Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > IM Chat

Chapter 28

by MCR_Vampire_321 2 reviews

Basically, Lucy carries on being mean. Jasmine is confused as to why Frank is ignoring her, so Lucy lies.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-11-07 - Updated: 2010-11-07 - 409 words - Complete

blackgreenrose - Gerard, why is Frank ignoring me?
NotOkay - I asked him but he told me he didn't want to talk about it because you didn't want to
blackgreenrose - I said no such thing!
NotOkay - It's pretty confusing
blackgreenrose - Please, try and convince him to talk to me
NotOkay - I'll go round his house now

-RaechyBabe has just entered the chatroom-

RaechyBabe - Heyy, who's on?
blackgreenrose - Me and Gerard :)
NotOkay - Sorry Raech, I was just leaving
RaechyBabe - Oh. Okay
NotOkay - Love youu xx
RaechyBabe _ Love youu too xo

-NotOkay has just left the chatroom-

RaechyBabe - He didn't just make that up because he didn't wanna talk to me did he!?
blackgreenrose - No, he's going to talk to Frank for me
RaechyBabe - Oh really? Whyy?
blackgreenrose - He's ignoring me
RaechyBabe - Aww, why D:
blackgreenrose - I don't know

-PenceyPrep has just entered the chatroom-

blackgreenrose - Gerard's on his way to your house, just so you know
PenceyPrep - .
RaechyBabe - Dude, why are you ignoring her??
PenceyPrep - She knows why
blackgreenrose - No I dont!

-PenceyPrep has just left the chatroom-

blackgreenrose - I HATE THIS!

-Mrs.Way has just entered the chatroom-

Mrs.Way - Hello
blackgreenrose - ... I don't know what you did, but you did something!
Mrs.Way - ... What are you talking about!?

-MWay has just entered the chatroom-

MWay - Hi Guys :D
Mrs.Way - Hello Mikey ;)
MWay - -gulp-
blackgreenrose - Lucy, why is Frank ignoring me!?
Mrs.Way - Isn't it obivous Jasmine? He's grown sick of you. Hates the very sight of you
blackgreenrose - I don't believe you
Mrs.Way - Well, what other reason is there?
RaechyBabe - Ignore her Jazz, she's a liar
Mrs.Way - Oh, and you're not!?
RaechyBabe - That was different. I HAD to lie
Mrs.Way - No you didn't. Face it, you're ALL just liars
blackgreenrose - Frank would tell me if he wanted to break up
Mrs.Way - It's nothing personal Jasmine. Oh no, wait... It is, isn't?

-blackgreenrose has just left the chatroom-
-MWay has just left the chatroom-

RaechyBabe - You bitch!
Mrs.Way - Everyone knows I'm just stating facts
RaechyBabe - I know that you're stating a whole bunch of bullshit
Mrs.Way - Deny it all you want Raechel, but you're gonna have to face the truth soon
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