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The screwed up life of Jenna Malfoy

by jadesohma 0 reviews

My last name is malfoy. But get this, I'm the heir of griffindor. My father is Draco malfoy, pure blood. My mother Abby sharp, muggle born. My twin brother is a slytherin and pure malfoy. I'm a gri...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Draco - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-09-09 - Updated: 2010-09-10 - 499 words

Maybe if I'm in slytherin grandpa will like me. Maybe he'll talk to dad again. How long has it been now? 11 years? I know scorp is going to be in slytherin. He just looks like he will. He's pure malfoy. He'll get it for sure. But since I was deemed the heir I'm going to end up in griffindor. Oi. Why couldn't he be the older one?! Why must I have the harder life? Grandpa sends letter to him.... Probably because he looks like a malfoy. He kidnaped him once. We were babies. He came into our room and took him. Don't I feel loved? But I'm the spitting image of my mother so why would he? He hates my mom. So he hate me. But I have grandpa mark so I'm fine. And I have the whole weasleys family love and "grandma" weasley to fill in. uncle Ron hates dad though.... Even with out grandpa in the picture it's screwed up! Why does this have to happen to me?

"Jenna! Snap out of it! Your next!" my best friend (besides rose) Shawn blue nudged me.He has the curlyest blonde hair I have ever seen with the most beautiful brown eyes ever! He has 4 sisters. Alex, Marissa, Jane, and Alice. They all love me. They all hate him. Another thing, his mom is the sweetest thing And his dad is cold as stone! But the let's hey back to Shawn. He is the ravenclaw heir. His father knew my mother blah blah blah long storie short, we've known each other for a wile.

"what?" I turn to him.

"JENNA MALFOY!!!!" why did she yell my name louder than any one else's?! Why must head master do this to me? I guess she's more happy about my sorting than I am. I know I don't want to know! I want to go back home. I want to be five again where the scaryest thing was the knome under my bed!

I walk up there shaking. I always shake. And I'm not even cold! Can I get a jacket! Maybe that'll help. Fat chance.....

I still on the block of ice they call a stoll. The hate was placed on my head but it didn't take long for the hate to shout " Griffindor!!!!!" I go and sit next to James and albus another two we just knew they'll be here. Why is people looking at me? Because I'm the first malfoy to ever be in this house? Yeah I know. I'm paying the price. Now there's no hope for grandpa's aprovle. But like I said, I don't care any more. The next thing I know scorp was up there with his blonde hair and blue eyedness. "slytherin!!!!" shit. How and I supose to tell mom and dad? Ugh. There goes rose. "another weasley!" the hat always says that when ever the come here. There is alot of them.... There's Shawn! Oh god. This will be a fun time at hogwarts....
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