Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tales of a Killjoy

The Past Ain't Through WIth You

by Anthrax_Angel 0 reviews

Angel realises she can't run from who she was.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-12-13 - Updated: 2010-12-14 - 868 words

We all sit and wait eventually I fall asleep, “wake up I got what you need” Lazer Keys says shaking me awake “looks like you’ve been holding out on our little friends” he says leading me down to the basement the guys still sleeping. “What are you talking about Keys” I say stretching “your daddy’s a big wig in Battery, doubt the gangs in on that little secret” he says sitting down in his chair. “Doesn’t matter who are parents are or what they do inside the city walls” I say biting my lip, “whatever helps you sleep at night sweetheart, you’re gonna have to tell em soon if you want to get your bro back” he says handing me a stack of papers.

“He was grabbed by an exterminator named Stan, who works in the private sector, he was brought from the Station straight to your fathers house, where he put up quite the fight. From what I can find he took out at least 5 Dracs before they shoved some pills down his throat, he’s be rebooted under the name you gave me Jason Dylan he’s a school teacher year 8 from what I can tell, he teaches math. His daily schedule and address are in the file, there’s one more thing” Keys says handing me another piece of paper. “He’s getting married” I stutter looking at a wedding announcement “yup some political deal between your father and Orvis, their trying to unite Battery under one banner and their using your bro to do it” Keys says. “shit we gotta move fast” I say reading the date on the announcement was only three weeks away “yup, I’m not asking for payment for this one just make sure that wedding doesn’t happen last thing we need is the two wealthiest families getting together” he says looking at me with a serious look on his face. “No worries the Danger Gangs on it” I say heading up stairs.

I wake everyone up and decide it my turn to reveal a secret “so like I thought they brought Pony home then rebooted him Keys got us the address and everything, but there’s a little problem.” “What kinda problem” Poison says giving me a look that says he’s out if this is big, “well I should probably start by telling you who my dad is” I start. “Why, our lives before the Zones don’t matter not anymore” Jet says looking away from the window to catch my eye. “well it’s relevant considering the Exterminator I ghosted back at the Garage was the same one that brought Pony in, meaning my dad wants me back to” “we’ll keep you safe” Kobra says pulling me closer to him.

I sighed they weren’t getting it “my dad is Conrad Dylan” I say looking into my lap, “wait you mean, ‘we’re here to make things better’ Conrad Dylan” Poison says looking shocked. “No way, your one of the strongest supporters of the Killjoys” Ghoul says confused “wait…if that’s true why didn’t you tell us” Kobra says pulling is arm away from me. “Your life before doesn’t exist all that matters is who you are when you enter the Zones” Jet quotes from the window “the first line in the code, she didn’t have to tell us cause it doesn’t matter.” “Kinda different since she wrote it” Poison says throwing a disgusted look my way, “hey we all wrote the code together and that part wasn’t even Angels idea it was yours” Ghoul says to Poison.

They continue fighting I tune them out I only look at Kobra “talk to me” I beg when he won’t look at me “this is big Angel, you’re the daughter of the man who started this, made life in the Zones necessary, he’s the reason we live like this. The worst part is you didn’t think to tell us” he says meeting my eyes anger and sadness apparent in his green eyes. “I thought to tell you every fucking day but I was scared, in the beginning I was scared you’d throw me out on my ass, don’t lie in the early days if I told you hey I’m Canrad Dylan’s daughter you would have either ghosted me or left me in the middle of the Zones. After everything I never thought it would matter, and to tell you the truth I would rather not believe he’s my father. When me and Pony left we told ourselves we were leaving everything, that’s why I didn’t tell you” I said fighting back tears. “This is big” Kobra says turning away from me, I feel my heart shatter the same way it did three years ago when I left. “That’s only half the problem he set to marry Vanessa Orvis” I say looking up they all turn to me in shock “wait like Scarecrow head Orvis” Ghoul sputters, I nod “we have three weeks to get Pony out before life in the Zones goes up in smoke.”
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