Categories > Anime/Manga > Bleach > Dimensions

Fire and Smoke

by Will2672 0 reviews

As the battle between Kakashi and Balmunk continues, it attracts the attention of several seperate parties.

Category: Bleach - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2010-12-21 - Updated: 2010-12-21 - 1517 words

“It appears that the festivities have begun,” Kabuto muttered from beneath the hood of his long, dark, cloak. He was currently sitting propped up against a tree.
“Who’s dimension do you think they’re from?” Agito uttered, gruffly. Everything about Kabuto made him feel uneasy, yet he couldn’t just sit around without making conversation. After all, this man knew things. And there was always the fact that he could use him later.
“Well, they’re not from mine,” Aizen stated, calmly breaking into a smile. “I cant sense any reiatsu.”
“Probably not from ours,” Agito heard the imposing, if not slightly nasally, voice of Richard Guyot state. “The only person I can think of that could produce enough fire to be seen from this far away is Derzerb, although I doubt that he would have been sent here.”
“Well, I can sense a large source of Chakra, but that only accounts for one person,” Kabuto hissed. “That was probably a fireball jutsu…”
“Then who is the second person?” Agito questioned, rising to his feet.
“Probably someone who is from a dimension we haven’t yet encountered,” Aizen replied, never once breaking his calm demeanour. “Do you not think? Agito Makishima?”
Agito’s face ticked slightly. Why did all these people have the ability to unnerve him like this? It was ludicrous! And, in addition to them, he knew that it wasn’t much longer before Guyot finally snapped and made an attempt to steal his control metal. His best bet would be to stay here and see if he could use these people, however, from where he was situated, there were too many risks involved. He had to retreat.
As the symbiotic armour latched itself to his body, his eyes hardened. When the process was complete, a harsh “Pssssshhhh!!” was heard as the waste gasses were pumped from the suit’s mouth vents.
“Sorry,” his voice echoed from the depths of the suit. “but I feel that I’ll be able to progress better on my own!”
As his ‘comrades’ rose to their feet, he merely scoffed, before kicking off from the ground. As he soared upwards, propelled by the force of his jump, the gravity control orb, positioned at the base of his abdomen, began to glow. Agito Makishima, Guyver III took flight.


“Then how do we get back?” Sho asked, never once lifting his gaze from Gracia’s divine form.
“I can think of only two ways,” she sighed, closing her large green eyes sorrowfully. “When Cyripus, the one from my dimension that is partly responsible for this, cast his spell, he made it so that his greatest enemy would be carried here with him. Hence my arrival. My first guess is that…we will have to kill our greatest enemy.”
“But…Richard Guyot is dead,” Sho muttered to himself. “Archanfel killed him on top of Mt Minakami…”
“Then that just means that he would have been summoned from a time when he posed the greatest threat to you…” Gracia uttered.
“What about the other way?” Ichigo asked, his permanent frown never once wavering.
“Before I came upon you people, I conducted a brief search of the area,” the moon elf began. “Through this forest appears to be a temple. It is just a guess, but if we make it there, there may be another way out…”
Just as she said this, the entire south side of the sky was filled with the deep orange glow of a raging inferno. Someone had already started to fight.


If it wasn’t Genjutsu, then what was it?
Kakashi’s mind was working in overdrive to attempt to make sense of the situation. This man, despite the fact that he projected no Chakra whatsoever, was able to catch his Sharingan in an illusion. Something wasn’t right here.
“Seeing as you have so willingly shown me your magic, I feel compelled to impress you with mine!” Balmunk laughed, reaching behind his back and pulling out a large black cloak. Swinging his arm in a wide arc in front of him, the jet black material billowed softly before something appeared….leaping from the depths of the cape. It was a tiger!
“What!?” Kakashi cried out, jumping backwards and drawing a kunai knife from the pouch on his belt. “Kuchiyose no jutsu!?”
As the tiger leapt towards him, it bared it’s fangs and slashed out with its sharp claws. It moved so fast that it seemed to blur in streaks of orange.
“Tis’ but a trick, my friend!” Balmunk laughed. “As is the case with everything inside a circus!!”
Avoiding the swipes and slashes of his bestial enemy, Kakashi began to breathe heavily through his half mask. Suddenly throwing the kunai in his hand, he watched as the dark metal plunged into the feral animal’s forehead. The tiger collapsed to the floor, dead.
“Korosho!!” Balmunk laughed, yet again. “I would expect no less from yourself!” He paused for a moment as he raised one gloved hand. “But will the case be the same now!?” As he said this, his finger almost seemed to morph and change into the barrel of a gun.
As the tiny, spinning, pellets of lead flew through the air, the gunfire echoed through the surrounding trees, still blazing orange from the fire. Kakashi had never before encountered anything like this. After all, he was a ninja. Ninjas know nothing of guns!
It was just lucky that Kakashi’s Sharingan was activated. He could see the bullets as they sped towards him, spinning through the air. They were slightly offside. Too far left. All he’d have to do was move a few inches.
He just about made it.
“I am impressed!” Balmunk laughed, in an attempt to hide his shock. “Never, since Gamma Akutabi has anyone posed such resistance to me!”
Kakashi didn’t care who this Gamma person was. All he knew was that he had caught the man off guard with his dodge. His aim was to exploit this.
Rapidly reaching into the pouch, strapped to his belt, Kakashi withdrew a small smoke bomb. Hurling it towards the Russian, he darted to the side as the thick smoke spewed around the area.
“Attempting to blind me?” the mystic chuckled.
There was no response. The only sound to be heard was the crackle of the flaming trees and the billowing of the two sources of smoke, mingling in the air.


Sprinting through the trees, Ichigo Kurosaki and company began to near the sight of the battlefield. All around them, smoke began to spew from the site just up ahead.
Reaching behind his back, Ichigo grasped the hilt of Zangetsu just as the cloth wrap began to unfold. Catching the light, the silver and black blade began to shimmer.
Noticing that his comrade had drawn his weapon, Sho readied himself. Wrapping his arms around his torso, he gritted his teeth as he let out a cry of: “GUYVER!!” A sloppy, slashing sound was heard as his symbiotic suit of blue armour latched onto his body with deep purple tentacles. Fixed to his forehead, his brilliant silver control metal glinted in the light.
Never once removing her gaze from the two young men, Gracia began to ponder. What on earth were they!?
Turning his armoured head, so that the pronounced horn on the top swung ever so slightly, Sho called over his shoulder to Mizuki.
“Mizuki! Stay back! I don’t want you getting hurt!”
“You hear that, Chad!?” Ichigo, too called out. “I want you to stay back as well and protect the girl!”
Trailing behind the group, Chad’s large head entered into what appeared to be a nod. As he did so, the dim light that seeped through the canopy fell upon his tanned skin.
Finally entering the smoke, Gracia held out one hand, indicating for Chad and Mizuki to stay back, while she drew her bow.
Taking several steps into the unknown, the orbs on the sides of Sho’s armoured head began to convulse and move, as if he were sensing out the landscape.
“Two of them!” Sho called out.
“Let’s just hope they’re friendly,” Ichigo grunted as the three of them entered the smoke.


With the mystic distracted by the smoke, now was Kakashi’s chance to make a move. He couldn’t afford to use his Lightning Blade again. Blamunk had already proved that it was ineffective, Genjutsu or not.
He decided not to waste Chakra. A physical attack would be best. And, with his Sharingan, he could easily hit a vital spot, even in this smoke.
Rapidly drawing another Kunai knife, he rushed forwards. If he could slash the Russian across the neck, he would be finished in a couple of seconds, magic or not!


echoed the low demonic voice of Cyripus. “No Brumheart here! Just insects playing with fire and smoke!” He paused for a second as he raised one hand and pointed it into the depths of the billowing grey. “Let’s show them how it’s done!!”
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