Categories > Original > Humor

I will never laugh again :o

by cookieburger 0 reviews

I don't know

Category: Humor - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Published: 2010-08-08 - Updated: 2010-08-08 - 359 words

"Use that toilet, I don't care!," yelled Marvin.

"Hey. It's not my fault I have to pee," shouted Tom, as he ran full speed to the bathroom.

Hmph. Toast slices have such suckish bladders. Marvin's marshmallow bladder was a bladder of steel, unlike Tom's. How are they ever going to ride the Flaming Hot Cheeto if Tom can't contain his liquids? Marvin was lost in thought, until something caught his eye. A beautiful pop tart with multicolored sprinkles walked by. Marvin started to drool and felt his heart pounding in his mini marshmallow chest. All of a sudden, Tom runs out of the bathroom and plows into her. "No!" screams Marvin. Everything gets all intense and its like you're watching a high quality action movie. Marvin immediately rushes over to her, but she swerved out of the way so that Marvin and Tom are standing marshmallow to toast.
"Get your marshmallow out of my toast!" screamed Tom.

"Get your toast out of my marshmallow!"

"Dude! I'll beat the dude out of you..." exclaims Tom.

"Dude..." says Marvin.

"You wanna dance, squishy?"

"You WISH you could dance like me, Mr. whole grain." Out of nowhere Jenny From the Block started playing, and Marvin busted out into a totally indescribable dance move, consisting of the hand jive and a few ballerina pirouettes.

"Watch and learn, fluffy stuff"... suddenly, Tom shakes his groove thing and dances a jig so powerful that Marvin watches in awe. While Marvin is still frozen in astonishment, Bigfoot comes running off of the Jelly Jumper 3000 and screams "There's a baby in there!" Pointing to a pregnant Brownie.

"What the heck does that have to do with anything?" Tom asked.

"I don't know how the baby got in there. Does anybody know?" asked Bigfoot.

"Uhh.. Buddy. I think you're in the wrong place.." said Marvin.

"This isn't Schnizzelburg, is it?"


"Oops. Sorry.." said Bigfoot, walking away slowly.

"What the heck were we doing earlier...?"

"Good question, Mr. whole grain. I don't know either.." The crowd got disappointed and went about their business.

"... So! Are we riding the Flaming Hot Cheeto or what?!"

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