Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You Can't Touch My Brother

You Can't Touch My Brother

by WellxCarryxOn 0 reviews

Bert tells Gerard he really loves him, Gerard freaks out and leaves. What happens when Bert tries to through it in his face, but uses Mikey to do it?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-08-11 - Updated: 2010-08-12 - 861 words - Complete

Chapter 1

“I’ll be just fine pretending I’m not!” I sang crushing a cigarette under my foot. It was lunch time and I was sitting in a tree, smoking. “Fine, huh?” A tall boy with sandy blond hair asked. He was wearing grey skinnys, an Anthrax shirt, glasses, and a black beanie. “Ya, that’s right.” I replied looking down at him. “Mikey.” He said. “Bert.” “Mind if I come up?” He asked. “Free country ain’t it?” “I didn’t ask if it was legal, I asked if you minded.” He dropped his backpack and grabbed a branch swinging himself up next to me. “Ok, I’ll cut to the chase.” I looked at him, smirked, and went back to surveying the grass area of our high school. I had seen this kid around he was a grade younger than me and he had a older brother, Gerard, I believe. No, Not I believe. His brother and I had a thing to piss people off, but I never did meet the infamous Mikey. “Will you come over and pretend to be my boyfriend for my brother? I need to prove I’m over that bitch.” “Which bitch?” I asked. “My ex.” He pointed to the blond cheerleader. “You” I jabbed his chest. “Dated her!?” I threw my thumb towards her. She was laughing idiotically and flipping her hair. “Unfortunately.” “WHY!?” I scream at him. “I fell for her, hard. I don’t even know what I was thinking. She’s such a…. bitch. A prep. But I did fall for her. Apparently word got out about my feelings and then she thought it’d be funny if she pretended to like me. We dated for a month before she decided to say “By the way this is a joke, you’re a freak.” And leave me. It hurt.” I shook my head. Damn innocent kid. I needed to get over Gee. Throwing this in his face would really fuck him up and that’s exactly what I wanted to do. He was straight but we fucked and made out to piss people off and I fell for him. It hurt so fucking bad. I leaned into kiss him and he pulled away. I whispered “I love you” and he flipped. He always thought I was kidding. What I said in bed, I had actually meant. But I was just his boytoy. “Your brother’s Gerard right?” Mikey nodded. “Ok I’ll do it.” I said. “Shweet.” He said and jumped out of the tree. I followed quickly. I put my hand in his back pocket and kissed his forehead. “Are you even gay, kid?” I asked. “Bi.” I nodded and followed. It wasn’t like I was going to fall for the kid but I didn’t want to play with someone straight again. We walked over to Gerard and he glared at me. Pain swelled in my heart. Asshole, asshole, asshole. I repeated over and over again in my head. “Gee, I want you to meet my boyfriend.” Mikey said and a cute smile played over his lips. Gerard’s face went pale. “W-what?” He chocked out obviously shocked. “I told you I was over that Bitch. I love Bert.” Then he looked into my eyes and I sent a look that gave my approval and he kissed me, tongue and all. “I’m Gerard.” He introduced himself after we finished the kiss. He really wanted to play it that way? Like we’d never met? Fine then. “Bert.” “Nice to meet you.” He mumbled. “I gota go..” Gerard said and he looked at the ground grabbing a sketch pad off the lunch table next to him. “See you later Mikes, Bert.” He nodded to each of us before turning on his heal and walking down the hall. Mikey dropped his hands from around my waist. “Thanks.” He tilted his head to the side and smiled. “No problemo, Mike.” He just squinted at me. “You can only call me that because you’re really helping me out.” I nodded. “Fair deal, I guess.” The bell rang. “Well, I’m going to head to class now.. See you around?” I nodded and gave him my number incase he needed something a boyfriend would do.

As soon as I got back in the building Gerard shoved me up against the wall. “How dare you date my brother! I said you CAN’T touch my brother.” “Oh fuck off Gerard. I can do whatever I fucking want to.” I spat back. He still had his hands pushing me against the wall. It wasn’t sexual, it was hostile. He shook his head. “No. I know who you are, Bert. I don’t want you messing with my brother.” I just laughed to myself. “Gerard, You don’t know anything about me. Now fuck off. I’ll do what I damn want with your brother.” I pushed him off and walked away. It hurt, of course. Not physically, but mentally. Most of the time I wanted to see him die a painful death but occasionally I just wanted him to love me.
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