Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Could Crush You With My Voice ~ Patrick Stump Love Story

Chapter 31

by Keliah 0 reviews

The guys have some fun with the twins, and Kel's got a plan hidden up her sleeve...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-09-22 - Updated: 2010-09-22 - 2472 words - Complete

Part Thirty-One

Keliah's POV


As we quickly l learned, Patrick and I were being worn thin with two babies in the house. Luckily, Joe, Andy, and Farrah had agreed to come over and help out, which was incredibly helpful. Patrick had some meetings with people out of town that had been made long before this that he couldn't get out of (much to his own dismay for some of them), so with everyone else around, there weren't too many problems.
Pete absolutely adored Lily. Lily seemed to adore him as well. Every time he came over to visit, Lily's eyes would get wide and she would giggle. I tried to tell Pete it was because she thought his face looked funny, but that didn't seem to phase him. "Aw, look who looks just like her daddy!" he would constantly say to her, setting her on his lap. "Are you going to start wearing hats too?" he'd whisper, all the time. I didn't mind though. As long as he wasn't spewing nonsense to them, I liked that he liked Lily so much.
Joe and Andy had an obsession over Maxwell though. They've tried to teach him how to give high-fives, but I tried telling them that he's only a couple of months old, I don't think he's going to catch on it that fast. They didn't care. As much as the guys liked both of the babies, it usually ended up being either me or Farrah taking care of them when they needed something. Unless it was food. Joe loved feeding Max only because when he'd try to feed him baby food, Max would usually just let it drip out of his mouth. It was slightly disgusting, but adorable, and Joe thought it was hilarious. Farrah and I would take care of their diapers and everything else that they didn't want to do.
Pete would be in and out a lot. He had his companies to deal with and he was a busy guy, so he didn't stick around with Farrah, Joe and Andy. They all spent the night here for awhile. However, today, all of them were here, and we were all sitting on the floor of the nursery, letting Max and Lily sort of crawl around the room to each of us. I heard the door open and I got up to see Patrick putting his coat on the hanger. I ran into his arms. "YAY! You're home at last!"
"I only left for two days, Kel." he giggled, hugging me back.
"Two days too long." I said, kissing him quickly on the lips.
"God, I missed you."
"I missed you too. Come on, we've got Max and Lily crawling around in the nursery."
He set down his stuff and followed me in there, and everyone was in a circle, waiting for one of the babies to crawl to them. It was almost becoming a game. Pete held his arms up in the air when Lily crawled over to him.
"YES! Ha. Told you Lily liked me best." he said, sticking out his tongue to Farrah.
"I still agree with Kel. It's because your face looks funny."
Patrick sat down with all of us and Max, as quickly as he could, crawled over to Patrick. He smiled and picked him up. "Hey, Max, how's my little boy?"
Max just giggled and wiggled as he normally did, making Patrick smile widely.
Lily had left Pete, and was crawling over to her daddy as well, so Patrick gently put Max down, who was already headed towards Andy.
"And, Lily, how's my precious girl?"
Lily did sort of a raspberry in response and giggled. "I'm guessing she learned that from you, Pete."
Pete had a wide grin on his face. "I didn't teach her that. She just seen me do it."
I shook my head at him. "Babies are very impressionable, Pete. She seen you do it, so she's gonna do it too. So yeah, you did teach her that."
Patrick shrugged. "As long as she doesn't start putting on eyeliner and swearing, then I don't care what he does." He reluctantly put Lily back down to crawl some more and I picked her up. I looked over at Andy who had Max in his arms. "Uh...guys? I think he fell asleep."
I was about to get up when Patrick did first. "I'll take care of it." He walked over to Andy and grabbed Max into his arms, singing softly to him as he carried him over to his crib. We've both found that when we sing to them before they go to sleep, they tend to sleep longer, and they won't cry as much, so we do it any chance we can. And almost like clockwork, Lily stretched her little arms and fell asleep in my arms. They almost always fell asleep at the same time. I gently sang to her as I walked over to where Patrick was, and set her down in her crib.
"Honey is for bees silly bear...
Besides there's jellybeans everywhere....
It's not what it seems in the land of dreams,
Don't worry your head just...go to sleep..."
Soon enough, both twins were in a deep sleep. Farrah gestured for all of us to leave the nursery and we all walked out, turning the lights off behind us.
I turned the baby monitor on in the living room to be safe and sat down on the couch next to Patrick as everyone else sat down.
"Wow, they fall asleep easily." Andy said.
Farrah laughed at him. "They're babies, what do you expect? They don't have the stamina of a normal person." 
I nodded. "She's right, you know."
"Lily loves me. I know she does." Pete said, randomly and defiantly.
Patrick shook his head. "And why does it matter so much if our daughter likes you?"
"Because she's a GIRL. All girls love me."
"Honestly, Pete, she probably doesn't even realize you're a dude." Joe piped up, smirking at his own comment.
"That may be so, but that doesn't matter. All girls loves me. I know it. And she's related to you, Trick, she HAS to love me."
"Just because she's my flesh and blood doesn't mean that she has to like you. Hell, I don't have to like you sometimes."
Pete just shook his head. "She loves me."
I burst out into laughter. "Well, if Lily's in love with you, than Maxwell is in love with Joe."
Patrick giggled. "Oh really?"
Joe sighed. "What can I say? I'm a hit with the guys."
We all laughed out loud at that. Farrah punched him in the shoulder, giggling.
"I wouldn't doubt that Max likes you, maybe. But Max is definitely in love with his mother."
I smiled. "Both of my children love me no matter what. They won't when they're teenagers, but they love me no matter what for now."
Patrick nodded. "Ain't that the truth."
It was Friday night, so Farrah, Joe, Andy, and Pete were going to go home for the weekend. They all stood up and we said our thanks and goodbyes, and they all said they'd be over sometime on Monday. We waved goodbye to them as they drove out of the driveway, and Patrick smiled.
"What are you up to?" I said, looking suspicious.
"Guess what?"
"I've got the whole rest of the month free. I don't have to talk to stupid people in meetings and people bothering me about studio stuff anymore, and I don't have to leave home...oh, it's just SUPER-FANTASTIC."
"TRICK, THAT'S AWESOME!" I said, hugging him tightly. "I'm so glad you're staying home!"
"Me too. I've already been gone two days too many."
The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. Patrick wasn't next to me. Being as sleepy as I was I looked around confused for awhile and looked at the baby monitor to see the twins were out of their cribs too. I looked at the screen again, making sure I wasn't seeing things. I sat on the edge of the bed for a moment, and I smelled bacon in the air. I quickly threw on sweatpants, and pulled up my hair to see what was going on, and I found Patrick in the kitchen making breakfast, with both of the twins in their high chairs at the table. 
"What's all this?"
"A 'I'm sorry I was gone for two days and the twins were really hungry' breakfast."
I giggled and sat down at the table, watching Max and Lily giggle. They liked the sound of the sizzling bacon. "They giggle every single time I do that. It's hilarious." He said, with a grin. Both of the twins were all dressed, Lily was in a little green dress and Max had a sweater and pants on, both of them with tiny shoes too.
"So, what're we doing today?"
"I was going to take them into the instrument room and let them mess with some of the instruments in there. I bought a mini piano for them, even!"
I smiled at the excitement on his face. "Well, ok then!"
We all finished breakfast, despite the fact that Lily was being stubborn this morning. Patrick finally got her to eat her food, which took awhile, but it was done. Max, on the other hand, ate his baby food without any problems. I fed it to him, and he took it happily. After that was taken care of, I grabbed Lily and he grabbed Max and we went ahead into the music room. There was a complete studio section of the house and then there was just a room full of instruments that he used a lot. We walked into the room and there was already a bunch of baby instruments set up around the floor. We sat down with them on the floor and they were completely entranced by the sounds that some of them made. It was adorable. Max seemed to take a liking to the mini piano. He would hit a bunch of keys all at once and giggle as he did it. Lily sat down on a little toy drum kit. It was entirely made out of soft stuff so it was funny when she would hit one of the 'drums' and it made a sound. Her eyes lit up as she hit them, and Patrick's face lit up almost as much. They soon got bored of where they were, so they moved around to each instrument, banging on things, making noises, laughing. All the things babies do. Patrick and I smiled at each other as they played and I rested my head on his shoulder. "Look at them. They're so cute!"
"I wonder if this is like that thing in China, where the object they pick on their first birthday or something is what they're going to be when they're older. Maybe that's gonna be the instrument they play when they get older."
"You think both of them are going to be musicians?"
"They can be whatever they wanna be. I'm just saying they might play an instrument."
"Well then, Max is our grand pianist, and Lily is our wild drummer." I laughed.
He laughed and then paused to watch them. "They are SO beautiful."
"Indeed, they are."
Patrick left during the day by a call from Pete at the studio, so I brought over the twins to Farrah's house while he was gone. The twins seemed to like it over there anyways, they'd been there once before and they felt right at home.
We sat down in the living room and talked as the babies played next to us.
"So, anything new in life?" I asked, holding a toy in front of Max.
"Well, I was gonna call you yesterday about this, but I ended up falling asleep before I got the chance to."
"What happened?" I handed the toy over to Max who clutched onto it with his little fingers and shook it. I turned my attention to Farrah.
"Andy called last night."
"And he wanted to know if I had considered what he had said in the tour bus. It has been awhile, and I did tell him that I would think about dating him when we weren't around everyone else. Because we both know that just causes problems."
"...What do I tell him?"
"I dunno, Farrah, do you like him?"
"You know I do."
" him. See what happens. He's the only one so far that you haven't spent a lot of time with. You dated Pete for awhile and you dated Joe, and both of those ended up rather badly. Maybe Andy's the one you should've been paying attention to all along. He's the only one left."
Farrah was silent as she picked up Lily and bounced her on her lap. Lily giggled, and that made Farrah smile. "I suppose you're right. What have I got to lose now? I'm settled into a house, with my best friends who live down the street, and I've got everything I've ever wanted. Except for someone to share it with."
I looked at her. "Ah, but the Farrah I know has always been happily independent, no matter how badly she's wanted a man by her side."
"And I am, I just feel....lonely now."
"I understand. I'll always be here for you, you know that. Patrick will be too. He loves you just as much as I love you."
"And I was going to tell you too, if you ever want someone to babysit Max and Lily, I'd be happy to look after them for a night. The house came with a nursery in it, so I've got space for them. I love having them around." she said, nuzzling her nose with Lily's, making her laugh. 
I stopped and paused for a second. "That...actually sounds like a plan. I'll surprise Patrick when he gets home. It's been so long since we've had time alone."
Farrah smiled. "You go ahead and have a romantic evening with Patrick. Lily and Max will be fine here. We'll have an awesome time. Won't we?" She tickled their tummies and they wiggled, smiling a little. 
"Thank you so much Farrah. I don't what I would do without you." I said, hugging her tightly.
"Well, you wouldn't be getting laid." she joked, hugging me back.
I laughed and kissed both of the twins goodbye. Farrah said she'd bring them back in the morning, so we didn't have anything to worry about.
I waved goodbye to the twins, having difficulty leaving them behind, but Farrah reassured me again that everything would be fine. I sighed and then smiled as I drove back to the house.
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