Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Halls of Hogwarts

the blood boost potion

by jjbro 0 reviews

Harry takes part in a typical Indy!Harry shopping scene.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2010-10-15 - Updated: 2010-10-17 - 7801 words - Complete

A/N: I Don't own nuffin.

Harry Potter and the Halls of Hogwarts
Chapter 3 – The blood boost potion

Harry woke up that day at about 3 o'clock just over 11 hours after he fell asleep, not wanting to get up, his eyes plastered shut with grime and sleep, his fringe sweatily stuck to his forehead by forgotten nightmares.

Prying his eyelids apart with herculean strength he pulled off the thick quilt of his bed and placed his unsteady feet on the rough carpet floor. Heaving himself off the bed Harry made his way into the bathroom and splashed a load of water on his face and looked in the mirror. He had fallen asleep in his clothes and cloak. Not good.

Looking further Harry saw how small and skinny he was, how pale and blotchy. Brushing his teeth Harry mulled over his plan for today before rinsing and spitting it into the sink. He liked this plan. It was a good plan.

Disrobing, Harry stepped into the warm shower thoroughly enjoying the magically heated water and spent half an hour washing himself before getting out and drying himself off. After staring at himself in the mirror for a while, making poses, he wrapped his towel around his waist and went back into the bedroom. Relaxed after his long shower harry checked his clock. It was 4. 'Plenty of time' he thought, smiling to himself. Getting off his bed he waltzed (literally) up to his wardrobe doing a little twirl and pulled out a too small robe. The smile on his face faltered for only a moment before returning - he had something else to add to his shopping list. Putting his robe on he patted himself down and picked up his room key and vault key stuffing them roughly in his pocket.

Closing the door gently behind him Harry pranced down the stairs. He felt exorbitantly happy today, just as he had last night. Hopping and skipping on the odd step and nattering to himself as he made his way down into the bar area of the pub without a disguise. It was reckless, yes, but it would make his escape all the sweeter as he slipped through his minder's grasp once more. Going down the steps Harry got himself a butterbeer from the bar and a plate of bangers and mash smothered in gravy with a generous portion of lovely garden peas. After finishing his meal harry got up from his table and pulled on his cloak. Wandering out side harry tapped the brick above the dustbin and pottered out into the wonderful Diagon Alley. Taking two steps to the left harry leant against the wall and checked his watch:
Harry looked up as the sounds of bells and songs erupted from Gringotts wizarding bank as the last note of the song ended and the bells began.


Harry watched excitedly the top of the Gringotts bank when 5 seconds had gone past harry slumped his shoulders in a disappointment when with a sudden whoosh hundreds of owls started to pour forth from the wizarding bank.

With a sinister smile Harry pulled his hood up above his head and pulled it back as the last owl sailed overhead. Now his Plans were really starting to unfold. With his head held high harry proudly walked down the cobbled crooked street passing wizards and witches who stared and gaped in shock moving on with out even a nod.

Stopping in front of the steps harry gathered his breath and strode pride fully through the both sets off doors and walked up to an empty counter. With a smile to the goblin staring at his forehead Harry took another deep breath and focused on what it was he wanted to say.

"I want to spend a lot of money today. More then I'll probably ever spend again I'd like to have something that can spend as much money as I want without having to go to my vault to get it. And I'll need it today. I'll also need a vault key for my royalties fund."

The goblin looked at Harry with a sneer. He clicked his fingers before replying and another more junior goblin went scurrying off.

"Will all purchases be made in Diagon alley or one of the adjoining alleys and do you have a Gringott vault and key Mr. Potter?"

"I think so, yes and yes" Harry said.

"Well then Mr. Potter, it seems you do not know all shops in Diagon alley and suchlike can take money out of your account by using your key in their till. Does this suit your needs?"

"Erm well yeah, thanks, I feel stupid. Thanks for your time." Said Harry flushing red. Once again his ignorance of the wizarding world had shown him up. The other goblin scurried back and reached up and over the counter with the key. Quickly getting up and walking out the doors harry swore he could hear the goblin snickering. This ignorance would have to be rectified.

Getting out into the fresh air Harry looked around. He knew he had a lot to do but he had no idea where to start. Feeling that 24 hours was more then enough time for everything he'd eventually think of, and then some, Harry decided to go and see what he required for school. Harry's eyes widened,

"Damn it!” Harry exclaimed before legging it back to the leaky cauldron. Pushing past some people coming through the archway he ran into the inn and ran up the steps ignoring the cries of "Harry Potter?" behind him. Looking around Harry spotted his trunk at the bottom of his bed and quickly kicked it open. Rummaging through its contents harry came across his Hogwarts letter. Taking out the badge and the letters Harry came across his reply slip. He let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god" Harry said, "I thought I'd lost you" with another little sigh harry picked up the letter picked up his only biro pen and walked back down he steps not bothering to tidy the room.
Bounding down the steps Harry walked out the back door ignoring surprised "Harry Potter?"s again. Taking out his wand he walked out toward the brick wall and tapped the brick. Standing back while the archway formed Harry noticed a girl through the archway, she was pretty. After the archway was done Harry stepped through and walked off towards his favourite ice cream shop and sat down under the afternoon sun eating some mint and chocolate scoop ice cream with various Bertie Bott's beans scattered in.

Harry pulled out his letter and looked down at it,
Dear Mr. Potter

It has come to a time in your life when you choose the path you want your skills to take and, by extension, further define your place in British wizarding society. Underneath are some options available to you by your O.W.L scores as well as some electives available for N.E.W.T studies, please check the boxes in accordance with the lessons you choose to take. Two electives and 8 courses are allowed. Professor Dumbledore has stated that you are to be put down for Apparation automatically. Electives are single year courses, that will only have a singular lesson per week. Electives are certificated by the ministry of magic upon completion.
Yours sincerely,
Madam Tofty

Ministry of Magic Educational board.
Advanced Transfiguration
Advanced Charms
Advanced Defence Against the Dark Arts X
Advanced Care of Magical Creatures X
Advanced Astronomy
Advanced Potions
Advanced Herbology
Advanced Divination
Transfiguration X
Charms X
Defence Against the Dark Arts
Care of magical creatures
The art of the Animagus – A practical/a study
Dark arts – a study
Business and marketing – a practical/a study
Muggle prospects – a study/a practical
Apparation – a practical X
Duelling - ICW standard – a practical X

After reading the parchment, Harry crossed the lessons he wanted then folded it. The regular courses were simple choices. Advanced DADA, as it was his strongest and most engaging subject. Advanced Care of Magical Creatures because knowing it would be the more interesting, less mundane animals, made it a fascinating and interesting subject for Harry. Knowing Hagrid, it would be one of the few advanced courses that didn't offer much in the way of written work, which was always a bonus. After a small amount of internal debate Harry had decided upon regular N.E.W.Ts in Transfiguration and Charms. They were useful skills and ordinarily would be worth developing to a higher degree. However, there was a war on. A war in which Harry had to play a key role. He couldn't afford the strain of 4 Advanced courses at the expense of the war. For his singular elective choice Harry had decided upon Duelling. Becoming an Animagus would be a tactical advantage; becoming well versed in duelling, considering Voldemort's penchant for it, would be a much larger one. Harry, for once, couldn't feel too angry at Dumbledore for selecting an elective for him. He knew himself to realise that Apparation would have been the course he chose without hesitation. The Dark Arts option had been . . . seductive, but Harry would take a practical over a study any day of the week.

While finishing his ice cream Harry strolled over to the post office and sent off his reply slip off with a medium sized owl as Hedwig had not yet returned. Walking back outside Harry passed a little vendor when something caught his eye. Returning he saw on the stall a couple of Daily prophets with pictures of Fudge looking forlorn and occasionally raising his bowler hat to pat down his hair. Above it a bold headline declared Fudge's dismissal and the appointment of the new Minister for Magic. It went on to explain that the minister had temporarily suspended the Decree for the restriction of underage magic for all those above the age of 12 and lowered the apparation laws to all those who had passed their OWLs. After Harry had finished reading the paper, Harry bought a copy just for that picture.

Harry turned away in annoyance as he saw the paper man's eyes flit up to his forehead. The only injustice was that Fudge had not been given the boot earlier. Walking away harry consulted the mental shopping list he had made up while he had been licking his ice cream. First and foremost on the list were his wizarding and school clothes. His current wizarding clothes were much too small for him and he definitely had to stop in at Madame Malkins to get some new stuff as well as some dress robes. He had a feeling that Dumbledore would be throwing another ball, it would be just his style, after the success of the first yule ball, to introduce another to take the student's minds of the war.

Meandering his way down the street Harry spent a while checking out the Quidditch shop. He mentally added the store to his list of places to go. Approaching the wooden door Harry turned the doorknob and walked on in. Walking up to the counter harry pressed the bell and waited patiently until a young lady came up.

She looked about twenty and had just past shoulder length hair, a dark hazel in colour, that flicked out near the ends. Her chocolate brown eyes neatly complimented her lightly freckled pale skin, and her choice of clothes a loose flicked off the shoulder robe which showed off a bit of her neck and the top of her torso. As she spoke Harry found himself paying more attention to her husky voice then what she was saying only snapping out of his day dream when she looked up and met his eyes.

"I'm sorry," Said Harry, "Could you repeat that please"

"Erm yeah, I said we're a bit low on staff at the moment Mr…?"

"Oh I'm Harry" Said Harry awkwardly.

"Harry Potter?" She said a bit breathlessly, her eyes flitting up to his forehead.

"Yeah" He sighed, he knew now that there was no chance of her seeing the man, not the scar.
"Erm right this way Mr. Potter" she said, twirling her hair in her hand. Harry sighed again, 'Damn you scar' he thought sardonically.

"I'd like a dress robe, all the Hogwarts stuff, no hat, 4 of each except the cloaks which id like just 2 off and I'd like some normal, red, blue, green and black, all except black in the dark and light colours, well not light but warm so a dark blood red and warm fire red. Something like that. Thankyou" Harry finished.

"Yes sir, Mr. Potter, we'll just get you measured up then you come and collect the clothes about a week at noon to collect them, is that okay?" She asked.

"Yeah that's fine." Getting up on the stool Harry let the girl measure him blushing whenever her hair or her hand came into contact with his skin. It was with a sigh of relief that Harry quickly stepped down when the all clear was given, and after paying for the clothes, thanked her and walked quickly, perhaps rudely, out of the door.

Next, Harry went to one of his favourite shops in the alley Quality Quidditch Supplies. As soon as he walked in he saw the firebolt he had seen in the summer before the third year gleaming proudly in its showcase. With a pang Harry was reminded of the broom from Sirius which he had not yet gotten back. What if he couldn't get it back? What if he did? Would his ban be lifted? Harry assumed that it would be, and that he would get it back. The broom held significant sentimental value for him, beyond its worth as a firebolt. Would he want to fly it in matches if he did get it back? He figured it wouldn't hurt to browse the shop's range of brooms and assorted accoutrement.

Ignoring the sales man, a middle aged balding man with a large belly, Harry began to peruse the stores wares. The shop itself, in keeping with the rest of the alley, was actually quite short on space. Excepting the tasteful display of broom models on plinths on the left most wall, the rest of the shop was riddled with a warren of narrow corridors, somewhat chaotically. Quaffles, Bludgers and Snitches hung from the ceiling like an oddly colour star chart. Packeted Quidditch armour reached out brushing him as he wormed his way past. Eventually he picked up some Quidditch shin guards. His old pair had become somewhat frayed, and a pair of seeker gloves spelled for grip that left the fingertips uncovered, enhancing broom handling without breaking the rules of a legal snitch capture.

Holding them in one hand, Harry made his way over to the broom plinths. There were seven models in total, excluding the firebolt in the window. The newest broom there was a nimbus 2002, while the rest were slightly older models of varying brands. Harry was sad to see that there was no nimbus 2000 on display. Seeing a broom with a lightning bolt on the handle not dissimilar to Harry's own scar, Harry turned to the lurking store attendant.

"Hello sir.” Harry started “What can you tell me about that lightning marked broom?"

The salesman attempted to gain an air of benign superiority, unfortunately undercut by the wormtail-esque flavour of nervousness that seemed inherent to his being.

"Well Sir, 'The Lightning XJ' is the fastest broom we have, the fastest in existence. However, if you were looking for a good broom for a amateur Quidditch match the thing you'd want would be the nimbus 2002. With its new patented design, its in a whole different league to the nimbus 2001. It's just superior" He finished.

"No, hang on a minute, why not this lightning broom?"

"Oh, Sir, don't you go be getting yourself worked up about that" He said, "No-one can fly one of them. They were geniuses I tell you, but they went too far! They should have stopped with the Universal XJ but they tried to improve on it. If it ain't broken don't fix it I say. But they were too blinded by ambition. And they left the world with only 11 working models of what is probably the best broom that will ever be made. It may be have been made in '89 but we all still say it is the best. It can fly at just over 1,100mph! 1,100Mph sir! They must have rewrote the book on broomstick enchantment Sir, I don't mind telling you. It's surely impossible to create something that fast with traditional methods. The next best on the market, can do 170 maybe 180 if you're lucky. Now only one of the original team is still alive, designed the firebolt he did but his dream is to recreate the lightning. Never will though I say. Too much of its is gone, they never will. . .” The man trailed off morosely, while speaking, his passion for the subject had come out.

Harry listened in fascination as the salesman told his tale before tentatively asking if they had one.

"Aye," He replied, "We have 2 in a warehouse far away from here in Australia, but this here is a model. Really its nothing but a piece of wood." Reaching up to the plinth above Harry's head he grunted as he pulled down the most beautiful broom harry had ever seen.

"I'll take it." He said

"Sorry sir, but no, they're not for sale. The only guy to ever fly one of this crashed into the ground so fast all that was left was a spray of red mist hanging in the air. Its suicide to have one of these and he took the number down to 10. They're practically priceless."
"If you had to estimate what would you say?"

"300,000 Galleons minimum. They're collectors items now. I was lucky enough to inherit my 2 from one of the inventors. It is strictly illegal to fly them."

Harry took in a sharp breath, he would never be able to afford or fly on that broom. To fly that fast, the thought staggered him. It would be the most exhilarating experience Harry could imagine. Harry sighed. It was not to be. If wizards had been to meant to fly that fast, they'd have been given wings.

"Let me just buy these gloves and shinguards then" Harry said.

Harry watched as he rung up the till and bagged his purchases. Thanking the attendant, Harry gazed longingly at the broom one last time before leaving the shop.

Looking up to the clock on the face of Gringotts Harry saw it was 20 to 6. He had already lost the best part of an hour and he still had so much to do. Deciding it wouldn't do to have to keep asking for the time or searching for clocks wherever he went like a headless chicken Harry resolved to finally replace the watch he had broken during the second task of the Tri-wizard tournament. Walking down towards a jewellers and maker of magical accessories, Harry wondered what a magical watch would be like as he'd never owned one before. Even though he had been in the wizarding world for about 6 years now he still knew next to nothing about it. He knew a lot about Hogwarts but the rest of the wizarding world was as enigmatic to him as to a muggle. That had to change. Harry resolved wizarding history and cultures would be the first category of books he sought at Flourish & Blotts. Harry doubted that with his army of pure blood followers Voldemort was as ignorant as he.

Harry paused at the door, looking through the window at the display; Harry saw a miniature galaxy, thousands of stars spiralling around a slight distortion in space, their gas being pulled off into the singularity of a super massive black hole. His astronomy lessons had taught him something. It was odd to think that he would never have to wake up at midnight for a class again. Well, as far as he was aware. He moved from the lightly frosted glass front to the door. Entering, a loud sonorous tolling rang clear and strong out into the shop. Harry looked up, a tiny bell above the door was responsible for the announcing cadence.

Looking around was incredible to Harry. So many expensive and incredible things filled tasteful displays. Credit here went to the Dursleys. As a child the Harry had not been allowed in halfords for fear of oddness let alone anything like a jewellery store. Eyes sparkling Harry walked around the counters looking for a watch. There was an array of jewelled watches displaying planets to tell the time, watches like the Weasleys', with 'insert here' name tags, watches with schedules and watches with tiny scenes from wizarding history. But not anywhere was there a watch that harry would even remotely consider buying.

Heading up to the counter Harry rang a small service bell. This time the noise matched the bell from which it had originated. A thin slender young man came up who wore many rings and a necklace, he looked like a catalogue for the store. The man swanned over to him before abruptly turning and starting to scribble in a log book.

"Hello dear, what can I do for you today?" Said the man, not turning to face Harry.

“I'm looking for a simple watch but the ones I've seen here are a bit too complicated, I want a watch that tells the time without testing my astronomy skills, or history knowledge." The man continued scribbling in the ledger, irritating Harry. “If your too busy however, I can shop elsewhere and not waste your valuable time” Said Harry, raising his voice as he came to the close of his sentence.

The man placed down his quill, placed his hands on his hips and raised his head to the ceiling, eyes closed. He contrived to express to the universe at large that his time was valuable, that the universe at large didn't understand the importance of the task he was undertaking, but that he would of course grudgingly attempt to aid this ignorant client. Harry thought he pulled it off rather well.

The attendant's expression brightened. "Oh, Wait there sweetheart I have got just the thing for you" A smile lighting up his face. The attendant walked out the back door into the store room and after the sounds of much shuffling and exertion came back with a tray full of watches. During the time Harry had looked around and watched as other people came and went in the store. Considering the return of Lord Voldemort Diagon Alley was surprisingly busy.

Distracted out of his musings by the returning attendant, Harry watched as he plonked a case down on the counter in front of harry and pull of the lid. Inside were thick watches ranging from a muggle Rolex to what looked like a magical sport watch, some had linked straps while others had plastic. Some even had displays that wouldn't be remarkable in the muggle world.
“These are our range of watches, without wanting to sound like a 'sympathiser', for muggle-borns. We find its good to have a stock like this for the wizards and witches who, raised in the muggle world, want a time piece that could fit in there."

"Well, that one is obviously magical” He pointed to the sports watch “Do some of them have special wizarding features?" Harry asked eagerly.

"Well, about half of them just tell the time but we've had them enchanted and ensourcelled so they will never run out of juice and operate in heavy magical environments like the ministry, or Hogwarts. But. . . other then that they are almost perfect muggle watches.
Now, the others have slightly different properties. These" He said, holding up three of the 15 watches, "Can record and send information to other watches, so if you bought two of them you could correspond with another person wearing another of these models," putting them back down he picked up another two watches, "These," He continued, "Can display 3D maps of wherever you are and, provided you been there before, it can store up to 3 maps on its crystal core for permanent use. So typically the 3 places you visit most often." Putting on a stage whisper he continued “Though, if you asked me, why anyone would want a map of the places they visited most often is beyond me” Setting them down in their places He picked up 1 more which looked rather tatty.
"This one has an adjustable portkey. 7 recordable spaces. Get someone to programme in the destinations or do it yourself if you can, and a convenient method of travel for the wizard in a hurry."

"No, I'd rather not have one of those, I've had some rather bad experiences with portkeys. What does the last watch do?" Harry said.

"Ahh, well that's a good one dear, you've an eye for quality, sir. This is absolutely beautiful, I love it" Reaching down the attendant pulled out the final watch. It was beautiful but large, perhaps too large for his skinny wrists. It was a dull silver and very elegant with a weird bumpy yet smoothly curving face, there were 3 circles showing seconds, minutes and hours, by a series a small lights that flicked on and off as time passed. The lack of numbers was a minus, no matter how stylish the watch.

"What do the buttons do?" Harry asked.

"Well sweetheart," Said the attendant, "The top left button activates an altimeter, the top right button changes and sets the display panel, the bottom right panel activates a small light to shine from the watch face while the bottom left sets an alarm clock, but that isn't really very loud. The best thing is though this watch was made by the same company as the earlier portkey watch, and each of the four buttons can activate a different portkey." He put up his hands placatingly “I know you said you weren't keen on portkeys. However, considering the quality of the product, its price really starts to look like a smart bargain.”

Starting to catch on to the salesman game Harry asked, "Ok, and how much is that bargain?"

"Oh, 165 Galleons, its genuine platinum" Smiled the attendant innocently.

“I'm afraid not” laughed Harry, “however, this wasn't all for nothing, I will take those three communicating watches”

“Certainly, Sir” was the gloomy reply. The man checked his own watch – moving some bracelets out the way – and then tapped each of the three watches with a slender ebony watch and muttering 'tempus'. A dull green light flared followed by a slow dispersing viscous green cloud. “The watches are all set. That will be 36 galleons, Can I help you with anything else?”

As the attendant wrapped up the two other watches Harry put on his watch and pulled out his key to pay. As soon as he had Harry thanked the attendant and went out his way. Back in the sun Harry checked his new watch. 5:58.

Harry needed somewhere to live for the summer and somewhere to learn. It wouldn't do to live on the streets where any one could find him. He had no place to go other than Grimmauld place or Privet drive and he wouldn't be going to either of them anytime soon. Thinking back to his 4th year harry thought of Alastor Moody's trunk. That would be a solution, the only problem would be that he didn't know how to magically conjure food, well he'd learn or die trying. Hopefully the former. Harry added cookery and food books to his mental tick list. Walking down the alley Harry followed the sign's arrows to end of Diagon Alley and into the industrial alley where the bestiaries, tradesmen and corporation H.Qs were located.

Harry had almost reached the end of the long Alley and was about to turn back before he noticed a sign for Larimey's Luggage. Walking up and ignoring the horrible smells of burnt plastic and suchlike Harry walked into the shop. It was even more clustered then Ollivander's but there was a lot more light and a lot less dust. Looking to an open door at the back harry could see alternate flashes of red blue and yellow appearing from the outside. As no-one appeared to be inside Harry went over to the back door to see what was making the fuss. Out back he could see what he guessed to be two men and women. It was hard to tell as they were all wearing thick suits to protect them for the spitting of a huge piece of metal they were working on. The person farthest from the left spotted Harry and made a complex motion with his wand which seemed to completely freeze the metal they were working on which glowed red from the intense heat.
Pulling down his mask the man covered in sweat smiled,

"How can I help you young sir…oh gosh, could it be? Harry Potter?"

"Yes," Said Harry, "I was hoping to buy a trunk with multiple compartments that I could use to live in and that would have working utilities, water, sanitation, some capacity for food storage, that sort of thing.”

"Anything for you Mr. Potter, and may I just say what an honour it is to meet you. If my Judy knew who'd I be meeting today, I doubt she'd have taken the day off. My word, Harry Potter. . .” The man, presumably Larimey trailed off into silence.

“Yep, that's me” Harry repeated. “About that trunk? It's really quite urgent”

“Of course, Of course Sir! Gonna' be a tough order to fill. I suppose we could get one of our pre-existing models and add some modifications to it. We should be able to give you an unlimited supply of certain food types. You know what? I think I've got the trunk for you. I can't afford you the time to look around it if we are to get your order completed by 4 tomorrow. But I'll give you a rough description ok? There's 2 normal trunk like compartments that can expand up to twice their normal size (well will do when we charm 'em) then the final third compartment will be a small room. We won't include furniture or anything like that. But it should be about the size of a small to medium bedroom. I'm sorry, but we can't be more exact then that. We'll just have to see how far we can push the charm work on such short notice. We'll need money up front for all the supplies.

"Not a problem Mr?"

"Larimey, Larimey Jenkins but you can call me Larry"

"Thanks Larry, and Harry's fine too. Here's my key how much would you estimate it to be?"

"Basically we're constructing a tiny, tiny flat here. Somewhere between 850 and 1000 galleons. We'll take a 1000, and I'll reimburse you what we don't spend. For you Mr. Pott-Harry, labour is free. We've all got the same enemy."

"Thankyou, I appreciate it. I really do. I'll be back just at 4 tomorrow ok?"

"Yes sir, Mr Potter, here's your key" Larry said.

As Harry left he could hear the man run back out side and he guessed he was chronicling his meeting with 'The Harry Potter'. Harry ticked another major problem of his list it was 20 past 6. He glanced down knockturn alley. Not yet, that alley probably had the highest concentration of Dark informantants. It would be better to wait for the dark of night Going back to his list Harry decided that while he was down here he would visit two of shops he had seen. One for himself and the other because it was never too early for Christmas shopping. To his knowledge Ron, while obtaining his other needed card, had not yet obtained Agrippa.

'But first' Harry thought 'I need some protection'. Heading back toward an armoury Harry had seen earlier he stepped through into the clustered store (which seemed to be part of the layout for all the stores down the industrial alley). Harry looked around and saw thousands of knives and weapons with many stylised hides of beasts and such.

Walking up to the counter Harry looked around for any type of helper in the store and seeing none harry pressed the bell on the counter. Harry almost jumped out of his skin as a young man probably in his late twenties melted out from the shadows.

"How can I be of service mister Potter" Said the man a little eerily, strike that, very eerily.
"Errr," Said Harry still quite shaken, "Yeah, I think I need two types of armour. ICW standard duelling armour and genuine Dragon hide battle armour, if you have any."

"Yes Mister Potter." The eerie young Ollivander in training slowly walked off to a hanger full of scaly cloaks and vests. There were trousers and boots on the shelf above them while some wicked looking helmets rested atop spikes, a mix of dragon hide and 3 long dragon talons, and a bit of metal covering temple to temple.

"Will this do Mister Potter?” The voice sounded right behind his right shoulder, “Please try what you want on for size. If you require further assistance do not hesitate to ask" Stepping backwards the man rounded a corner and his footsteps faintly pattered away. Harry inspected the two sets of armour he had received. The ICW Duelling armour was a soft crème colour, leaning towards white. It was double quilted and soft to the touch, full of absorbent padding. Provided was armour for his legs, torso and arms. Comfortable and supple they moved with his joints and body. The dragon hide armour was more complicated. Guards for his forearms also concealed a wand holster each. The upper arms were left exposed up to shoulder where the torso armour flared out. The chest piece was two half pieces left whole around the neck in a type of hinge style, and buckled tight by four small belts down the sides, on the waist and ribs. His legs were similarly protected by high boots, and the thighs left bare. The entire set was a dark, shimmering green in colour.

Going back up to the counter Harry pressed the bell and watched as shadows spawned the shopkeeper once more. It didn't impress Harry as much as it had before,

"I'll take these, please and thank you."

"Are you sure Mister Potter, Dragon hide of this quality is very expensive, this altogether will cost about 80 galleons."

"Giving what I've already spent today I think I'll go on ahead and buy the hides, and throw in another pair of those boots please."

"As you will, Mister Potter."

As soon as Harry had paid he left the shop. Something about that man, perhaps the shadow trick, or his desire to stand close enough for Harry to feel his breath upon his neck had made Harry deeply uncomfortable.

The time was 7:20 a whole hour had been wasted. Harry had best get all his books quickly before Flourish & Blotts closed. The irregular hours kept by wizarding shops made efficient time management quite taxing. Harry headed toward the last place he needed to go in the Industrial Alley. Entering the Head Quarters for the chocolate frog company he went up to the counter for custom orders. Conjuring a picture for them harry paid and put down where he wanted the finished article to be sent and when to be sent, gift wrapped of course. He then went and ordered a rare card, looking at the rather hefty price of 50 galleons a card, considering they were just that, chocolate frog cards.

Finally leaving that alley Harry returned to the relatively clean and cool air of Diagon alley, and his wandering feet eventually led him to the post office he'd visited earlier. Looking up wondrously Harry gazed up at all the owls. There was not a shape, colour, size or species not present in that wonderful hooting owl palace.

"Yeah it gets you that way don't it?" a young man in his early twenties chuckled, laughing gently at Harry who tore his gaze from the sight.

"I'm here to send letter of course, have you got any quill and parchment in here? Or is it all bring your own letters?"

"No mate don't worry, there's a table over there with all the ink and parchment you need, when your finished come up here and pick an owl, if you want to send a howler don't bother writing, just come up to this speakerphone, k? Parchments 2 knuts a piece.

"Thanks" said Harry gratefully to which the blonde young man just nodded amicably. Slouching over the counter his arms crossed haphazardly beneath him, he turned back to his newspaper.
Harry strolled over and wrote a short letter to Dumbledore, outlining his plan for the next few weeks and how he would be spending his time order free, he might have been a bit rude but truthfully he gained a modicum of satisfaction at his letter acerbic tone. After about 15 minutes harry read over his letter and found it exactly to his liking, strolling back up to the bored looking attendant Harry asked if he could have a delayed message sent at say around 6 pm the next night to someone If he wanted, to which the man replied he could.

"Good" said Harry, "can you send this to Albus Dumbledore at 6 pm tomorrow night please?"

"Sorry little man, can't do that only people who can send owls to Dumbledore are people who know him or big time official companies, it's like the Minister or Harry Potter"

"Ahh I see, can you please send this to Remus Lupin, at the same time as before, thank you"

"Yeah sure thing mate. That'll be 1 sickle and 11 knuts"

Harry took the money out his pouch and paid the man after he added a post script detailing that the letter was truly for Dumbledore. He hesitated a moment before adding a small 'hope all is well, Remus', thinking the pleasantry could only serve to further highlight the letter's tone for Dumbledore.

Handing the letter over to the young man Harry walked out back into the fast fading sunlight, deciding to finish the rest of his business in Diagon alley for that night. Harry noted that it was now 10 to 8. Flourish & Blotts would have to come now. Without Hermione, as much as he loved her, the trip might not take too long.

As it was, Harry remained in the book shop until closing time. Browsing the huge selection of magical tomes available took time, as did sorting out all the topics he had vaguely decided to cover at one time or another. With what looked like a month in a small, sparsely furnished room Harry wanted to put his time to good use, and not go stir crazy.

His first purchases were the most easy, he selected several chronological books on recent wizarding history following the first rise and fall of Voldemort. After that, things got tricky. There was no book there clearly labelled 'A book on all the weird wizarding stuff you'll come across in modern times' so he spent a lot of time searching before he settled on a dry text name The Enchantments behind your Wizarding Life and the Witching guide: 1996, essentially a book on peerage and social events of the year.

Next, Harry sought out more applicable magical texts. He bought any book in the 'Hogwarts: back to school' section that mentioned the 6th or 7th year including books on potions and herbology. Harry then went for one legillimency and one Occlumency text respectively as companion books for Remus' birthday gift, as well as a small highly lauded book on apparation. After some deliberation, Harry also picked up a book on the art of Animagus, he could always give to someone at school who had taken the elective when finished. As Harry ventured into obscurer magic and more dubious texts he found a book on Technomancy, and one on wizarding dance. He took both in the spur of the moment as the shopkeeper came to chivvy him while he started to close the store. In total the books had cost him over a hundred galleons. Harry tried to recall his purchases. If he'd not discovered his royalties vault would he have almost emptied his trust fund by now?

After a long heartfelt sigh, Harry began the process of shrinking down his many book bags and sticking them in his pockets, giving his robes a rather bulky look. Harry groaned before pulling them all out and casting a feather light charm as well. When done he decided to visit WWW another time and turned down Knockturn Alley. Harry noticed that at this time of night Knockturn alley didn't seem so scary as it had been the first time he came. The hags were less imposing, the streets less filthy, the buildings less small, and the whole evil aura lessened to a kinda shady grey patch. Of course, now harry thought about it, even a ministry as corrupt and ignorant as Fudge's wouldn't let a haven for dark wizards just be one turn off of Diagon Alley, One of the main gathering points for witches and wizards across the united kingdom. Unrecognised in the darkness Harry strolled down the dim alley and entered a pet shop, he couldn't have a spider these sizes with Ron in the same dorm as him, and none of the snakes he met seemed very nice to him, the Malfoys of the snake world.

Leaving a store having not spent a knut was a weird feeling for Harry and he rectified this with a venture into Borgin & Burkes, finding that it too was less menacing then it had been during his first visit. Harry bought some small back shelf dark magic books, and paid off Burke not say anything. After leaving with only 3 books Harry strolled back up the alley till he came to the corner that straddled the two alleys. Seeing the corner was actually a shop in itself Harry ventured into Transformation. He saw a room like a tattoo parlour with a small curtain in the corner with what looked like a laid back dentist chair in the middle surrounded by odd looking tools, designed for purposes he didn't want to know. The room was a sterile white marble. Going over to the counter Harry rang a bell and out came a small, tired looking witch, with a fierce intelligence apparent in her eyes.

"How can I help you, Mr Potter, on this fine evening, it's a bit late to be up for people of your age especially near an alley like this, Mr Potter." The shrivelled woman looked at him with mirth and a dumbledoresque twinkle in her eyes, feeling a bit unnerved Harry decided to just leave, he didn't really think there was anything he would be interested in here anyway.

"Well, I'm just brows…"

"Oh no Mr Potter, don't go yet. . . I know something that will interest you." Wow, thought Harry, this must be the effect Trelawney had been trying to emulate throughout her tenure at Hogwarts. Harry remained silent for a moment.

“Very well” he said, “I'm listening”

"I used to be an unspeakable in the ministry before Fudge came into power and pointed our department in a 'new direction' and I blend magic with muggle knowledge, Mr potter, for great effect. Most clients require optical transformation for corrected vision. I can see that would interest you. Surely?”

Harry nodded. “Please. Take a seat” she continued, more confidence suffusing her speech. “I'll need your glasses for this.” She said, snatching them off his face herself as Harry reclined. Crossing to a previously unnoticed bubbling cauldron she extracted a small beaker of potion that she then placed the lenses in. Harry watched as her blurry form came back toward him. “Head back. Eyes open, young man” Harry obeyed and tried not to blink as she placed 7 drops of potion in each eye. “Blink” She commanded. Harry blinked. When his eyes reopened the world swam back into focus, as sharp as it had ever been with his glasses on.

“Woah” Harry exhaled.

“Yes, it can take you that way, can't it?” She remarked, inspecting her fingernails disinterestedly.

After a moment she continued “Mr Potter, now that you've sampled a small portion of my art I wonder if I could interest you in some of my more unorthodox spell work. I think they would be of particular interest to you considering the enemies you possess.” She looked up to see Harry spasmodically moving his left hand back and forth toward his face. Not dissuaded, she explained. “You see, most rituals to increase strength and magical capacity come in the form of dark magic rituals that mutilate the soul, and are therefore evil and so on and so forth. However! I go for a more scientific approach. I've created methods of making brain cells able to replicate themselves and create connections between brain lobes, even increase the amount of oxygen blood cells carry. My research indicates that, theoretically, magical and physical skill would increase to a great degree. I believe it will be the future of the modern wizard."

"Are you saying you can make me as strong as Voldemort?"

She flinched at the Dark Wizard's name, "Well that entirely depends on you."

"Depends upon me allowing you to perform this procedure?" Harry quizzed. “Ill do it.” Her face momentarily flickered in relief.Harry was almost bouncing of the seat, his palms tingling in excitement, nervousness and anticipation.

"You will feel a short, sharp prick, Mr Potter, and then I will get to work.”

"Do it." Harry said.

The chair was reclined further, and Harry was given a small bright red potion in a thimble sized flask. Drinking the coppery tang down, Harry grimaced, and then relaxed staring up at the prickly ceiling of the sterile white shop.

"Thank you. For my vision that is. I love it" Harry announced to the air

"Don't thank me now, Mr Potter” Came the reply “here comes the pain” The serious edge in her voice was not lost on Harry. A seed of worry in his gut bloomed into a ugly flower.

"I think you'll be the one to finally survive this procedure." She muttered.

As Harry's eyes opened in shock and he tried to sit up, the woman flicked her wand and Harry fell back unconscious into his chair.

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