Categories > Books > Cirque du Freak > he was the last person i wanted to

The lord himself

by killjoy_jinx 0 reviews

Coruisy killed the cat

Category: Cirque du Freak - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2010-12-12 - Updated: 2010-12-12 - 203 words - Complete

weak spot on the left back enterance.
god i'm tired been here all day making notes like this but i feel i was born to do this be a thieve died with pride as my father would say. the i spot him the dead beat that hurt our d slie motherfucker. steve
suddenly three pairs of hands seese me
"get the fuck off..." i dont get to finish my sentace as everthing goes black
when i awake i see him gannen
"do,me a favour dont try and escape" he said
"die with pride" i said and a look of shock comes over his face
"alex" he whispers
"who else" i spat at him
"gannen" a voice,comes
"yes my lord" he said
"who is that"
"the,courtais most wanted"
"leave" it says
"yes my lord" gannen said and left me with steve leonard
"so" he sits infront of me this man who has done unspeakable things to my kind to daruis "whats your name"
"alex" i say bravely
"i want you answer my question or you get cut" he said broudicing a knife i just nod
"1st question" his face softens "hows my son?"
I cant speak he slaps me
"awser me"
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