Categories > Games > Fire Emblem > Prideful Love


by Saicha6744 0 reviews

Category: Fire Emblem - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-11-08 - Updated: 2010-11-08 - 1646 words - Complete

Disclaimer see CH1.


Chapter 3: Dragon's Gate

The Davros sailed smoothly. Rebecca was resting after another encounter with the Black Fang. The battle was won easily, but now everyone was fussing over the mystery girl.

She said her name was Ninian, or at least Lady Lyn did. She had ruby red eyes and beautiful turquoise hair. She dressed like a dancer. Rebecca supposed that Ninian was a dancer. After all everyone dressed their part right? An archer would look extremely odd in a knight's armour.
She pictured herself drowning in Oswin's armour and giggled.

'Mind sharing the joke?' Raven asked. Rebecca did not notice Raven had walked up to her. She did not mind, though. She enjoyed his company.

'Ah...urm...I was just imagining what I would look like in Oswin's armour...' she said feeling rather embarrassed. Raven cocked an eyebrow.

'You're an odd one.'

'Oh, Sir Raven? Thanks for fixing my bow the other day! It's never shot so straight and true!' Rebecca smiled brightly at Raven.

'Glad to have been of service,' he replied coolly and secretly admired her smile.

'Um...can I ask you something?'


'Urm...' Rebecca became extremely nervous at this stage. It's only a question, darn it! She scolded herself.
'What kind of food do you like to eat? You see, I'm a pretty decent cook and since you fixed my bow...I wanted to pay you back somehow...' Rebecca ranted, but Raven quickly cut her off. He could see where she was going with this.

'I don't particularly like or dislike anything.'

Drat! Rebecca thought. 'Well if you had to pick?' she asked sweetly.

Raven furrowed his brow as he tried to think of a preferred food type. '...I guess I'd pick meat,' he said at length.

'Meat? That's a great choice. What kind? I can catch fowl or deer, anything.'

YEESSSSSS! Rebecca screamed on the inside. He picked meat! YES! YES! YESSS!!! And I didn't even have to ask Lucius!

'You hunt?' Raven asked astonished.

'I do. That is my other skill.' the green haired archer proudly announced. Suddenly she felt like she was advertising herself to him. Better tone it down, he might get the wrong idea...

'Well, then I'll leave the choice of meat up to you, hunter.'

Rebecca could not have asked for anything better. 'Excellent! You won't be disappointed!'

She's tougher than I thought... Raven was amused. He glanced down at the girl whose gaze was fixed on the horizon. Her emerald eyes shone and the mercenary found that he rather liked her bubbly personality. She was cute, to say the least.

'Uh...I forgot something below deck,' Rebecca said. 'Excuse me, Sir Raven.'

Why am I feeling so nervous around him now? Rebecca wondered as she walked towards the stairs that led below deck. She was so deep in thought that she did not notice the rough pirate climb up the stairs just as she was starting to descend. They crashed into each other and tumbled down the stairs. Rebecca wound up with a bump on her head and a disgruntled sailor beside her.

'Hey! Watch where you're going!'

'I'm sorry...' she started to apologize but her breath caught in her throat. It can't be...

'What are you staring at?'

'D-Dan? Is that you?' Rebecca gasped. She could not believe it! After five long years...what was he doing on a pirate ship anyway?

'No. I'm Dart, First Mate on the Davros. And you are?'


Dart's eyes widened a bit at the sound of her name. Now why did that name sound so familiar? Didn't he see that pretty face before? Why can't he remember?

'All right, Rebecca. Watch where you're going. Not all the crew members are friendly, you know?'

'Uh-huh,' Rebecca nodded as she quickly scrambled to her feet. She could not help the disappointed feeling that rose in her chest. She looked again at the First Mate. It's been five years, but there was no mistaking it. He was Dan. Her missing brother.

For the next few days Rebecca kept mostly to herself. Her usual sunny disposition turned sour and she focussed solely on the battle that lay ahead. Their enemy was Marquess of Laus, Lord Darin.

They gazed at the fortress.

'So this is where that snake is hiding?' Lady Lyn stated. Venom dripped from her words sending a chill down Hector's spine.

'Ah, I should not have come here!' Ninian yelped, but before anyone could respond a sage clothed in black appeared beside the turquoise-haired dancer. He seized her arms quickly, making Ninian gasp.

'Let go of her!' Eliwood demanded.

'This little bird escaped once before. She will not do so again. My master awaits her.' He replied coldly fixing his golden eyes on Eliwood before teleporting away.


Mark's brain worked at an all-time record breaking pace as he frantically ordered the units to split up into three teams.

'Team 1: You proceed towards the main gates. The brunt of the attack will be directed towards you. Lords Hector and Eliwood are to head this team. Raven, Lucius, Sain, Marcus and Priscilla will accompany you. Priscilla make sure you have the Unlock Stave.
'Team 2: Accompany Team 1, but split away from them as soon as you near the treasury. Raid the treasury and knock down any weak walls so that we can trap Darin's western escape route. Matthew, Lady Lyn, Dorcas and our newest member Dart will make up this team. Once you are inside advance towards Darin.
'Team 3: You will remain behind and cover our flank. Be assured there will be reinforcements. Protect Merlinus and make bloody-well sure that nobody attacks our flank. Florina, Serra, Rebecca...the job is yours.'

'Oooh! Why do I always get left behind?' Serra fumed. 'That is so annoying.'

Everyone nodded. Mark's plan sounded simple enough to succeed. Within minutes they fell into battle-formation and marched.

'Once we defeat Darin we rescue Ninian and Lord Elbert and get the hell out of here,' Hector said. Everyone nodded their agreement. Nobody wanted to stay on Valor for longer than they had to.

Soon the battle was raging. For the most Mark's plan worked flawlessly as the designated teams did their part. There was only one unexpected event that Mark did not foresee. A thief by the name of Leagult joined the army after speaking with Lady Lyn.

Back at Merlinus's tent things were going less smoothly. Pegasus Knights attacked Merlinus's tent. Rebecca and Florina did their best to keep the attackers at bay, succeeding at first. However, Rebecca was running out of arrows and Huey was fatigued. Blood streaked the equine's pure white coat. Florina was trembling in her saddle.

'Come on, Flory! We have to be strong!' Rebecca shouted encouragement as she released an arrow. The arrow found it's mark squarely in the heart of a young Pegasus knight. Blood spurted from the wound and she slumped in her saddle. The Pegasus became disorientated by his rider's lack of responsiveness and crashed into another Pegasus unit. Both tumbled to the ground in a bloodied mess.
Florina took courage in Rebecca's words and attacked with a renewed fury. Serra remained close by to heal their wounds.

In the throne room Lady Lyn was glaring at the cocky ruler of Laus. She had no words for this piece of scum. He was lower than low.
He harmed her grandfather. For that he will pay.

She dodged the spear that he threw towards her, the tip grazing her thigh. Lady Lyn saw red.

'You're dead.' She warned darkly as she raised her Manni Katti menacingly. She moved like the wind and struck at Darin's exposed parts. He yelped in pain as blood gushed from his hands, but Lyn did not stop. With a quick spin and slash she ripped his throat over and watched with satisfaction as blood stained his overly decorated armour.

Eliwood and Hector managed to catch up to Lyn in the throne room. Hector was disappointed that Darin was already dead. He wanted a crack at the moron as well. 'Let's go find Elbert,' he said eyeing Lyn warily. Her tribal dress was soaked in blood.

They raced up the stairs which Leagult pointed out. Their path was blocked by a deadly assassin.

'Your road ends here.'

Lyn, who was still worked up from the fight with Darin, stepped towards him with the intention to fight.

'Do not fight that man!' a voice cried from atop the stairs. Eliwood's heart froze. It was his father! He was alive!

'Jaffar, you can go now.' another voice said.

The assassin vanished, allowing Hector, Lyn and Eliwood to race to the top. Elbert, Ninian and Nergal along with the sage that kidnapped Ninian earlier were waiting for them.

What happened next would scar the nobles for life.
Ninian, under Nergal's command, proceeded to open the Dragon's Gate. She sapped Elbert's life essence to do this.
A dragon emerged from the gate, but Ninian's concentration was broken by her brother, Nills, who came just in the nick of time to prevent the dragon from emerging fully.

The dragon's body collapsed under the weight of the failing Gate, taking the black robed sage with it. Ninian, Nills and Elbert was rescued by Eliwood and Hector, but Nergal stopped them. Elbert was an inch from death and used the last of his strength to injure Nergal severely.

Nergal retreated for the time being.

A little sneak peak at chapter 4!

'You look a little like my brother,' Rebecca said.

'You have a brother?'

'Yes, he left home...'

Heheh. That's all you're gonna get.
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