Categories > Games > Fire Emblem > Prideful Love

Prideful Love

by Saicha6744 0 reviews

Rebecca always said that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Will this work on Raven? RebeccaXRaven

Category: Fire Emblem - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Parody - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2010-11-08 - Updated: 2010-11-08 - 1705 words - Complete


Now you can read one of my fic's each day for a week ^^;

Judging by how many views I got on Wildflower and Leather Wings (the most in fact, exceeding my other fic views by at least 30) I decided to do another FE7 fic.
This time the pairing will be Rebecca (I just get a feeling you guys like her) and Raven. (Just because they work so good together. I'm still miffed at the creators of FE7 that Rebecca and Raven did not have a special ending!)

Okay, I'm breaking my tradition of short author intro's here...
I just want to say thank you to everyone that read my fics so far. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope my skill is improving.

Disclaimer: I'm only going to write this ONCE!!!! I'm tired of typing the same lame old disclaimer over each chapter. So here it is:
I do not own Fire Emblem 7.
I am not making money from this fic.
I do this for my own, (and hopefully your) pleasure.

Oh and you guys are welcome to use the ideas in my work. Just don't do a complete copy-paste thing of it, okay?

Okay, I think that covers about everything.

Characters: Raven x Rebecca
Category: Fire Emblem
Genre: Romance, Adventure, Drama
Warnings: ! V
Rating: G


Prideful Love

Chapter One: Whereabouts Unknown

Sweat stung her emerald orbs and blurred her vision. The battle was far from won, but Rebecca was exhausted! Taking Caelin Castle proved much harder than any of them initially thought. Earlier in the day they rushed to Lady Lyn's aide and defeated the foe outside the castle walls. The General guarding the gate proved to be no match for Hector's Wolf Beil.

They rushed the castle. Lady Lyn was frantic. She had to find her grandfather! Rebecca understood Lyn's urgency. It was the same urgency that burned in her heart. The need to find out what had happened to her brother, Dan.
It's been five years since he left. Five long years and Rebecca did not know if he was alive, dead or missing. He did not write or send word.
An old fear crept into her heart, mocking her as she pulled her bowstring taunt. Expertly she slid the arrow into place and aimed at the enemy nomad.

He forgot about me.

Rebecca let go of the bowstring. The arrow flew straight and true, hitting the nomad in the shoulder and allowing Florina to finish him off with her slim lance.
Not far behind Rebecca rode Priscilla. Erk stayed by her side like a shadow.
Flashes of magic lit up the air as a heavily armoured knight burst into flames, hollering in pain. The archer screwed her eyes shut. Sometimes the battle-scenes became a little too gory for her.

'Rebecca! I need you to distract mages close to the prisoners. Take Priscilla with you,' their tactician, Mark, ordered.

Rebecca nodded and quickly moved to do his bidding, but Priscilla stopped her. 'You can't fight like that. Let me heal you first.'
A blue glow enveloped the archer and she could feel her minor cuts and bruises disappear. Her fatigue became a little less, but she was still exhausted.

'Thanks, let's go.'

The fighting moved close to the throne room now. Matthew was raiding the treasury and would join Rebecca and Priscilla once the mages were dead.
The narrow hallway smelled of blood, sweat and magic. Quickly she dodged the oncoming fireball and fired a blind shot over the wall within the chamber where the mages hid. A scream announced that her blind shot had hit someone.
A surge of magic shot through the air as the enemy mages replied to her attack with attacks of their own. Rebecca and Priscilla dodged and twirled, being too occupied to notice the mercenary sneaking up on them from behind.

'Priscilla! Duck!' Rebecca yelled as thunder scorched the air around them. The little troubadour dodged just in time and looked over at the charred tile where she stood moments before.

The mercenary froze in his tracks. Priscilla?

Rebecca fired more arrows over the wall and did not hear Priscilla's gasp. She concentrated on dodging and distracting the mages long enough for Kent and Lowen to finish them off.

'Lord Brother? Is that really you?' Priscilla asked when she spotted the red-haired mercenary.

'You've grown Priscilla. It's been a long time. What are you doing here?'

'When I heard what happened to House Cornwell I became worried for you, brother.'

'You no longer claim House Cornwell,' he replied coolly. 'What are you doing here?'

'I came to search for you, but I got trapped in Laus. Lord Eliwood and Hector rescued me. They are all very kind to me.'

'I see. You are travelling with him. Tell me, do they know of your lineage?'

'No.' Priscilla replied.

Somewhere in the distance Rebecca yelped as a fireball seared her hand.

'Good. That must stay secret, as well as our relationship.'

'Yes, Raymond.'

'Raymond is a name I no longer recognize. I am called Raven now. I will fight alongside you.'

'Really?' Priscilla chirped with joy. It's been so long since she last saw her brother! It would be good to have him close to her again.

'How could I refuse my little sister?' Raven stated bluntly. His gaze shifted to Priscilla's companion. He noticed the green-haired archer was having a difficult time to dodge even the slowest of magic attacks.

'Go help your companion. There is something that I must do.' Raven ordered and disappeared back into the prisoner block before Priscilla could argue. Her attention quickly snapped back to Rebecca when she cried out in pain as a Flux attack hit her fully. Priscilla kicked her horse and rushed to Rebecca's aide. Quickly she pulled the moaning archer into the saddle and sped off to find a safe place to heal her.

' tired,' Rebecca breathed as Priscilla with the help of Matthew propped her against the wall. The thief finished his raiding of the treasury.

'Who's that?' the cheery thief asked when he spotted the hard-eyed mercenary walking towards them. Another person was with him. One that Matthew knew quite well.

'Lucius? What are you doing here?' Matthew asked in disbelief as Priscilla proceeded to heal Rebecca. The healing was painful and Rebecca cried out, causing the troubadour to flinch.

'You know this man, Lucius?'

'I do. This is Matthew; we travelled with Lady Lyndis a year ago.'

'I see.'

'Speaking of Lady she safe?' Lucius directed his question towards Matthew.

'She's fine for now. They are in the throne room as we speak. I almost feel sorry for that cad...the wrath of Lady Lyn is not something I would like to experience.'

Lucius smiled weakly. He remembered the Lady's temper quite well. Kind-hearted and stout, but her temper was something out of this world. Neither Lucius nor Matthew noticed that Raven slipped away to join the battle that was still raging.

In the throne room Hector broke through the line of knights that protected their liege. The heavily armoured men quivered like leaves in a hurricane before Hector's might. Lyn and Eliwood slipped past him and quickly slew the boss.
Lyn gave out a startled cry when she saw the dried blood on the throne.

'Calm yourself, Lyndis.' Eliwood reprimanded. The battle was finally over. Every single enemy unit was dead.

'I cannot loose him too! We have to find him!' Lyn replied, urgency and fear in her voice apparent.

Just then a girl with dark pink hair appeared.

'Halt! Who are you?' Elliwood demanded.

'I am Leila. May I speak to your lordships in private?'

They gathered in a large room, Marcus and Oswin was guarding the door.

Hector grinned at the spy. 'Leila, what took you so long?'

'You know her?' Elliwood asked.

'Yes. She is one of Ostia's finest spies. My brother sent her to investigate rumours in Bern, but now I find her here? What is going on, Leila?'

'Forgive me,' Leila muttered. 'Lady Lyndis, your grandfather is fine. He is in hiding. The blood you saw was not his.' Lyn let out a sigh of relief and muttered a weary thank you. 'As for my being here...the rumours that I had to investigate led me to a group called the Black Fang. I infiltrated the Fang and learned that they were the one's responsible for the unrest in Bern. They have something to do with Lord Elbert's disappearance. A man named Nergal heads this group.'

'Nergal? What is he like?' Elliwood asked. He wanted to know everything about his enemy.

'I met him but once. He is...eerie.'

After Leila briefed them on all she knew about the Black Fang she disappeared. After a quick word with Matthew the spy went back to the Dread Isle.

When the lords left the chamber they found Priscilla and two strange men waiting for them in the throne room.

'Lucius! What are you doing here?' Lady Lyn exclaimed. After the pleasantries were exchanged Lucius insisted on joining the army. He would not disclose his reasons for doing so.

'And you are?' Hector asked eyeing the red-haired mercenary.


'Your sword any good?' Hector taunted.

'You'll see my worth on the battlefield,' Raven replied icily. He longed to plunge his blade into Hector's gut and watch as the light slowly faded from his blue eyes.

'Fine. That's good enough for me,' Hector replied with a shrug of his shoulders.

'We go to Badon,' Mark said. 'Perhaps we will find a ship there that will take us to Valor, but for tonight I suggest that we rest in the castle. The troops are exhausted.'
Everyone agreed that it was a sound plan to rest for the night and head out to Badon and the Dread Isle in the morning.


That's the end of chapter one.
Ch2 will be up soon.
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