Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Could Crush You With My Voice ~ Patrick Stump Love Story

Chapter 32

by Keliah

Tons of smut at the beginning. News of a new tour, and Patrick's parents come back to town!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] [X] - Published: 2010-09-26 - Updated: 2010-09-26 - 3972 words - Complete

Part Thirty-Two

Patrick's POV

I was stuck at the studio with Pete until like...8:00 at night because he wanted me to help him mix a song for a band I'd never even heard of. We finally finished, we said our goodbyes and I was still wide awake. I drove home, thinking about how much I missed Kel. We hadn't had much time alone since the twins were born. And I loved those kids to pieces. They were my life, my soul, everything. They were my own flesh and blood. But as much as I loved them, I missed my wife just as much.
I pulled into the driveway, noticing only the living room light on. I shrugged and got out of the car, opening the door to the house. Kel was sitting on the couch in sweats and looked up at me. "Trick! You're home!"
I kissed her, leaning over the couch and looked around. "Where are the twins?"
"They're with Farrah. We've got the ourselves." she said, getting up from the couch. I smirked as she loosened my tie and gently pushed me towards our bedroom. She pushed me down to sit on the edge of the bed, and whispered, "Wait here."
She ran into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. I pulled off my shoes, my hat, and my sweater before the bathroom door opened again. I could've wept at the sight of her.
She was standing in the doorway, a pink lace bra on, matching panties, and a completely see through robe over it. Her body had filled out every single curve of her imaginable. Her breasts were perfect, slightly spilling over her bra, and her waist was back to the way it was before she was pregnant. I don't know she did it. Her hips were wider, but her body now was a perfect hourglass shape. Her hair was finally pulled down from its normal ponytail and it was resting gently on her shoulders. I simply sat there and stared at the beauty walking towards me. She undid her robe as it fell to the floor and I quickly ripped off every piece of clothing on me except for my boxers, falling to my knees. I ran my hands up her thigh, hearing her gasp as I caressed every inch of her body. My hands moved to her ass, gently squeezing as I heard her moan again. I slowly stood up, my hands never leaving her body. "Damn." I whispered under my breath. She smiled at me and ran a hand down my cheek. "I love you." she whispered.
"I love you too." I stopped and stared again. "God DAMN. You are so...SEXY..."
She giggled and threw her head back as I moved my hands to her breasts, cupping my hands over them. She reached behind her and unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor. I pressed myself closer to her. "I want you so badly..." I hissed, grinding my hips into hers.
"Show me." she whispered slowly in my ear. I let out a soft moan, feeling her hand slide down my chest and move over my boxers. I picked her up and put her on the bed, her breasts bouncing with every movement on the bed. She opened her legs wide, just waiting for me to enter her. I was too busy touching every bit of her. I kissed her thighs, moving upwards as I did so, making her bite her lip. I could tell she had been waiting for this for awhile. I hated to keep her waiting. I pulled down her lace panties from her body, exposing her to the air and I threw my boxers off. Her hands flew instinctively to the bed sheets, gripping them tightly in anticipation. I pressed my chest to her, kissing her hard, and I slowly moved myself in her. I had to stop kissing as my mouth turned into an O shape as I went deeper inside her. She threw her head back and moaned loudly as I pressed myself in. "Oh, god, Patrick, you don't know how long I've waited for this..."
"You don't know how long I've wanted to do this..." I said breathlessly, stopping for a moment.
"No...don't stop...please..." she said softly, her arms wrapping around me, pulling me closer. I obliged and started thrusting into her slowly, taking in every shot of pleasure that hit me. I groaned, still moving slowly and I felt Kel's nails dig into my back. "Harder..." she whispered, her eyes shut and her mouth opening in pleasure.
I still moved slowly, but when I thrust into her I pressed harder. Every time I did so, Kel screamed out, moaning for more. I moved a little faster, but not much, still taking in the moment, and she moaned more. The sound of her screaming my name was music to my ears. Then she did something she's never done before. She moved her legs closer together, tightening her walls on me. I moaned out her name, mid-thrust and felt my body shiver in delight. I moved in her again, a little faster again, and soon enough, she had had it. "Faster, Patrick...oh, god, yes....right there..."
I thrust my hips harder and faster into her, making her let out short moans, as her body was forced back and forth from the weight of my body on hers. I kept moving faster and I could feel the sweat dripping down my face. Her walls clenched around me as she threw into an orgasm, screaming my name as I kept thrusting. Her body relaxed again, her arms wrapping around me once more as I kept going. I groaned with each thrust, reveling in the sensation. I moved slightly with my thrusts and Kel moaned again. "YES, PATRICK...Oh, god yes, there..."
I kept pressing on that one spot and I felt my body tense up and my thrusts becoming involuntary. She wrapped her legs around me as I thrust one last time and my body let go. Warm fluids filled her as she spasmed into another orgasm. I took a deep breath and collapsed on her chest. "Oh my god, that was AMAZING..." I said breathlessly.
"That felt SOOOO fantastic, Trick. We totally need to do this more often."
I laughed softly, got up to pull out of her and laid by her side. "Agreed."
"Ugh, that was so amazing..." she said, moving closer next to me and resting her hands on my chest. " are you liking the whole parenting thing?" she asked, a smile on her face.
"I love it. It's exhausting, but they're so cute, you sorta forget about it."
"I agree. They're far too adorable." she joked.
"Max looks just like you. He's got your eyes."
"Lily looks like you."
"Of course, the girl looks like me and the boy looks like you. How awesome is that?"
She laughed again and intertwined her legs with mine, pulling up the blanket up over us. "It's absolutely amazing..." she said with a yawn. Before I could reply, she was sound asleep on my chest, her small body up against mine. I sighed and wrapped an arm around her, closing my eyes with a grin on my face.
The next morning, Farrah showed up, both of the twins in her arms. Kel got up to answer the door and I got the cribs ready for the twins. After that, I stood in the doorway watching them talk. I could still vaguely hear their conversation. 
"These two are angels. They didn't cry the whole time."
Kel happily took them into her arms and kissed the both of them on the forehead.
"Thank you so much for taking them Farrah. YOU'RE an angel."
Farrah smiled. "It was no problem, trust me. I love having them over. was your evening?" she said, grinning,
"Spectacular. As always." she said, bouncing both of the babies gently in her arms.
I smirked, proud of myself. I walked up to the doorway and grabbed Lily from Kel's arms, so she wouldn't have to carry both.
"Thank you for taking them for the night, Farrah. It was really appreciated."
She smiled and nodded. "Sounds like it."
I blushed a little and laughed. Farrah said goodbye and headed back to her house and we both waved goodbye. I sat down on the living room couch and held up one of the toys in front of Lily. She reached for it, wiggling her little fingers. She grasped her fingers around the toy and stared at it. I still held onto it; I knew her tiny hands weren't strong enough to really hold onto anything yet, but I shook it and she watched it with such concentration. Kel sat down next to me, playing with Max and said, "Max, you wanna play with your sister?"
A slew of giggles and gurgles came out of Max's mouth. We both assumed that was a yes. We held the toy up between the two of them to see what would happen. They both just stared at it.
Kel laughed out loud, causing Max to fuss in her arms. "Well, so much for that, I guess. I tried."
She pulled Max closer to her and said, "I think it's nap time for you. You're getting awfully fussy for just getting home. Did you miss your mommy?" She continued to talk as she got up to take Max into the nursery.
I just sat there quietly with Lily in my arms and I sang softly to her out of boredom.
"I look at the world,
And I notice it's turning
While my guitar gently weeps...
With every mistake,
We must surely be learning...
Still my guitar gently weeps..." 
Her bright green eyes stared up at me for a few seconds, but they soon closed at the sound of my voice. Kel and I have tried our hardest to get them to fall asleep at the same time so that way it was peaceful for awhile. The singing trick always works. Kel was about to walk out the nursery as I walked into it. Kel took Lily in her hands as she stood in the doorway, and put her in her crib as well.
"There. A few hours of peace already."
We walked into the living room (the baby monitor had become a permanent setting on the TV) and sat down for a moment. I had something to tell her but I wasn't sure how she would take it. So...being the fool that I am, I just did it.
"Hey...Kel. I gotta tell you something."
"What is it?"
"Well, I when I was with Pete yesterday in the studio he told me something-"
"Told you what?" she was starting to get nervous now, I could tell.
"Nothing bad or anything, I promise. He, um..."
"Trick..." she said warningly.
"He asked whether we could go back on tour again." I spat out without another thought and closed my eyes. I opened them again to see Kel leaned back on the couch and staring at the floor.
"Wow...Trick, I-"
"I won't go if you won't go. Because I don't want to be away from you and the kids that long. It would only be for two months this time, and half the time will be downtime anyways. The twins can come with us too; we'll have better transportation than the bus this time and there'll be plenty of room for you, the twins, and Farrah too, along with-"
Kel put a finger to my lips. "Patrick, why are you trying so hard to convince me? I was about to say yes."
I sighed a breath of relief. "Oh."
"I suppose the better question to ask is, do you want to tour?"
"I do. I love being a husband and a dad, but..."
"You need to perform. It's in your blood." she nodded.
"That's exactly it. I can't just...stop."
"I understand that. It's why I love you."
I grinned and gave her a kiss. "So you'll come with me?"
"Of course."
I let out a squeal of excitement and decided to call the guys with the good news. I whipped out my cellphone and dialed Pete's number.
"What'd she say?" he answered quickly. Of course no, 'Hi, Patrick, how's your life going?'. But I didn't care.
That was followed by loud screaming and cheering on the other end and then some frustrated yells. It sounded like the rest of the guys were with him.
"Is Andy and Joe with you?"
"Yeah, we were making bets of whether or not Kel would let you go or not."
"And there were bets about whether or not you would even agree to it. I won both bets. And I am RICH, aren't I gentlemen? I told you I was right!" he started talking to the other two, and I listened in on it, smirking.
"Well, I should get back to the twins and all, so I'll talk to you later then."
"Right. Remember, be up and ready on Friday to go. We're leaving for Japan again at 8:00. On a MUCH better bus. Thank god."
"Tell me about it. See you in a couple days, man."
"Alright, later."
I hung up the phone and Kel looked at me with her eyebrows raised. "So...when are we going?"
"That's two days from now, Patrick!"
"I know it is. Pete didn't tell me until yesterday!"
"He's cutting things awfully close don't ya think?"
"No, he's just being an ass. This will be fantastic, I know it. Oh, jeez, I should call Farrah too." I dialed her number on my phone.
"Hey, Trick, how's life?" Finally, a proper hello.
"Amazing. I have a question to ask you."
"Hit me."
"Do you wanna come on tour with us again?"
"Hold on a second..."
I heard her put something over the phone because muffled screaming was coming through the phone speaker. I laughed a little as she started talking again. And she played it cool.
"Yeah, yeah, totally. I would love to come tour with you guys again."
"Great! We leave on Friday, I know, short noticed, but make sure you're ready before 8 a.m. We'll come pick you up before we head over to Pete's house...well...Pete's PARENTS' house."
"No problem. Talk to you later, Trick."
She hung up and I finally closed my phone, putting it back in my pocket. Kel had gotten up to fold some of the blankets that were messily thrown in the living room from everyone being here before. "So, everything's set, right?"
"Yep. I'm gonna go into the bedroom and change, so I'll be back."
I got up and headed to the bedroom.
Little did Kel know, while I was in the bedroom, I called my parents. They had called earlier when I was at the studio last night, but I couldn't answer it at the time. So I called them back.
They're back in town. As my mother always does, she made me tell her everything, and I think she almost cried when she found out she was a grandmother.
But anyways. Back to the point of the phone call.
Kel doesn't know that my parents are coming over this afternoon. You can probably imagine the smile on my face when she meets them. They are SO going to love her and the twins, I know it, and they should be coming over any time now. They never told me when, the afternoon. Yeah. I love my parents. Sometimes.
We were all seated around the kitchen table again. This time I got to try and feed Max while Kel got to fuss with Lily. 
"Aw, come on, have to eat something, sweetheart." While Kel was busy with Lily, I heard the doorbell ring. I smiled and got up to get it. Both my parents stood in the doorway, and my mom stood there with open arms.
"Patrick! We haven't seen you in so long!" she said, hugging me.
"Hi, Mom. Hi Dad."
Dad waved hello at me and hugged me as well. Kel called from the the kitchen and I heard her walking closer.
"Trick, Lily will not even try to cooperate-Oh. Hello." she said, looking back and forth at my parents as she stood next to me.
"Kel, meet my parents. This is Mom and Dad. Mom, Dad, meet Keliah."
Kel's face lit up as she realized who they were. "OH! It's so nice to meet you finally!"
Mom grabbed her for a hug. "Welcome to the family, darling. You look beautiful!"
"Thank you very much. I can see where Patrick got his green eyes!"
"Ah, well, family trait." she said with a smile.
Dad was next to say hello. "I hope Patrick has been a good husband so far?"
Kel giggled a little and I smiled at her. "Yes, definitely. He's a spectacular husband, and an amazing father."
Mom clapped her hands together. "That's right! Where are the beautiful little twins?"
"Oh yes, Maxwell and Lily. They're in the kitchen right now, we've been trying to get Lily to eat. She's a fussy one."
Mom and Dad walked past us to the kitchen and I closed the front door behind them. Kel pushed me on the shoulder with a grin. "I didn't know your parents were going to be here!"
"I've wanted to meet them for ages!"
"They just got back from their trip, and they wanted to see the kids before we left again."
"Oh, they aren't staying long?"
"I'm not really sure. I think it's probably for the day. Maybe tomorrow too."
Kel nodded. "Fair enough. Let's see if we can get either of those kids to eat now."
I giggled and put my arm around her waist as we walked back into the kitchen. Dad already had Max in his arms, and Mom had gotten Lily to finally eat. Kel put her hand to her forehead. "Oh, she's finally eating! How did you do that? She hardly ever willingly eats for either of us."
Mom smiled as she fed Lily some more of her food. "Babies tend to like me. I don't know why." I rolled my eyes as Kel shook her head in amazement.
"Patrick, your mother is amazing."
"Yes, she most definitely is. Wait until you try her pumpkin squares someday. You'll fall in love with them."
Kel laughed as Dad made faces at Max. "Max reminds me of Patrick when he was little. He's so up and alive. His eyes wide open, giggling." Dad said, putting his finger gently on Max's nose as he giggled more. "Yep. Exactly like him."
I smiled and pulled Kel closer to me, hip to hip, as we watched my parents play with the twins. Kel didn't have the heart to stop them from playing, so I had to intervene.
"It's about time for the twins' nap time. They should probably go to their cribs."
Mom took Lily and Dad took Max and we led them to the nursery, and they set them down. Mom, Dad and I watched Kel as she tucked them in with a blanket and sang softly.
"Honey is for bees silly bear,
Besides there's jellybeans everywhere,
It's not what it seems in the land of dreams
Don't worry your head just go to sleep...."
Kel hovered over them for a second, adjusting their blankets. Mom whispered in my ear, "She's wonderful, dear. I'm glad you found a nice girl."
Dad agreed. "She looks like a great mother as well."
I nodded and smiled as I watched Kel longingly as she stopped singing. She motioned for us to leave and she followed behind us closing the nursery door.
"They fall asleep so easily!" Mom said, watching the baby monitor in the living room.
Kel nodded. "Patrick and I have made a system to get them to sleep. Sometimes one will fall asleep before the other and we'll just sing to the other one and then they'll both be asleep so we have a little time during their nap times to rest."
I smiled at them both and agreed. "Yeah. Singing to them really works for some reason."
My parents sat on the couch across from us and they started asking questions. As I expected. "So, how did you two meet?"
We went through the whole story again, how she found out about being pregnant, every last detail so that way my mother couldn't say I didn't tell her anything, and luckily, Kel was perfectly fine with it. As shy as she normally is, she's really come out of her shell. She doesn't mind meeting people she doesn't know now. I don't know if it's because of me or if it's because of the kids, but, I like the outgoing Kel even more than the shy Kel.
"Well, it sounds like you guys have had quite a trip so far." Dad said with a chuckle.
Mom was paused in thought. "You mean, you two only knew each other for a week, and you got engaged?"
I already knew where this was heading. "Yes, but Mom, I didn't just-"
"You didn't just marry her because she was pregnant did you?"
"No, Mom, I married her because I-"
"Because that's absolutely no reason to marry someone, you know."
Kel spoke up a little. "Mrs. Stump, we didn't know about the baby until after we were engaged. Really. I married your son because I love him, not just for him getting me pregnant, I promise."
I grinned as Mom stopped talking about it. "And I married Kel because I love her. No other hidden reason behind it. She's definitely my better half."
Dad just sat and smiled. "You two are so alike, I can imagine so. Except for the fact that Keliah happens to be prettier than you, son. Sorry about that."
I shrugged. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
There was a bit of an awkward pause for awhile until Kel piped up again. "So, are you going to stay here until tomorrow, or are you leaving tonight?"
Dad sighed. "We've got to leave tonight. A few of our friends are throwing us a party for being back in town, so I suppose we have to go."
Mom patted him on the knee. "Now, honey, they're our friends, and the party is for us. We don't want to be rude."
"They may be our friends but that doesn't stop the Hendricksons from being complete imbeciles around us. If I see another picture of them on vacation in, Tahiti, or wherever the hell, I swear-"
"Come on, dear. They aren't that bad."
"Sure." he said with a grunt.
Kel stood up. "Well, you're welcome to stay here until Friday when we leave, if you'd like. I don't think it's any problem, right?"
I nodded. "Not an issue at all. We've got plenty of bedrooms for a reason."
"No, no, dear, we couldn't. As much as your father hates these parties, he does like them eventually anyways. I know he does." Mom said.
"Alright, if you're sure. You're welcome over here anytime though."
"Oh, we know dear. You always have been the good boy of the family." she said, pinching my cheek. I hated when she did that. But I sat there and took it while Kel giggled at the look on my face. I smirked at her and stuck my tongue out at her as she did the same. I liked having my parents around. It made me feel like a kid again.     
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