Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Broken Mirror

by MCRazy234 2 reviews

She clutched her little brown bear. Her father stepped into the room. “Marissa.” He purred. The little brown bear dropped to the floor into one little lump of fur. She looked up slowly. “Let...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [R] [Y] - Published: 2010-09-03 - Updated: 2010-09-03 - 2429 words

Marissa’s P.O.V
Dad left me at around two in the morning. He makes me do things I don’t like. I love my dad but not what he does to me. I hugged my bear named Elliot. He is my best friend. Well one of them, I have Six best friends, Elliot, My uncle Mikey, uncle Gerard, Frankie, Ray and bobby. My mommy was related to Gerard and Mikey, before she passed away. Daddy said a robber came and hurt her but I know he did it. He lied to everyone. My mommy’s name was Rayne May Way. I love her name! She named me Marissa May Way Johnson, but I liked being called Mari (Mar-E). I am 7 years old and I’m home-schooled by my daddy’s friend named Mr. Lucas Sumner.

“Mari! Pay attention!” Mr. Sumner yelled. I jumped about five feet in the air. He sighed, “What were you even doing?” I giggled but said nothing. Mr. Sumner shook his head and went on with the lesson. Daddy was at work, as always. Once we started to do math the door opened and in walked my uncles and Frankie, Ray and bob! I squealed and ran to them, almost making the fall to the ground. “HI!” I yelled out. Everyone except Mr. Sumner laughed. “Hey Girly, we missed you too!” Uncle Mikey said. You see my uncles and the guys are in a band and for the last few months they were on a tour, so I never got to see them. I gave them all a big hug. Mr. Sumner coughed, I turned and looked at him, “Mari, We still have math to do.” I pouted but went and sat down.

Daddy came home around eleven O’clock at night. When he did come home he walked funny and smelled bad. The guys had gone home so it was only me, my dad, and Mr. Sumner. “Marissa, come sit on daddy’s lap.” My dad slurred. I did as I was told but as soon as I did, dad ripped my clothes off leaving me naked in front of Mr. Sumner! I tried to cover myself but dad pulled my arms out of the way. Daddy started to touch me and kiss me. I tried and tried to pull away but he kept making me go closer. I was thrown onto the floor and Mr. Sumner started to take off his clothes. I cried out but dad put his hand over my mouth. From that point I knew my fate. Dad moved his hand and it was replaced with the thingy only boys have. “Suck it.” commanded Mr. Sumner. I held my mouth shut and shook my head. A pair of hands pried my mouth open and the thing was shoved down my throat. I started to gag. “Oh yeah” Mr. Sumner moaned. Mr. Sumner placed his hand on my head and pushed it down my throat again. I pulled back as something ran into my mouth. It was sticking and gross tasting. Soon, Mr. Sumner pulled out and put on his clothes. Daddy threw my clothes at me, “Go to your room.” I did that, without looking back.

The next morning Mr. Sumner didn’t show up, so I played with the guys. “READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!” I yelled loudly and started running around, searching for them. After five minutes I had found everyone except for Frankie. “FRANKIE! WHERE ARE YOU!?” I cried out. I was lifted into the air by frank. “Right here little one.” He laughed as I squealed. We played till around one then we just sat around watching TV. Spongebob Squarepants was on; my eyes were glued to the TV. Somewhere in that I must have fallen asleep cause next thing I know I was in my purple room. I sat up, stretched, and yawned. Walking downstairs I heard yelling. Daddy was on the telephone yelling into it, “No! ... Money!? ... Of Course n… Hell no! … Fired?! … Fuck you! …” He hung up the phone and looked over at me. “This is all your fault, you little bitch!” He stood up and walked over to me, “You got me fired!” His hand flew out and slapped me, making me fall to the floor. I cried out and grabbed my face. Daddy never slapped me before. “Daddy stop it!” I cried. He kicked me in the side, “Don’t tell me what to fucking do, you whore!” I had no idea what he was saying but it hurt anyways. What if I am just a little brat and a whore? I thought, Daddy doesn’t love me. Tears ran down my face as daddy kicked and hit me. Soon dad got tired and left me bruised and crying on the floor.

I had bruises on my arms, legs, back, tummy, and a little bit on my face. So the guys didn’t see them, I hid behind long pants and a long sleeved shirt.
“What happened to your face honey?” Uncle Gerard asked.
I shrugged, “nothing, I fell down and landed here.” I pointed to my face.
“Aw, I’m sorry baby. I bet it hurt.” He hugged me close.
I started to tear up a bit but uncle Gee wiped them away and kissed my forehead.
“I love you, Uncle Gerard.”
“I love you too, Mari.”
Today, we watched a scary movie. I hid under bob’s arm. Every time something jumped out I screamed, and everyone laughed at me. I got mad and stomped up to my room. Sitting on the bed, there was a knock at the door.
“What?” I called out.
Uncle Mikey walked in, “Hey lover.”
I smiled a bit, “I’m mad at you.”
“I know. I’m sowwie.” He batted his eyes, “Do you forgive me?”
I thought for a moment, “I forgive you!”
We laughed then he got serious, “Mari? How did you get those bruises, Baby?”
“Nowhere.” I tensed up.
“You can tell me the truth you know. I can help.”
“No what, Hun?”
“I don’t know…”
“Yes, you do. You’re a smart cookie. Now tell me honestly.”
“I just fell down outside, last night, while playing. Daddy came home and I played outside for a while until I fell over a rock! And I got bruises.” I pointed at my face to show him what I meant.
He sighed and nodded, “Okay, I believe you.” He smiled, “Can I have a big Elliot hug?” I giggled and gave him a BIG bear hug. We walked back to the living room to finish watching the movie.

That night daddy came into my room. He made me do the thing he always does. The thing Mr. Sumner made me do. But when I thought we were done and that he would leave, he didn’t. “Turn over.” Daddy said. I turned like I was told after I did I felt daddy get on top of me, without putting his weight on me, I felt something by my butt. It felt so weird but then it started to hurt! Really Bad! I cried out in pain, “Ow! Daddy, stop! You’re hurting me! O…” He put his hand over my mouth and he began pushing in and out. I cried as he did, it really hurt, and daddy didn’t care. I could hear him moan and groan in pleasure while I was crying in pain. Shutting my eyes, I tried to go to a happy place. It was me, my mommy, and my daddy all together. We were happy, one big family.
I held my mommy’s hand as we walked across the sand. Daddy waited in the water, waving franticly. We giggled together thinking how weird my dad was being. Finally we made it to the water. Daddy picked me up and walked out deeper. I held a death grip on him. “Don’t let me drowned!” I yelled to him. He laughed, “I would never let that happened to you princess. I love you too much!” He kissed my cheek and I giggled happily. I knew my dad would NEVER hurt me.
Or at least I thought he would never… that was when I was six, when mommy was still alive, and when daddy was nicer. We all, my uncles, Grandparents, and my parents and me, went to the beach. It was beautiful. My mom was beautiful. I miss her so much and I wonder if she misses me. Does she know I love her? Does she know what daddy does? Does she even care anymore? If she still was alive would she care? I was pulled back to reality when daddy pulled out. I fell onto the bed, after a while I heard the bed creak as daddy got up and left my room.

Today is my birthday! I am turning eight years old! YAY! Daddy had something more important to do but my uncles and the guys came and threw me a party. Their girlfriends even came! I’ve never met them before so I was a little shy. Uncle Gerard’s girlfriend is named Lyn-z, Uncle Mikey’s is named Alicia, Frankie’s is named Jamia, Ray’s girlfriends named Christa (PRETTY!) and Bob’s was named Kaitlin. They are all very beautiful. I liked Lyn-Z because of her name. When I have a little baby girl I will name her Lyn-z. The girls bought me a birthday cake. It said, ‘Happy Birthday Mari! We love you!’ It was simply amazing. We all danced and played games. Frankie dared me to hug Jamia! I did because I am not a chicken. There was soda there too. I don’t usually drink soda, so it tasted really good! Oh, and I also got presents!
Gerard/Lyn-Z got me a My little pony!
Mikey/Alicia got me a snow-cone maker!
Frank/ Jamia got me a Barbie and Ken!
Ray/Christa got me Play-Doh!
And Bob/Kaitlin got me a baby doll!
“Mari! Come outside for a second!” called Bob. I set my baby doll on the couch and walked outside. There, in front of me was a Brand- new Barbie Bike! My eyes popped open and my mouth opened wide. “You guys got me a Barbie bike!” I jumped up an down squealing. Everyone nodded with a smile on their faces. I ran to it and hugged it. “I love it!” I giggled. At that moment daddy’s car came into the driveway. ‘Oh, no…’ I thought. Dad got out slamming the door. “What the hell?!” He yelled. Everyone flinched. I ran inside and hid my presents in my room. As I sat on the bed, I started to cry, but stopped immediately when there was a knock on my door. Bobby walked in. “Hey…We are heading out, Okay? Talk to you tomorrow?” he asked then kissed my cheek, “I love you Hun.”
I smiled slightly, “Bye-Bye Bobby. I love you too…” then he left…

6 Years Later____________________________________________________________

Today is my fourteenth birthday. Uncle Gee and uncle Mikey said that I get to go on tour with them! That means I will be away from dad! I mean, yeah I only get to go for a month but I’m still free! I smiled just thinking about no dad for a month. As I was packing up dad walked into my room.
“How about we say good-bye now.” He smirked. He pushed me onto the bed and quickly took off my clothes, his following. Roughly, he shoved into me. I winced in pain but moaned in ‘Pleasure’. Dad liked it when I participate in the sex. He says it’s sexy, and if I don’t do it I get hurt. Dad pulled out and pushed back in. It felt like something tore, it hurt really badly. As he pulled in and out of me I tried to go to my happy place, but for some reason I couldn’t. I’m probably forgetting my mom. I knew it would happen, I just didn’t know it would be this soon. Feeling him cum inside me I ‘Moaned’. He got off and left. Tears ran down out of my eyes. Eyeliner smeared down my face. My insides, Yet again, split in two. ‘Dad doesn’t love me. Who could ever love a whore like me? The guys just pity me, they don’t love me,. They think I need there pity!? Screw ‘em! Wiping my face off I realized that the guys didn’t pity me; they did love me and will always love me. Quickly I put on more eyeliner and pulled my suitcase downstairs. The guys and their girlfriends/fiancés/ wives were there. I went over and hugged them all. Right before we left I remember something, “I’ll be right back, guys, I forgot something.” In my room I ran and picked up my old, dirty, and worn-out teddy bear, Elliot. My mom gave him to me when I was four years old. He’s maybe 7” tall and is a brownish color with brown eyes. On the last stair I tripped and fell to the floor. I stood, brushed my legs off and picked up my suitcase. Outside was a tour bus. I ran onto it and set my stuff down. This is where I’ll be living? It’s. So. AWESOME! Uncle Gerard walked up to me, “the bottom bunk on the far left is yours. We have been saving it.”
I smiled and hugged him tightly, “Thank you sooo much Uncle Gerard!” He laughed and hugged me back. Before I settled down I put my stuff away, except for my laptop. I sat on the couch and turned it on. The laptop was a present from everyone. It is perfect! I logged on and pulled Microsoft Word up.

Diary Entry1
Dear someone who cares,
Right now I am on the tour bus! Yippee! So far it is a lot of fun, but we did just get started. Right now frank and ray are fighting about whose marshmallow was bigger, Bob is in his bunk, Uncle Gee is drawing, and Uncle Mikey is… straightening his hair. LOL. And I am typing to you oh lovely computer. Before I left my dad did stuff to me. I felt like he tore something. There wasn’t any bleeding though so I guess I’m alright. I got to go now almighty computer. =]. Talk to you later.
Lots of hugs,
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