Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Be in IM Chat


by MCR_Vampire_321 1 review

I'm so sorry, just read...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-12-11 - Updated: 2010-12-11 - 338 words

Omg I'm so sorry! :O
I totally forgot I had asked this question before I finished IM Chat =/
Well I've picked a winner who will be in IM Chat 2 =) And you'll be in IM Chat 3 if I decide to write one...
You'll now be a main character instead of a one off which is what I originally planned :)

IM Chat Name Winner - Thanks4TheVenom
Runner-up (You won't be a main part, you'll pop up every so often though :D) - coffee4eva

And I feel the need to put all the answers to the questions...

At the start of the fic, why does Frank ignore Jasmine? Because she got a boyfriend right before Frank could ask her out.
What was Raechel's original IM Chat name before she changed it to RaechyBabe? WeeGirl.
Mikey admits something that Frank found funny. What was it? Frank found the fact that Mikey had never kissed a girl before funny.
When the boys were talking about how to get Gerard and Lucy back togethor, what was Franks big plan? To make Gerard pretend to be gay.
What is Franks IM Chat name? PenceyPrep

THE PROFILES (So you know who you'll be reading about :D) -
Thanks4TheVenom's Profile...
Real Name - Bree
Age- 17 Im an oldy haha
Personality- Now get ready for a long explaination: I'm the nicest girl in the world. I'm nice to everyone and I try not to make enemies. I don't judge people, I accept everyone reguardless of Sex, race, and ecspecially sexual orientation. Biggest pet peve homophobes. Oh and if I do have an enemy I let them know it, but i have a hard time holding grudges. And I'm a Red head I have a horrible temper on me. And I like to prove my point in a fight. I also love to help people. I'm the girl my friends come to for help with their problems.

coffee4eva's Profile...
Real Name - Sephora
Personality: Hyper, sarcastic, voted most likely to make the sitution awkward
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