Categories > TV > 10th Kingdom

The Four (real) Heroes - Animal

by Umbreon 0 reviews

Not all prophecies are what they seem and sometimes you have to wait just a little longer for the real fight.

Category: 10th Kingdom - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2010-10-12 - Updated: 2010-10-13 - 875 words - Complete

All I could see was red...

I didn't even know what had happened until after I came back to my senses. The red started to fade and I could just make out the bodies of our three would-be attackers. When I put my hand up to my head, it got half-way there when I noticed the blood. THAT'S when I got scared. Just what had happened? And whose blood was this? I spun around to see if my friends were alright and when I saw them I went from worried, to relieved, to scared again. Their faces said it all. I had done this.

You know how when people get really mad, they say they see red? I used to think that was all a big load. Because I've been really mad before, and that didn't happen to me. This time was different though; I hadn't just been mad, I had been in an empty-headed rage.

Something inside me...had snapped.

A boy I had just met and my best friend had seen what their little 'animal' was capable of.

And they didn't like it.

Ani's Chapter

Sometime earlier...

"And...that's about it."

"All that crap happened?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"...That's messed up."

I was talking to my friend Maribel about the crazy times I'd that week. She's one of my closest friends, but even so, she doesn't know the truth about me or my family. It's hard to say how she'd handle it.

To be honest, the conversation taking place right now has little to do with this story. It all started the day we had this talk, that's the only reason it's in here.

"Well, what are we gonna do about it?"

"There's nothing much we can do," I said as I leaned back in my chair. "We can't win."

She wasn't too happy about that. "We can't just sit here and let them get away with picking on you all the time. I swear, if I have to get transferred to your school to help..."

"You know your mom wouldn't let you do that. Besides, this is nothing compared to what my dad went through. He would have killed for this kind of acceptance."

"Acceptance? They once covered your locker door with old gum."

"Hey, as long as they don't mess with my hat, I don't care." I tapped the broken in
paperboy hat I'd had as long as I can remember. Because we were twins, my parents wanted my brother and I to be as individual as possible. Our lucky hats were early birthday presents and the only things we had that matched. "Besides, we have break coming up. One of our patented family vacations will do me a lot of good. All I have to do is get through tomorrow and we're off!"

Maribel looked confused. "Wait, is it just gonna be you and Abel? Cuz if it is, I wanna come too."

"No, well yeah, well...It'll just be us leaving, but mom and dad are already there. And you still have a crush on my brother, don't you?"

She was silent for a few seconds. "I told you, it's not so much a crush as...I don't know, it's hard to explain. I knew I shouldn't have told you in the first place. Anyway, it's the same way you feel about Roxas."

"How I feel about him? I barely know him. What I want to know is why he gave himself such a lame nick-name."

"I know you barely know him, but you get this weird look in your eye whenever he's around."

"Okay, this is the last time I'll say it: I had gas that day, end of story. You have to go now Mari, see you later."

I stood up and started to shoo her out of the house.

"Wait a minute, you still haven't said if I can come. You're the one who said we need to hang out more."

We were at the front gate when I stooped pushing. "Another time maybe. We're gonna be traveling around and who knows where we might end up."

"At least tell me when you're leaving. That way I can see you off."

"Tomorrow after school. We're just gonna pick up some things and head for Grand Central."

"Cool. I'll met you guys here. Bye."


She saw my brother on the porch and waved. He nodded 'bye'. As I walked back up the steps, he stopped me.

"So how long is this side-track gonna take? You know they're holding up the party just for us."

"I know. It shouldn't be too long, she just wants to say bye."

"But what if she wants to say bye from a train platform? Then what?"

"Oh crap, I hadn't thought of that. I guess we're just going to have to make a break for it. Her school's far enough away...We should be able to get to Central Park before she gets here," I let out a heavy sigh. "I just hope she doesn't hold it against me."

"She won't. She's your best friend. Just leave her a note that mom and dad called or something."

"Yeah, you're right. I better get inside and finish packing. Kingdoms, here we come!"
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