Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Give 'Em Hell Kid

The Zoo

by i_bleed_neon 1 review

Secret and Frank take the twins to the zoo.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-10-17 - Updated: 2010-10-17 - 1153 words

Secret's POV

"Frankie, it's almost Thanksgiving. Do you have to go?"

"Yes baby, I do. I'm sorry I am going to miss Thanksgiving this year."

I sighed and buried myself further into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me tighter and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm going to miss you." I whined.

"I'm going to miss you too. I miss you more and more every day I am away from you and the kids."

"How long will you be gone this time?"

"Six weeks but I'll be back in time for Christmas."

I sighed unhappily. Frank stroked my hair and nibbled at my neck.

"Since tonight is my last night I have something special planned for us." He grinned.


"It's a surprise."

"What about the twins?"

"Donna is going to keep them tonight."

"I can wait then. I want to spend every minute I can with you."

I kissed Frank's lips softly and he kissed back eagerly, his hands roaming my body. He moaned as I swung my leg over his waist to straddle him. Just as things began to get heated our morning activities were halted when our bedroom door swung open.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Rayne cried as she ran in and hopped onto the bed. Lyric was right behind her.

"Mommy, can we have Fwakenberry for breakfast?" Lyric pleaded.

"Of course you can, honey." I cooed and kissed the tip of his nose.

Frank was busying tickling Rayne who was squealing in delight.

"Dad-dy stop ticking me!"

"Na-uh! Not until you say 'you are the best daddy ever'!"

"You....are the....bestest.....daddy ever!" Rayne squealed in between her giggles.

"Okay. Fair enough." Frank grinned as he climbed from the bed and lifted Rayne onto his shoulders.

"Not fair. I wanna ride." Lyric pouted.

I lifted him onto my shoulders and we marched to the kitchen. We set the twins at the table and I poured each of us a bowl of Frankenberry cereal.


"Yes honey?"

"Are you leaving again?" Rayne questioned.

"Yes. Daddy has to leave tomorrow but I'll back for Christmas."

"I don' t want you to go daddy." Lyric pouted.

"I know buddy but daddy has to go."

The twins began to cry.

"Hey guys, don't cry. I'll make a deal with you. If you are good for mommy while daddy is gone I'll bring you back something special."


"Yes. Really." Frank grinned.

"Okay daddy. We'll be good." Lyric grinned a grin that mirrored his father's.

"Good. Now eat your breakfast."

The doorbell rang and I went to answer it. I opened the door to find Gerard and Mikey.

"Morning guys."

"Good morning sugar." Gerard smiled, wrapping me in a hug.

"Hey babydoll." Mikey grinned as he too embraced me in a hug.

They followed me into the kitchen where Frank and the twins were still eating breakfast.

"Morning guys." Frank greeted them.

"Unca Gee-Gee! Unca Mikey!" The twins exclaimed as they jumped from their seats and into Gerard and Mikey's arms.

"Good morning starshines. How are my favorite niece and nephew today?"

"Unca Gee-Gee, are you leaving too?"

"Yeah Rayne. Uncle Gee had to go too but he's going to bring you back something extra special."

"Okay." Rayne sighed.

"Unca Mikey going too?"

Mikey sighed. "Yes Lyr. Uncle Mikey has to go too so he can play his guitar with daddy and Uncle Gee."

"No!" Lyric whined.

"But don't worry. Uncle Mikey has to go find your special Christmas presents while he's away."

The twins' eyes lit up at the mention of Christmas presents.


"Okay guys. I put your clothes on your beds so go put them on."

"Where we goin' mommy?"

"First, mommy, daddy, uncle Gee-Gee, and uncle Mikey are going to take you to the zoo and then you're going to spend the night at Granna Donna's house."

"Yay!" They cheered then ran off to there rooms. Frank followed behind to help them.

"How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine Gee."

"I know this is hard for you Seek. It's hard on him too. When we are gone he talks constantly about you and the kids."

"Thanks Mikey. It is hard but we manage."

"We'll be back before you know it sugar." Gerard smiled.

"Mommy! Mommy! We're ready!"

"Okay Lyric. Why don't you and Rayne play with uncle Mikey and uncle Gee-Gee while mommy and daddy get dressed?"

"Okay mommy. Unca Gee-Gee, piggyback ride!"

"Me too! Unca Mikey, I wanna ride!" Rayne squealed.

I smiled as Mikey and Gerard ran around the house with the twins attached to their backs. I followed Frank to our room where I slipped on a pair of jeans, an old band tee, and a hoodie. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail then slid on a pair of shoes. Frank slipped on a pair of jeans, a shirt, a hoodie, and his shoes before running his fingers through his messy hair.



We made our way back downstairs where Mikey and Gerard were playing hide and seek with the twins.

"Ready guys?"

"Yay! The zoo!" Rayne and Lyric cheered.

I slipped a hoodie over each of them then Frank took them to the car and strapped them into their carseats.

"We're just going to swing by and pick up Kyndall and Brooklyn then we'll meet you there." Gerard told us before climbing into his car.

I waved them off then climbed into the passenger seat of my car. Frank drove us to the zoo and we met up with our friends.

"Daddy! Can we go to see tigers?" Rayne questioned.

"No! I wanna see monkeys." Lyric protested.

"We will go see both." Frank smiled.

We made our way to the monkey cages first where the twins 'oohed' and 'awed' at the creatures. Next we went to the tiger exhibit which was my personal favorite. The entire day was spent at the zoo until it began to get dark and the twins started to get cranky. We stopped by the gift shop on our way out and Frank bought Lyric a stuffed monkey and Rayne a stuffed tiger. Once in the car the twins fell asleep quickly and Frank drove straight to Donna's house.

We each lifted a sleeping child from their carseat and carried them inside. We lay them in their old nursery which Donna had turned into a room for them. We kissed them goodnight and went back downstairs.

"Thank you for keeping them tonight."

"Nonsense Frankie. You know I enjoy spending time with them."

"I'll be by to get them in the morning before Frank leaves."

"Okay honey. You two enjoy your night and I will see you in the morning."

Frank and I hugged Donna then left.

"So, where are we going?" I questioned.

"It's a surprise." He grinned.

I just sighed and turned the radio on because I knew from experience he wouldn't tell me.

xo britt
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