Categories > Books > Harry Potter

Albus Potter and Merlin's Ring

by KagomeMiko92 1 review

Harry Potter's son goes to Hogwarts! There, he encounters danger, darkness, and faces death, just like his father before him. With Albus, however, he may not be able to be saved...Rose/Scorpius, Al...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-08-24 - Updated: 2010-08-24 - 336 words

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!!!

Albus Potter stepped onto the train that would take him to Hogwarts. He was so excited for his first year! He could almost burst! There were a lot of people on the train this year...

"Al! Hey Albus! Where are you, ya git?!?!"

Albus cringed. He loved his brother, really he did. But he gave him enough grief on the way to meet the train...he really didn't want to get into it with his brother, James, again.

"Oi!" Albus yelled.
"What are you doing, you prat?" James asked as he made his way through the mob of young witches and wizards to get to his brother.
"Nothing...just trying to find somewhere to sit." Al muttered.

This wasn't a lie.

"Why don't you sit with us? There's plenty of room in that compartment over there. The only ones who are missing are you and Rose." James said.

Albus shifted his weight.
"'m not feeling to great. I just want to be alone. Ya know, in case I puke. I wouldn't want to get sick in your compartment." Al cleverly replied.

This was a lie.

Truth be told, Albus just didn't want to sit next to his brother. Or anywhere near him.
James eyed him warily, as if he was trying to decide wether or not Al was telling the truth. He must have thought so, for James covered his mouth, in fear of catching Al's imaginary illness, and sputtered:

"Uh...I'm sorry you don't feel well...feel better!"

And then there was one.

Sigh. Al trudged along the corridor of the train, trying to find a compartment. He was about to open one, when he heard his cousin's voice.

"Really? How facinating!" she'd exclaimed.

Turning towards the voice, Albus Potter opened up the compartment where he had heard his cousin, Rose Weasley's, voice.

And there she sat.
Next to a boy with blond hair.
The one and only...
Scorpius Malfoy.

A/N: Sorry it's so so short. Review please!
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