Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Could Crush You With My Voice ~ Patrick Stump Love Story

Chapter 33

by Keliah

I really don't know how summarize this one...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!] [X] - Published: 2010-10-02 - Updated: 2010-10-02 - 1911 words - Complete

Part Thirty-Three

(Sorry for the shortness of this one guys. School is being a pain in the ass right now and my time is more limited now that it isn't summer. Ugh. :/ Anyways, hope you like it, even if it is short. ^_^ Also, P.S, I'm skipping a lot of detail in the next chapter because I feel like it would be a repeat of the first few chapters if I just wrote about them being a tour bus again. However, there will be explanations of what goes on. So...just letting you know, in case you're expecting a full blown tour again. LOL.)

Keliah's POV


Well, Patrick's parents stayed overnight, after calling all their friends claiming the didn't feel well or something so they couldn't make it to the party. I will admit, it was helpful to have them around every now and then because Mrs. Stump did have a way with those kids. She helped me feed them and get them to go to sleep easier, and it was helpful...but, and I don't mean to sound bitchy, but she was getting to be a pain in the ass. Like any mother would be. Understandable, I suppose. Mr. Stump was really chill the whole time. Him and Patrick talked about music, and parenting, and this, that, and everything else, which was a neat conversation to listen to. At least...hearing it past his mother asking me questions like she was some sort of investigator into our lives. After awhile, even Patrick was starting to get sick of his parents being around.
I'm not sure if either one of us was sorry when they left last night.
I had been busy trying to pack for the tour again, but I wasn't just packing for me this time. Those twins needed so much stuff, it was amazing even to myself that I had fit everything for them into two bags. So, luckily, it was four bags total; mine, Patrick's, and the twins'. Mission accomplished. We hadn't woke up the twins yet because they had woke up at about 2 a.m., and we couldn't get them back to sleep until 3. So, we decided to let them sleep until we had to leave.
It was only 6 a.m. at the moment, and Patrick has been trying to convince me all morning that the best Prince song was "I Wanna Be Your Lover". For what reason, I have no idea. But I fought back, saying the best one was "Raspberry Beret", which drove him nuts. 
"Oh, god, how could you say such a blasphemous thing?"
"I don't know, I just like that song best. What makes 'I Wanna...' such a great song? I like the song, it's one of my favorites, but I don't think that it's the BEST one. What makes that one so special?"
"Because it's just....the BEST." he said running his hands down his face.
"We are going to have to agree to disagree Trick, because I need to pack some more. Your parents did not make it easy to have any free time."
He shook his head in defeat. "Alright. And yes. I know. My parents tend to do that. I love them and all, but they're a bit clingy."
"A bit?"
"Okay, okay, ALOT. But they love you, they really do."
"Your mother sure didn't make that known."
"Oh jesus, did she drill you with questions while I was talking to Dad?"
I gave him a 'are-you-seriously-asking-me-that-right-now' look and he put a hand to his forehead. 
"Oh my god, I am so sorry, Kel. Whatever she said, don't let it get to you, you know how I feel about you, she doesn't. I swear."
"I know." I sighed and he followed me as I went into the bedroom to pack. "She's incredibly judgmental, your mother. She seems to think that I'm not good enough."
"But you are. You're beyond good enough, you're perfect. Don't listen to her. Dad thinks you're amazing though."
"He actually seemed to like me, and I see where you got your music smarts from. You two talked for hours about all sorts of music stuff." I said, throwing a few more shirts into my bag.
"He sings too, you know."
"As beautifully as you?"
He looked down at his feet. "I suppose that's up to opinion. I'm not gonna say I'm better than my Dad."
"Then I will." I said, smiling, trying to shove more stuff in my bag. "You've got the most beautiful voice on the planet, and no one could beat it."
He blushed and laughed. "Well, that is accompanied by the most beautiful wife and the beautiful children on the planet too. Such a perfect match, don't you think?"
"Beyond perfect."
He reached around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I just grinned and continued with my packing. I believe his intentions were innocent at first, but I couldn't be sure as his hands slowly moved downwards. "One last time before we leave?" he whispered.
"Just a second." I threw my bag to the floor and threw him onto the bed. "Now I'm ready."
He grinned as I pulled his pants down with ninja-like skill, ripping off his clothes one layer at a time. I pulled off my shirt and pants, leaving me only in a bra and panties as I hovered over him on the bed. I pressed my hips hard to his and he let out a deep groan as I grinded into his hard member. I ran my hands down his chest, lightly touching him as I moved downwards. He was already excited, so I decided to mess with him for awhile.
I slowly held my mouth over him, gently holding onto it with my hand and blew on it. His hips bucked up at me, trying to get me to pleasure him completely, and that just wasn't going to happen yet. I did it again, blowing warm breath up and down his penis. He groaned again. "Kel, please..." I smirked at him, and went down to the base and licked it from bottom to top, in quick swoop. As I licked, his body followed my movements, arching his back close to me as I reached the tip.
"Kel, come on....I...I can't take this much lon-Oh GOD...."
I gently sucked on the tip and licked more as I did it. He closed his eyes, drowning in the sensation. I grinned and pulled away from him, slowly taking off my underwear. His eyes watched me intently as I moved over him, pressing my chest to his. I lowered myself onto him and I let out a moan, that was stifled with Patrick's lips pressing onto mine. Our bodies found a rhythm together as he moved inside me and I moved up and down on him. His lips forced themselves harder onto mine, making me moan in the back of my throat as his hands cupped my breasts. That was enough to send me over the edge. My body became uncontrollable as an orgasm surged through me and I moaned his name softly. Patrick was still going, and he latched his hands to my hips, thrusting harder into me, and he groaned as I felt him soon come inside of me. We both laid there breathless and he kinda laughed.
"Well...that was a good start of the tour."
"We haven't even left yet." I said, confused.
"Ah, yeah, that's right. It's a good...commemoration of the tour, then."
"That sounds much better."
We were interrupted by the sound of crying in the nursery.
"The twins." he groaned, quickly getting off the bed and throwing clothes back on. "I'll take care of them this time."
"I'll be out in a second, let me get dressed."
He walked out of the room and I watched the baby monitor on the TV, and soon enough Patrick came into view of the camera. Max was the one crying. I watched as I got dressed. He really loved those kids and he was SUCH a great father. He picked up Max and I heard Patrick singing to him. The sweet sound coming out of his mouth got Max's attention and within minutes, Max had calmed down, resting his tiny little head on Patrick's shoulder.
I was dressed and packed, and I brought all the bags that we packed out into the living room. Patrick gathered up both the kids, as I put the stuff in the car, and within a few minutes, we were headed to Farrah's. Hopefully this tour won't be as chaotic.
After we picked up Farrah, we headed over to Pete's house where everyone was waiting for us, along with a huge ass tour bus parked in the driveway.
"Whoa. That is...BIG." Farrah said, staring at it as she got out of the car.
"I have never seen one that huge before." I said.
Pete stepped out of the bus, surprising us all. "And, that is what she said."
I smirked at his joke and shook my head. Patrick was excited to see him. Him and Pete hugged for a second and Pete turned back to us. "Kel, Farrah, looking as beautiful as ever, I see."
Farrah blushed. " Andy and Joe inside?"
"Yeah, they're really excited to see you."
"I missed them too. I'm gonna go inside and see them then. I'll meet you guys back out here in a second."
We all nodded as she walked into the house. Pete's parents walked out of the house. I braced myself for more parental nonsense after the nonsense with Patrick's parents, but they were incredibly nice.
"You must be Keliah, we've heard so much about you. Congratulations on the twins." Pete's mom said, shaking my hand. His dad did the same.
Pete looked at his watch. "Guys, we gotta go, or else we're going to be late to our hotel in Japan."
After a long while of getting everybody's stuff together, I grabbed the twins and we all clambered onto the bus. It looked huge on the outside, and it was huge on the inside. It was insane. There was practically a proper living room in there, a proper kitchen-like area, even though we hardly used the last one. I opened on of the cupboards and smiled when I seen a blender in there with a note on it from Pete. 'Thought you would like having your favorite breakfast on the bus again. And who knows what kind of stuff we're going to have to blend? - Pete, xo.'
I laughed at his note and set down the twins on my lap, making faces at them to make them giggle. Joe and Andy both wanted to play with them so I handed the twins over for awhile. Patrick sat next to me with his arm around my shoulder, and I leaned on him. 
"This won't be as long as the last tour, right?"
"Only two months."
"Good...I don't think I can be away from home much longer." I said sighing.
Everyone nodded. "I agree. We just got back here and now we're touring again. But, even so, we're going to all the places we missed the first round of touring. So we'll see other stuff." Pete said.
"I just....wanna...sleep...." I said, yawning.
Before I knew it, the bus was moving, and I had fallen asleep.
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