Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Tales from the Zones

by Atsui-Yume 1 review

There were other Killjoys. These are a series of darbbles from their POV.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-11-22 - Updated: 2010-11-22 - 209 words

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone of anything affiliated with My Chemical Romance and of course I am making no money from this. I do however own Ruby and the unnamed Killjoy here so please don't steal without permission.
I'm thinking of making these a series so if you have any requests/prompts you would like just say and I'll make it happen.

-Recording start-Approx 21:47-Zone 5-

I don't know if anyone will find this. But I have to record what has just happened, even if it kills me.
We were ambushed in Zone five. Somehow the Dracs knew where we would be. They even let us make camp for the night by the old hideout.
And then they attacked us.
They destroyed everything. We tried to ghost them but in the end they shot us down. I only survived because they thought I was dead. To be honest, I wish I was. Then at least I could be with my partners again.
I miss you Ruby, but at least I'll be seeing you again soon. This wound is bleeding too much now so I definitely won't be fighting again.
For whoever finds this, kill that Motherfucker Drac for me.
And whatever you do.

Keep running.

-Recording End-Approx 21:56-Zone 5-
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