Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat

Chapter 24

by MCR_Vampire_321 2 reviews

Oh no, here comes Captain Crazy...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-10-22 - Updated: 2010-10-22 - 501 words - Complete

NotOkay - You wanna know why I was really angry yesterday?
MWay - We're in the same house. You could just walk into my room and tell me
NotOkay - Yeah, but it's more cool to talk on IM
MWay - Since when did you care about being cool?
NotOkay - I don't, I just... Oh never mind Mikey, you wouldn't understand!
MWay - Fine, tell me why you were upset yesterday
NotOkay - From what I can see, Lucy thinks that just because I rejected her, means I can't have anyone
MWay - What makes you think that?
NotOkay - Well, why else would she try and put Raechel off?
MWay - Maybe she just doesn't like you
NotOkay - No, everyone likes me
NotOkay - I know right :) No, it's the only reason, I swear
MWay - Oh god, we haven't got another Captain Crazy have we?
NotOkay - I sure hope not
MWay - ... What's so great about you anyway!?
NotOkay - Natural charm I s'pose :D
MWay - You wish ¬¬

-blackgreenrose has just entered the chatroom-

blackgreenrose - GERARD! HOW COULD YOU!?
NotOkay - How could I what?
blackgreenrose - Call Lucy a slag for rejecting you
NotOkay - ... Number One - I rejected her. Number Two - I wouldn't call her a slag!
MWay - He didn't Jasmine
blackgreenrose - o_O Then why would she lie to me!?
MWay - Gerard thinks we've got another Captain Crazy
blackgreenrose - God, not again!
NotOkay - I know right
blackgreenrose - What's go great about Gerard anyway!?
MWay - That's what I said!!
NotOkay - ¬¬ Still here you know

-PenceyPrep has just entered the chatroom-

blackgreenrose - Hiya Frankie :)
PenceyPrep - Hi
blackgreenrose - ... You okay?
PenceyPrep - Is Gerard on?
NotOkay - Yeah I'm here
PenceyPrep - Why'd you tell Lucy I wasn't good enough for Jasmine!?
PenceyPrep - Lucy said you did!
blackgreenrose - Frankie, Lucy told me Gerard called her a slag. Mikey says he didn't and we think Lucy is turning into Captain Crazy and making up shit about Gerard
PenceyPrep - ... So you never said that?
NotOkay - Ofcourse not! I think you and Jasmine are perfect for each other!
PenceyPrep - Oh... Okay...
NotOkay - We have to do something about her
MWay - Let's ask Raechel
NotOkay - No! I don't want Raechel to know about this!
blackgreenrose - Why not!?
NotOkay - It'll just remind her of how we all tried to ditch her when she acted like this
PenceyPrep - I remember Raechel being annoying, not mean
NotOkay - Oh well

-FootballFan has just entered the chatroom-

FootballFan - Stuff you all

-FootballFan has just left the chatroom-

NotOkay - ???

[A/N] - I'm ever so sorry for not updating sooner. I've been falling behind in Geography, History, RE and Art and I had some catching up to do. Thank god for half-term :D
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