Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Original Sin

A Crippling Blow

by devilsgyrl 0 reviews

Cissy tells Walden her story...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Narcissa - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-10-30 - Updated: 2010-10-30 - 2237 words

For moments, I just kind of stood in shock as I glanced after Lucius. There was just something strange about him that drew me to him. I know that it makes no sense. I mean, Lucius had been nothing but cruel to me since I had met him. And to be honest, who exactly had Lucius been nice to? After thinking about that for a moment, I realized that Lucius hadn't exactly been nice to anyone. He had shown respect to Tom, but that was it. He had openly shown his disdain for Arthur and Molly. He turned his nose up at me. And Natasha? There was something strange going on between those two.

Wondering what Molly was doing now, I glanced out of the corner of my eye in her direction. Molly was standing deadly still with her face as pale as a ghost. Her lip started trembling and I figured she was going to cry. I should probably go over and comfort her. At least, that's what a good girl would've done. But me? Well, I wasn't such a good girl. Molly had only gotten what she deserved. Lucius was right; she didn't deserve him. Even I didn't deserve Lucius. Nobody deserved Lucius.

As students started pouring out of the classrooms and into the halls, I figured I might as well get moving so I wasn't blocking the corridors. Tearing my eyes away from Molly, I slumped my shoulders and followed the other students. I figured they were all going to the Great Hall for lunch. Thank god that everyone took lunch break at the same time.

After following the flow of students for a good five minutes, I arrived into the great hall. As before, I was overtaken by the enormity of it. The ceiling was so high and the room was so gigantic. I scanned the tables for the silver and green Slytherin banner. As I was squinting my eyes, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Normally, I would've been shocked by this. But by now, I was getting used to being surprised. Besides, you didn't have to be super smart to figure out who was tapping my shoulder.

It was obviously Walden. I glanced over my shoulder and tried to give him a small smile. The smile was hard to form. I wasn't really in a good mood. The morning's events had taken a lot out of me. Potions and Transfiguration hadn't exactly been easy. It also certainly hadn't helped that I had gotten pinned to the ground by the stupid desk.

Walden immediately read into my thoughts. His big grin slowly faded and he looked at me with concerned, dark eyes. In a worried voice, he took a step back from me and looked me over, "My, my, what's happened to you, Cissy? You didn't look so bad after Transfiguration, but now you look like you've seen a ghost! What happened in Potions?"

I frowned and considered whether or not to tell Walden about the excursions from earlier. Usually, I didn't tell people about embarrassing situations like that. Now, it was kind of different though. Walden seemed like he was a true friend and that he really did care what happened to me and went on in my life. Deciding to trust him, I stammered out slowly, "'s a long story."

"That's totally okay," Walden replied, looking eager to hear my tale. "I'm all ears. Why don't we sit down at the Slytherin table and eat our lunch while you tell me all about it, hm? It always helps to talk to someone." Before I could really reply to Walden, he took my hand and tugged me through the masses of students until we reached the Slytherin table. As soon as we were there, Walden plopped down and drew out a chair for me to sit in.

I sat down in the chair he had pulled out for me and quickly looked up and down the table. At the opposite end of the table was Lucius. He wasn't eating and was just sipping some blood red liquid out of a glass. His eyes were squinted up and his mouth was in a tight line. I could see that Natasha was sitting next to him and was obviously scrutinizing him. Luckily, this time she wasn't talking to him. For some reason, that made me feel better.

Oblivious to my thoughts about Natasha and Lucius, Walden scooped a big glob of mashed potatoes onto his plate and asked me curiously, "So tell me what happened, Cissy. Don't leave anything out. I want to know all about your morning." With that, Walden took a big bite of mashed potatoes and turned his eyes onto me.

Not feeling very hungry, I decided not to eat anything and to tell my story to Walden instead. Taking a deep breath, I started the story, "So for Potions, we had to make a remedy for something or the other. I forgot already. Anyways, that doesn't matter." I stopped, blushing. I was awful at telling stories and always ended up babbling.

Walden didn't seem to care though, he raised an eyebrow and said, "So? What next?" Trying not to babble anymore, I continued on, "Professor Slughorn gave the newcomers partners. He assigned me with Lucius. All went well for a while. We made the Potion and then Lucius showed it to the Professor. On his way back to our desk, he intentionally knocked into Molly Johns' cauldron and spilled it all over here. Molly's partner, Arthur, got all upset at Lucius and drew out his wand."

By now, I had Walden's complete attention. He was staring at me with wide eyes and had momentarily forgotten all about the mashed potatoes that were growing cold on his spoon. Feeling slightly motivated that I hadn't lost his attention or anything, I went on, "Arthur shot a spell off at Lucius. Lucius deflected the spell and sent own of his own at Arthur. Arthur got these big, ugly gashes on his face from the spell. Arthur was really mad and so he sent another spell at Lucius. Unfortunately, his aim is pretty shitty and so instead of hitting Lucius, Arthur's next spell hit me."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a tall guy with floppy brown hair take a seat across from Walden and me. He was obviously listening into the story. I decided it was best just to ignore him. Pretending he didn't exist, I explained, "The spell was weird. It felt like something was punching me hard in the chest. I fell over onto the ground. It was really embarrassing. Then after that, my stupid desk fell over on top of me and pinned me to the ground so I couldn't breathe. I was going to like pass out or something. It was scary!"

At that point, I paused and wasn't sure what to say next. How much should I tell Walden? Could I tell him the part about Lucius without turning bright red? Probably not. Unfortunately, Walden was determined to know what happened next though. He stared at me in alarm and pressed onward, "So? What happened next? Who helped you? Did you pass out? My god, I wish I had been at Potions with you. I would never have let something like this happen to you." Walden shook his head in disgust.

Deciding not to lie, I stumbled over my next few sentences. I could already feel my cheeks during an ugly shade of pink as I said, "Well, um, Lucius helped me. He literally threw the desk across the room and then...uh...helped me get my breath back." That was a really lame thing to say, but I didn't think I could say anything more without turning tomato red.

At my words, Walden's eyebrows narrowed and I could literally see his brain spinning. Leaning close to me, he said, "Define 'helped me get my breath back'. What exactly did Lucius do to you? Did he use a spell? He didn't like go mouth-to-mouth with you or anything like that, right?" Walden was looking murderous.

I blushed an even darker color if that was possible. What was I suppose to say to Walden's question? Luckily, I was saved from answering it. The guy with the floppy brown hair sitting across the table from us laughed loudly and slapped the table. Still laughing, he answered Walden's question for me, "Oh yeah, Lucius and Narcissa were certainly mouth-to-mouth. I swear Lucius was going to eat her up or something. The way he was sucking on her lips was rather predatory!"

For some reason, I found I was pleased by the guy's comment. Did Lucius really look like he was going to eat me up? I wished he would. God, I would even pay him to do that. Wait...what was I thinking? This was crazy. No way was I going to pay a guy for something like that. I wasn't a hooker or anything.

" this true?" Walden asked dubiously, searching my eyes with something like hurt in his eyes. I jerked out of my Lucius reverie and tried to think of an accurate reply to his question. Finally, I stammered, "Well, kind of. Actually, not really. Part of it is true." Walden raised an eyebrow at me doubtfully. My god, here I was blabbering again.

Trying to figure out what I was going to say before the words actually came out of my lips, I restated my sentence, "The part about Lucius and me mouth-to-mouth is true. The part abou thim going to eat me up is certainly not true though. Lucius isn't interested in girls at all." I said this last bit with spite in my tone.

Walden contemplated my words for a few minutes, obviously unsure of what to think. From across the table, the brunette rolled his eyes at Walden and me. Giving Walden an evil look, he asked, "Jealous, are we?" Then turning to me, the brunette stook out a long, bony hand and said, "Hey Narcissa, I don't think we've met. I'm Nott."

"Hey Nott," I replied, taking his hand. "I guess you already know who I am, so I don't need to introduce myself." Nott laughed and nodded. I was trying to think of something that I could engage polite conversation with Nott with, but Walden ended up interrupting my thoughts with a sudden loud outburst, "Well, how do you know?"

I was completely caught off guard and had no clue what he was talking about. Raising an eyebrow at him, I said, "Um...what exactly are you talking about, Walden? Are you asking why I'm not introducing myself to Nott? Because if that's what you were wondering, I'm not introducing myself to him because he already said-"

Walden waved my words aside and cut off my sentence in an agitated tone, "No, no, not that! I meant how do you know if Lucius is interested in girls or not?" Walden clenched his spoon so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. Something told me that those mashed potatoes in the spoon were bound to go flying in all directions in any minute.

Eying them nervously, I held up my hands in surrender and said, "How should I know? If you're so concerned about it, go ask Lucius yourself!" I didn't seriously think Walden would consider my suggestion, so I was totally shocked when he dumped his spoon onto his plate with a clatter and stood up stiffly with eyes in Lucius' direction.

Giving me a nod, he said, "You know what? I think I will. Be right back, Cissy." With that, Walden stalked over to where Lucius was sitting and sipping his drink. As soon as Walden was out of earshot, Nott turned to me with a little smirk and said, "Walden's pretty possessive of you now, isn't he? It's cute. I haven't seen him in love before."

Not sure what to say to that, I just blushed and looked over at Walden and Lucius, wondering what they were saying. As the conversation went on, Lucius narrowed his eyes even farther and abruptly stood up. I could see anger on his face as he tilted his head at Walden. From what it looked like, Walden was accusing him of making moves on me.

Their voices suddenly raised and Lucius spat out words that even I could hear, "My god, just relax, will you? I was just trying to help the girl. Would you rather have had her pass out or something?" Walden had no words for that. He just stared at the ground. Lucius nodded and continued on, "So you see? The girl is all yours. I don't care what you do with her. Love her, fuck her, kill her, whatever. I don't care about the bitch. And if you don't mind, I have better things to be doing right now."

With that said, Lucius swept past Walden and started walking in my direction. As he passed my chair, Lucius paused for a millisecond and his lip curled upwards. For a moment, I thought he would spit at me like he had spat at Molly. But no, he didn't spit. He just tossed his hair and continued on his way. And for some reason, he carried my heart out of the room with him.
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