Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat

Chapter 8

by MCR_Vampire_321 2 reviews

Is FootballFan really the bad guy, or is it WeeGirl? You decide :D

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-08-12 - Updated: 2010-08-12 - 519 words - Complete

blackgreenrose - What's wrong?
FootballFan - Nothing. Why?
blackgreenrose - You seemed really upset at school today
FootballFan - I kind of told Frank a secret and he told Mikey the secret
blackgreenrose - Do I know the secret?
FootballFan - No
blackgreenrose - So you can tell Frank but not me?
FootballFan - I know, I must've been insane

-NotOkay has just entered the chatroom-

blackgreenrose - Hi Gerard (:
NotOkay - Hi
blackgreenrose - Frank didn't tell you anything about Lucy, did he?
NotOkay - He was going to, then he told me he didn't know what I was talking about
FootballFan - He did?
NotOkay - Yeah. But he told Mikey
blackgreenrose - How do you know?
NotOkay - I asked Mikey if he knew what was up and he said yes but he couldn't tell me
blackgreenrose - It's okay Gerard, I don't know what's going on either
FootballFan - And it has to stay that way

-PenceyPrep has just entered the chatroom-

FootballFan - Eugh
PenceyPrep - Look, I'm really sorry about telling Mikey. But I didn't tell Gerard!
NotOkay - Is this secret ABOUT me?
PenceyPrep - Yes
FootballFan - No
PenceyPrep - Typo. I meant to put No
NotOkay - You can't get Yes out of trying to put No
PenceyPrep - Well, I can
blackgreenrose - Somehow that doesn't surprise me
PenceyPrep - :O

-MWay has just entered the chatroom-

MWay - Frank and Lucy, would it be bad if I told Raechel your secret?
FootballFan - YES!
MWay - Then I'm in trouble
FootballFan - You didn't...
MWay - I wish I could say no to that

-WeeGirl has just entered the chatroom-

FootballFan - I can explain
WeeGirl - Well it's going on my blog for everyone to know
WeeGirl - Lucy has a crush on you
NotOkay - O_O huh?
FootballFan - >:'(

-FootballFan has just left the chatroom-

WeeGirl - Pathetic
PenceyPrep - Don't blog about it Raech
WeeGirl - Why shouldn't I?
NotOkay - Please don't
WeeGirl - Fine, just for you :3
blackgreenrose - I didn't know Lucy had a crush on Gerard
MWay - Well it's not something to be proud of
NotOkay - >.> You're gonna pay
MWay - It's woth it :D
PenceyPrep - It's funny how we thought Lucy was the worst of us all... Turns out she trusted me with a secret and she fancies Gerard :D
MWay - So who is the worst?
NotOkay - Raechel
WeeGirl - :O Honey?
NotOkay - Well it's gotta be one of us!
WeeGirl - Well maybe I will blog about Lucy then!

-WeeGirl has left the chatroom-

MWay - Jasmine, will you go out with me?
blackgreenrose - No
MWay - It was worth a try
blackgreenrose - Frank, will you go out with me?
NotOkay - (:
PenceyPrep - :) Yes
blackgreenrose - Sweetcakes ;D
NotOkay - Now I wish I could say now everyone lived happily ever after
MWay - What are we going to do about Lucy and Raechel?
NotOkay - I don't know
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