Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hungry Howling

Hungry Howling

by D-Darko 0 reviews

It's there always, this dark passenger. It’s a beautiful howl, this hunger.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2010-11-07 - Updated: 2010-11-07 - 262 words

Hungry howling

Chapter 1 – Hungry howling

This chapter is called, not so surprisingly, Hungry howling. Hunger is something we all have inside us. Call it an instinct, or call it a need; but it’s there always, this dark passenger. It’s a beautiful howl, this hunger.

I remember the first time I were asked how I developed my eating disorder. I had no answer. Call it a howl for help, or a truth that lies on the surface drifting to sleep. But it will always be here inside me, and maybe it always was from the beginning?
I lit a cigarette, inhaling the gray smoke. I sit cross-legged on the carpet in my room. My back hurts, and so does all my bones. I’m so fragile I could break any second. I’ve got too many naked skeletons in my closet…

So let’s be honest, hunger is something you can’t live without. I mean, without hunger it would be no success in the world. If you didn’t hunger for money or the need to help people, it would be no such thing as a politic. We all need to hunger every once in a while, but can it be too much? When are we allowed to say enough is enough?

This obsession of mine have, unfortunately, become too much of a dark routine and is this time taking me down. A skeleton have no skin left to protect itself from the outside world.
Welcome to my story of obsession, dark routines and naked skeletons. A story about lust.
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