin and Anjou, ready if he got out of hand, but standing back to let Onyx do his thing. Elda said to Wiener, "Help me to gather the humans and then get them out of here. If there is resistance, you know what to do."

Now, inside the room, it turned into an interrogation unit, and it was about to get hot for Aurelius. Onyx maintained the grin and got in close on the vampire, ready to throttle the information out of him if possible. " you happen to know a Count Dracula?" Onyx asked, sheathing his sword and pulling out a dagger with strange markings on it.

Aurelius grinned, "Even if I did, I wouldn't tell a human like you!"

Jean-Claude, leaning on the wall, gave out a healthy, but sinister, belly laugh when he heard, "Human like you." The other two were laughing as well, and Jean-Claude sauntered up, looked him dead in the eye, and said, "We ain't human, Jack!"

Onyx sighed and said yawing, "Let's get the answers before we scar him."

"Be my guest," he said, "I just wanted to get the point across that he's not dealing with every day average ordinary fools."

Onyx chuckled and asked, "So, Tell us, do you know about him?" as he cut Aurelius in the arm slightly. He felt the burn of the silver, but didn't turn into dust by being scratched by it. "You know, pal, it could be a long night," commented Jean-Claude, "So, why doesn't a smart pseudo-vampire tell us what we want to know?"

Aurelius grinned and said with confidence, "Even if Isupposedly knew the information and then gave it to you, how would I benefit from this? If you let me go, the one you want info on would kill me, and if you didn't let me go and slaughtered me what would I have to gain from that?"

At this, Jean-Claude knew negotiations were in order, and he asked, "Okay, what would you want out of this?"

"I'd like to know what the heck you are, first off!"Aurelius said.

Jean-Claude looked at Onyx and said, "You wanna fill him in?"

Onyx shrugged and grinned as he said, "We are the true pureblood vampires. You are a disgusting lesser version of that. Even your undead master, Dracula, he is a pureblood undead vampire. We are warm, with heart beats, we also are more powerful then you, silver and garlic does not affect us like you..."

" short," added Anjou quietly, "You are the cancer of our kind, and we...are the chemotherapy."

"Yeah, pretty much," Onyx said, nodding.

Aurelius growled, and lashed out, struggling against his bindings, "You're what!"

Jean-Claude pulled down his scarf and let his fangs show, as well as let his eyes glow yellow, saying, "And I am a dhampir of my own kind. That's right...I am a day walker-all of the bennies, and none of the weakness.../and your worst nightmare!/"

Onyx went full vamped out, and grabbed Aurelius' chin yanking his neck to the side and said, "Maybe draining idiocy from him might help," chomping down on his neck.

Jean-Claude laughed maniacally as he watched, loving the look on his face as he was fed upon. "How does it feel on the other end of it!"he scoffed.

When Onyx was done, he licked his lips of the left over blood and was grinning as he said, "Wow....I hope he is a wise man now."

Aurelius blinked, "Can I state my second term now?"

"Could I be what you are? Maybe I wouldn't be so arrogant and stupid..." said Aurelius, now being drained of his arrogance and stupidity. He suddenly was very humbled, and realized that he was not as great as he thought. Now, Jean-Claude was seeing that he just may listen. "If Ididn't fear you slitting our throats, I might accept that," said Jean-Claude, "and there is a way."

Aurelius furrowed his brow and said, "Okay...understandable; I'm not the most trusted person."

Jean-Claude calmed some, and he said, "I tell you, there is a world coming where humans and vampires will live, at least, in peace with one another. There will be those that shall oppose, but it will happen. There are five Golconda now that are going to lead the way. Let me tell you my story."

With that, he told his tale, of his parents and grandfather, what happened to them, how he was rescued, and his story from when he met Karin up to that point. He then said, "Now, with the households of the undead gone, there is not much left that stands in the way of this dream that I have, which, as it turns, out, is not so much of a dream, but was meant to be. Now, you have been told for years that the undead are superior, and are meant to control the world. However, you have too many weaknesses, and from what I have seen, been too greedy for power individually to allow your numbers to be great enough to have conquest happen. Above all that, the ways of the old undead households would have destroyed the Dream, and that is something that we of the Clan would never tolerate, nor would the empress and her prince and princesses. However, Imake you an offer-the kids have an ability to turn you into a true pure blood, but, could we trust you...that is the question."

Aurelius listened the entire time and asked, " would I prove you could trust me? I mean, I find it interesting that you talk of an empress, when the one that has claimed leadership of our world has been the one sponsoring us. He even has a granddaughter that can keep the line going, if she ever comes to the point where she can breed. There is much to what we are, and it is not exactly like what you described of the twelve houses. Our existence came from another source."

Jean-Claude listened intently to this, taking notes and being continually amazed at the intricacies of the world of the night. With this information given, he wondered how much more he may know, but also wondered if it was useful, being he was just the underling, and not the one in the know. Jean-Claude then asked, "What I want to know first is, would you share this Dream...could you foresee a world like that, and would you be willing to be a part of it?"

"Well, I could," said Aurelius, "but I think the only reason I'm being so rational is because the Matrix dude over there took my idiocy out of me."

"That's what we do," said Karin, "We don't have to kill people to feed; we actually benefit them. Because your ego has come out of it, you can listen with reason now. We did that to Victor Sinclair, someone who hunted both of our kinds, but he actually joined us because of what we did, and, because of something that happened about ten years ago, actually crossed over to become one of us. It was the same with his grandson. Your quirks will only be gone for about a month, but, if you let us cure you, and become more of what you ever could have, they may never come back."

Jean-Claude then added, "This is a rare chance that any vampire or undead get, because, when they usually get power hungry, they are usually so corrupt, they have to be destroyed. You have shown us something, and you have a chance now. What do you say?"

Aurelius blinked and asked Jean-Claude, "Every read Jekyll and Hyde?"

"I've read the classics," said Jean-Claude, "Do you refer to yourself...or me?"

"You..." he said, tilting his head to the side. Onyx then glanced over at Jean-Claude, his eyes seemingly asking if he could cut Aurelius'ropes. "Considering my origins, and what I am, I kind of have to be a Jekyll and Hyde," answered Jean-Claude, and he looked back at Onyx saying, "Loose him: he knows the score now anyway."

Onyx nodded and cut the ropes, still wanting to slice and dice Aurelius for hitting on his sister the way he did, but just backed up and blended into the shadows. Aurelius stood up, rubbing his wrists. J-C was about to shake his hand, but then balked, and said, "First, though, I think you owe an apology to someone."

"Tarai?" he asked, trying to see if he was correct.

"She was the one you struck, was it not?" asked Jean-Claude, not certain what happened, being it was dark and there was a lot of movement.

"I didn't hit her," he said, furrowing his brow.

"Then who did he hit, Onyx?" asked Jean-Claude.

"Nobody," answered Onyx he got kicked in the balls, then got a knife to his neck when he was about to retaliate."

"I see, so, I guess you were being fresh...I guess you still kind of have to apologize," said Jean-Claude, having opened that can now.

"I know..." he said, sighing.

While all that was going on, there was other events going on outside. The Hand, with the Beowulf was quickly getting the humans out of there. Elda began to help herd the humans together, and she said, "Get out of here, because this is a death trap! They are going to kill all of you!"

The club began to grow quiet as they began to notice the warm blooded intruders taking away their prey. One of the undead then said, "Hey, some humans are trying to take dinner! Too bad they're going to join them. Let's start with the redhead in the kimono jacket and shorts!"

The memory of the old meat plant, and what they saw, was fresh on their mind. They knew the evil that these creatures were capable of, and they wanted now more than ever to make them suffer for it. Chiyuki chuckled, and put a finger to her lips as she asked in a mocking fashion, "You're not talking about me are you?"

They all began to bear their fangs and said, "Now it's time to play 'Fright Night,'.../for real/!"

Chiyuki grinned and pulled her sword out as the Beowulf transformed into battle mode before them. Chiyuki then said, "Alright, its go time!"

Elda whipped out her umbrella, and charged it, while Wiener, Kenta, and Victor all pulled out their firearms and started hosing down their targets. Hondo, on the other hand, preferred his silver tonto. Chiyuki just waited for the best chance to get in, knowing the tactics of the Hand. Of course, there was only so much the guns could do, mainly soften them up before the hand to hand. When it came to that, the others drew and started to waylay into the charging mass. Chiyuki was doing her thing, having fun and slaughtering the masses, while the Beowulf started to make short work of their targets. This was a sight that these undead did not know could exist. Normally, vampires are the frightening ones, but the sight of the Beowulf made them look like tame squirrels comparatively. A better seen of bedlam could not have been created. Many were still charging, but some were getting the idea that they should not stay. Someone finally shouted, "Hey, it's that Kaiser...whatever they are...that killed all the households and bewitched House Lichen! RUN!"

Chiyuki grinned and jumped in front of the door they were flocking to and let out a roar that would have shamed most lions. No one was leaving there in one piece that night. Hondo started to back attack as they started to run from her. A better definition of chaos could not have been created. Chiyuki grinned and chased after them hissing, "Here kitty, kitty!"

Kenta then shouted with an evil grin, "NO ONE GETS OUT OF HERE ALIVE!"

The Beowulf grinned evilly as they rushed into the fray...

"Onyx, would you go get her?" he asked, not knowing of the carnage that was just then subsiding outside. Onyx nodded and pulled Tarai inside as he said, "BTW lots of blood and gore."

A smirk curled over Jean-Claude's face, and he then said, "Are there also many piles of ash?"

"Yup..." was the only answer that Onyx could give to the description.

Tarai raised an eyebrow when she saw Aurelius, who then bowed and apologized, to which Tarai blushed slightly. While that was going on, Jean-Claude walked up to Chiyuki and said, "I can safely assume that you took care of the humans?"

"Yeah, pretty much," she answered, nodding.

"Well, you may not believe this, but we may have converted one of them," he said, hiking his thumb in the direction of Aurelius giving his apology.

"Hmm..." Chiyuki said, turning to look at him, and not certain of his willingness to help.'

"Onyx seemed to siphon out is ego, and allowed him to think rationally. If he were to be 'cured' by the kids, he may never go back to his old ways. If not, we know what to do."

Chiyuki nodded and said, "I doubt Onyx would want to feed off him for the rest of his life."

"Look what happened to Victor when the Markers got through with him," said Jean-Claude, "He was a changed man. Fate turned him into avampire, but still, he and Elda hit it off, and he was never his evil self again. He has a chance."

Chiyuki shrugged and said, "True enough."

At this, they went on, figuring that it would be better to talk to him in a more welcoming atmosphere, rather than in the carnage. However, they had no idea that the whole event was being watched.

Vlad sat there in the screening room, watching the action. He now knew that he had some tough opponents, but what disturbed him more was the sight of the Beowulf aiding them. He pressed on a button and said, "Wolfgang, get in here."

Wolfgang was the leader of the Beowulf, and the strongest. He had no love for Vlad, but he had to keep up appearances and do Vlad's bidding. He entered the room and said, "Watch these shots."

When he played them, Vlad said, "I want these traitors identified and destroyed! I also want you to assess how much of a threat they are, and come up with some kind of a plan to stop them. I have a delinquent child I must tend to myself."

Wolfgang bowed and went his way. It seems that Mina's plan was going through, but now going south. The Beowulf would normally be able to detect any tracking devices, but the ones used there were well concealed. He now knew Vlad knew that he could no longer trust his granddaughter, because it was only his granddaughter that could have caused the two Beowulf to do what they did. He had to find her, and tell her that she needed to get out of the castle at that moment and then go to the designated place right then. Things had to be accelerated.

Meanwhile, Vlad was pondering things. He knew it had to be his granddaughter, because the nobles would not have been able to sway the Beowulf that easily. He knew well that they wanted him dead, because of the way they killed his daughter, and still fought each other for his throne, and ultimately, control of the world of the night. He knew their plan: kill him, now that his daughter was dead, leaving a supposedly feeble, young, and inexperienced Mina on the throne with whom one could marry, breed, and then ultimately control things. There had to be a way to deal with that. As he pondered that, he looked on the screen at the action and noticed the redhead. He had many concubines, and all very pretty, but THIS one, well... He pondered it, and he knew well that that traitor Aurelius would tell them all, and maybe lure them to Romania. If that was the case, he would have them wiped out, and then take the redhead for his own. He began to smile an evil smile, and he said, "Dear woman, soon, you shall know ecstasy beyond your wildest dreams. With you, no one could stop me."

He then just sat in silence, contemplating his next move with that evil grin on his face.
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