Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > It's Not That Complicated


by AlexisSCREAM


Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2010-10-29 - Updated: 2010-10-29 - 421 words

here's an update hope you likey

Shadow’s POV

Cat came back the next day with two boys with her, Park Boy and Daeo. I couldn’t see any stab wounds and she seemed fine, which confused me. Had I dreamt last night up?

Obviously not.

“Cat, sit down. Shade, you too. Jaye, find a seat” Daeo instructed. Jaye?
“We had a friend called Jaye. He died. He was Lauri’s dad” Cat sighed, staring at the floor.
“I know” Daeo sighed “He was my cousin”
“Wow. Small world, eh?” Cat said, forcing a smile.
“No” The other boy, Jaye, muttered, looking into Cat’s eyes. Well, more of gazing into them. He gently took her hand.
“J-Jaye?!” Cat cried out.
“I’m sorry for leaving you that night. I would’ve continued my life as if was still alive, but because Daeo is a slow dickhead we’ve had to hide. You’re lucky to be alive, you know. Daeo saved you.” Jaye sighed.
“Jaye. Just because I was in the same hospital being forced t have a shot I didn’t and still don’t need doesn’t make me a dickhead” Daeo sighed.
“Whoa… wait. Let me get this straight. You’re both dead?!” I asked, trying to make sense of things.
“Yeah. I got shot when I was five. My attacker hadn’t meant to shot me and brought me back as a vampire, which is how I brought Jaye back. You three are the only ones that know I’m dead” Daeo sighed.
“Four, actually.” Jaye smiled, staring into the crib at his son.
“What about sun? And blood and sparkling and powers?” Cat asked.
“Silly girl. Vampires don’t sparkle. And we can go in the sun for up to five hours a day in any temperature. And I don’t know anyone that drinks blood. Or has powers. And I’ve been a vampire for thirteen years, so I think I’d probably know that” Daeo giggle. I smiled.
“Okay, cool. Daeo, how would you feel about being a bassist in my band? Alex was bassist, but since” began.
“Alex was arrested for kidnapping your brother, Brendon. So you don’t have a bassist and haven’t performed since! I remember now. I remember you. I remember everything. I feel…alive. It’s so weird.” Jaye continued.
“Shade, baby, I would love to. When can we play?” Daeo smiled.
“Whenever.” I giggled, gently kissing his lips. Cat noticed this and kissed Jaye.
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