Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Faring Well

Chapter 11

by whoah-that 8 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2010-12-30 - Updated: 2010-12-31 - 1714 words

"Alright, class, settle down. We have a new student joining us today. His name is Frank...Iero," Mrs. Evans said uncertainly, unsure how to pronounce the name. She looked to the tattooed boy to see how badly she'd done.

"You got it," he said, smiling and nodding.

Gerard turned to Harper and quietly begged her to shift over one desk while Mrs. Evans gave Frank all the papers and assignments he'd need.

"Why?" Harper asked, frowning slightly.

"Because...Because I know that kid, and I think he'll feel better sitting next to someone he knows. Being new and all," he added, hoping he didn't sound too desperate. If he had to move to a new school, he'd want to sit next to someone he already knew, right? Right, Gerard assured himself. Sighing, Harper picked up her things and moved to the next desk, leaving the one next to Gerard conveniently empty.

"Well, Mr. Iero, there seems to be an empty seat next to Gerard you can take." Gerard saw Frank's face light with recognition when he heard the familiar name, and it made him smile. "Mr. Way, please raise your hand. Over there, Mr. Iero," Mrs. Evans said when Gerard leaned back in his chair and waved his arm around.

"We meet again," Frank said with a smile as he set his things down at the desk previously occupied by Harper. "And we didn't even have to bump heads to do it." He grinned broadly, which made Gerard smile in return.

"I dunno," Gerard said, trying to think of something clever to say. "I kind of like bumping your head." Frank laughed, but it took Gerard a second to realize that what he'd said sounded extremely sexual. He blushed deeply. "I mean...You know what I mean," he mumbled with a sheepish grin down at the desk.

"Yeah, I do," Frank chuckled.

"Mr. Iero," came a sharp voice from the front of the room. Both boys groaned quietly. "Perhaps, over Mr. Way's warm welcome to our glorious school, you didn't hear me ask everyone to take out their copies of The Importance of Being Earnest and start where we left off last class. This being your first
day, I do not expect you to have the play yet. You may look on with Gerard, provided you two can continue this conversation after my class."

"Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am," Frank said with a small nod of apology.

"Bad first impressions are very difficult to remedy, Mr. Iero," Mrs. Evans crowed in a cautioning voice. "Especially for me." After one last, testy look, Mrs. Evans turned back to the notes she was writing on the board.

"Yeah, your first impression of me was probably ruined when you saw the tattoos, you old crone," Frank murmured, beginning to copy what was on the board.

"It's okay," Gerard assured Frank, temper flaring at his ancient English teacher for making the other boy feel bad. "She hates me, too. You get used to it. She's not the type to lower grades for poor character, as long as you do the work."

"Good to know," Frank whispered back, offering up a tiny, yet reassuring, smile that made the other boy's hands tremble.

"I feel pretty! Oh, so pretty! I feel pretty, and witty, and gay! And I pity any girl who isn't me today!" Yeah, maybe it was a little embarrassing that Gerard had the West Side Story soundtrack on his iPod, and sure, maybe it was kind of gay that he was blasting it in his car and singing along with the windows rolled down on his way to pick up Mikey from school, but he didn't care. He was just in
an inexplicably good mood today, and no amount of strange looks from people in other cars was going to put a damper on that. In the back of his mind, he probably knew that his high spirits could be credited to the new boy that he had developed an affinity for, but he didn't think of that. He just thought about how this was the first time in a long time that he'd been in such a good mood.

"Maria!" Gerard belted as Mikey buckled himself in and threw his backpack in the backseat. "I've just met a girl named...Maria!"

"Gee, you're so weird!" Mikey laughed, pointing and giggling at his older brother's silly antics.

"I'm just happy, Mikes. When you're happy, it's hard not to let the whole world know." Gerard hummed along with the rest of the musical and strummed the steering wheel with his fingers as he listened to Mikey talk about his day.

"...And then, I kicked the ball so far, Gee! Like, it went all the way over everyone else's heads and landed near the basketball court! Do you know how far that is, Gee? It's so far! Do you know how far that is?"

"I know, Mikes, that's so far! Awesome, really awesome. I'm so proud of you." Since they were at a stoplight, Gerard was able to reach over and ruffle Mikey's hair. "You show all those other little shits how the Way brothers own at kickball."

"Hey! Bad words!" Mikey gasped, giving his older brother a reproachful look. Gerard shrugged, then gave his brother an apologetic smile. Mikey smiled back. "Oh, Gee, guess what? Today, Sara asked me to kiss her!"

"Ooh, Mr. Ladies' Man," Gerard said, grinning broadly at his little brother's disgust with girls. That would go away, in time. "Did you kiss her?"

"No!" Mikey exclaimed vehemently, his little cheeks turning red.

"Why not? I bet she was cute."

"Gee," Mikey sighed, exasperated with his brother's blasé attitude towards this very serious matter. "You can't kiss someone if you don't love them!"

"Why not?" Gerard asked, trying not to laugh. His little brother was just too cute.

"Because," Mikey said as though it were the most basic law of life. "When you find the one you do love, she's not gonna wanna kiss you if you went and kissed a bunch of other girls first. You have to save your kisses for the right girl. Duh."

"Right, Mikes, I guess I forgot about that." Gerard smiled as they pulled in to their driveway. He thought about Ray and Harper, and the epic drama that they were going through at the moment. Harper had been very quiet at lunch, and she'd looked about ready to cry when Ray walked in, saw her, and promptly walked out of the cafeteria.

"Hey, Mikey," Gerard suddenly said, turning to his little brother. "If I call Harper up right now, would you tell her what you just told me about love and kissing?"

"No!" Mikey said, turning red again and shaking his head.

"Come on, Mikes. She's really sad, and it would make her feel better. Tell you what, if you do it, you and me can go out for ice cream after dinner tonight. Sound good?" Mikey's face lit up and he nodded energetically. Gerard smiled and dialed his friend's number. "Hey, Harper?" he said when she answered. "Mikey wants to explain something to you."

"Okay," Mikey said when his older brother handed him the phone. "So, here's how kissing works..."

When he was done explaining, Harper began to sob uncontrollably. "Oh my God," she said, somehow managing to laugh hysterically at the same time. "That is so cute! Mikey, I need one of you to keep with me all the time! Gerard," she said once the older brother was back on the phone. "You always know just how to cheer me up. I love you."

"No problem, Harper. Feel better." Once he hung up, the two brothers hurried inside, as it was getting colder outside.

"What's wrong with Harper, Gee?" Mikey asked while Gerard got some celery and peanut butter out of the fridge as a snack for the two.

"Well, Mikes," Gerard began, wondering how to explain the situation to his seven year old brother. "A few days ago, Harper kissed a boy at a party. Ray found out, and he got mad at her, and now he won't talk to her."

"Well, that's not nice," Mikey said, frowning. "Harper can't help it."

"Why do you say that?" Gerard asked, giving his brother a funny look.

"Well, it's a lot harder for girls than it is for boys. Sometimes, boys lie to girls to get the girls to kiss them. Like, this kid, Jonny, he told three different girls he liked them just so they would kiss him, and then he stopped being nice to them after they did it. He even threw sand at Beth on the playground. It was really mean. So it's not the girls' fault. It's just harder for them. Ray should know that."

Gerard just stared at his brother for a few seconds, mouth agape. "Mikey," he said slowly. "I will buy you ice cream for the rest of the week if you will tell Ray what you just told me."

"You know, Gee," Mikey said as Gerard dialed Ray's number as quickly as possible. "This is probably the kind of stuff they should teach in school."

"Don't I know it, Mikes."

Heya, guys. So sorry this update took so long. I have a rule that I'm not allowed to update one story if there's another that I haven't updated yet. Like, if I update Story A on Wednesday, then Story B on Thursday, I won't update Story B until I've updated Story A. It just helps me keep on top of everything. So yeah. It just took me a really long time to update my other story, haha. If you're reading it, you'll know it was a REALLY long chapter. This chapter's a decent size, as well. I actually wrote it on my iTouch (Which, by the way, is a total jip. My old iTouch broke a few weeks after the warranty was up, and it was $286 for a new one! Bullshit.) while I was babysitting tonight, and then I just emailed it to myself and edited it for typos and such. So yeah. Whatcha think? Go comment and subscribe, please, if you haven't. Another update will be coming ASAP. Happy New Year, if I don't see you before then! OverAndOutxx
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