Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Come On Angel, Don't You Cry.

Chapter Seven.

by ElenasaurGoesRawr 5 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2010-12-11 - Updated: 2010-12-11 - 500 words

Ivy woke with a shiver around 11AM. Sitting up, she looked around in confusion for a few minutes before establishing that she was in Gerard's room, laying in his bed. She had no idea how she got there, but she didn't care and quickly snuggled back into the blankets, for it was freezing in the basement. Just as she was drifting back to sleep, she heard a snore. She peered over the edge of the bed, startled to see Gerard lying there. She cautiously reached down and gave his shoulder a light shake.

"Gerard... wake up hunny you're really fucking late for school."

Gerard stirred and gave his reply without even opening his eyes. "Huh? No school... long story.." He turned around and tried to fall back asleep, shivering. He had one thin blanket and a pillow on the floor.

Ivy stared down wishfully at him, still half asleep. Oh how she wished he would be with her in the bed, wrapping his arms around her to keep her extra warm. Why her attraction to him was so strong, she had no idea, but she just wanted to feel the warmth of his touch again, so badly.

It's only been a few days... I'd be rushing things, to invite him to lay with me...

Ivy ignored the logic in her head and decided to just grow a pair. She shook his shoulder again.

"Gerard, that's a really nice gesture of you but are you crazy? It's fucking freezing down here. Don't worry about being modest, just come lay with me and we'll both be warm."

He couldn't have been more eager. Ivy didn't know if it was because maybe he had feelings for her, or if it was just too damn cold. Gerard quickly joined her under the thick blankets and wrapped his arms around her, shivering, not caring about how nervous he was. Ivy jumped a bit at the cool contact of his skin, but as his shivering ceased they both started to warm up. Finally he relaxed his muscles and rested his head in the crook of her neck.

His nerves finally hit him now that he could think rationally. "Ivy, is this... okay? I mean, I'm warm now, if you want me to stop..."

Ivy was almost asleep already, but her reply was quick. She wanted this to last longer. She was in pure bliss. I mean, it's not like she had never cuddled before. Many of her clients loved to cuddle for a few minutes after paying for their services. But this was a first for her, physical contact with someone she had a genuine interest in. She didn't care if he could feel the unevenness of her skin through her thin clothes. Hell, she didn't even care if her sleeve rode up a bit and her cuts were exposed. She didn't care about anything besides Gerard's strong arms wrapped around hers. "No, just stay here," she muttered. "Sleep."

He was more than happy to oblige.
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