Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat

Chapter 10

by MCR_Vampire_321 3 reviews

You picked a winner!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-08-13 - Updated: 2010-08-13 - 520 words - Complete

[A/N] - Sadly, we had a tie. shortygirl and TakeThisToMyGrave both voted Lucy, so did I. But Raechel, Beth and Lucy (Friends from my Facebook account) voted Raechel. So it looks like I will have to exclude my vote. Raechel is the winner.

NotOkay - Raechel
WeeGirl - Exactly. So bog off Lucy
FootballFan - Fine. Maybe I will

-FootballFan has left the chatroom-

PenceyPrep - Seriously? You picked Raechel?
WeeGirl - Yes! He did
NotOkay - =/
WeeGirl - Gotta go honey, see you tomorow at school

-WeeGirl has just left the chatroom-

blackgreenrose - Why the hell did you pick her!?
NotOkay - Well, she IS my girlfriend
PenceyPrep - Yeah and she's insane!
blackgreenrose - You're insane aswell Gerard!
NotOkay - Who would you pick? Lucy or Frank?
blackgreenrose - I wouldn't ever make the decision. And anyway, Lucy and Frank are FRIENDS
NotOkay - Think of how crazy Raechel is now. What if I suddenly chose Lucy over Raechel, don't you thnk Raechel would try and hurt Lucy?
PenceyPrep - So you said that to PROTECT Lucy?
NotOkay - Ofcourse
blackgreenrose - But Lucy doesn't know that
NotOkay - Maybe it's better that way
PenceyPrep - NO IT'S NOT
blackgreenrose - You and Lucy were made for each other!
NotOkay - Whatever. I'm going to bed

-NotOkay has just left the chatroom-
-Bob has just entered the chatroom-

PenceyPrep - Where the hell have you been!?
Bob - I dunno
Bob - Sorry
PenceyPrep - And you have as boring a username as Mikey
Bob - My bad
blackgreenrose - Oh crap, have you read Raechel's latest blog?

WeeGirl's Latest Blog - He picked me
I put it to Gerard to pick either Lucy or me.
He picked ME. Ofcourse. I mean, who wouldn't?

Bob - Lucy fancies Gerard?
PenceyPrep - Yes. Keep up
Bob - And Gerard fancies RAECHEL?
blackgreenrose - No, he fancies Lucy but is just trying to protect her
Bob - I don't understand
PenceyPrep - Eugh! We'll tell you at school tomorow
Bob - Good because I have to log off now
PenceyPrep - You only just got on
blackgreenrose - >.>

-Bob has just left the chatroom-
-FootballFan has just entered the chatroom-

FootballFan - Is Raechel still on?
blackgreenrose - No
FootballFan - Is Gerard on?
PenceyPrep - No
FootballFan - ): WHY DID HE PICK RAECHEL!?
PenceyPrep - Should we tell her?
blackgreenrose - He did it to protect YOU
FootballFan - Me?
blackgreenrose - You know how crazy Raechel is. She might've tried to hurt you
FootballFan - Did he actually say that?
PenceyPrep - Yeah, I'll copy and paste it!
PenceyPrep - NotOkay - Think of how crazy Raechel is now. What if I suddenly chose Lucy over Raechel, don't you thnk Raechel would try and hurt Lucy?
FootballFan - Awwww :D
blackgreenrose - And now we just have to convince Gerard to break up with captain crazy
PenceyPrep - Captain Crazy is just not cool. Never say it again
blackgreenrose - Ok. Sorry (:
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