Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The screwed up life of Jenna Malfoy

I wish I had a time turner

by jadesohma 0 reviews


Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-10-09 - Updated: 2010-12-03 - 331 words

I walk out side with out thinking, and there is grandpa. Waiting for me. I turn to go back inside but a wave of students push me out of the way.

I fall to the ground. A hand lifts me by the fore arm. As soon as I see the face I yank away.

"Oh, I just thought i'd help you like a gentalmen." He said softly.

"Gentalmen don't kill people." I spat

"Ah, all in the past, is it not?" He shurgs as if those peoples lives mean nothing.

"Not to me. And didn't I tell you to piss off? No. One. Wants. You. Here!" I scream. Every body watches.

"Please Jenna, your making a scene." He trys to touch me."Lets just go to the hogs head and talk."

"Don't touch me! And i'm sure as hell not going any where with you!" Hes getting mad. Good.

"Jenna, just-"

"No! And don't say my name! Anything that comes out of your damn mouth sounds like nails on a chalk bord! Just leave me alone! I'm sick of seeing your ugly face!" I scream. He's getting mader and mader.

"Jenna thats enough out of you! Mr. Malfoy, I think you should leave." Longbottom interveind

"Ah yes. I remeber you. I remeber you very well. By the way, was is your parents?" A snire came on his face.

Neavel shed two tears. He tucked his wand under grendpas chin. "I really think it's time for you to go, Mr. Malfoy." His eyes are dark. He looks at the ground.

"Fine. Have a nice rest of the day Jenna. I will be back." He disapperated.

"Neavel are you okay?" I ask.

The weasleys, potters, and malfoys all gather around him.

"Yes. I'm fine. Thank you. Get back to your shopping. Leave me be." He says

I pat him on the back and turn away. It's sad really. I feel bad. That was uncalled for. I only wish i could swtch back time.
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