Categories > Anime/Manga > Yami no Matsuei

An unaccepted Goodbye

by monanoke480 0 reviews

Its a song I felt like making for Sakura. Its sorta depressing but please review!

Category: Yami no Matsuei - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-12-31 - Updated: 2011-01-01 - 211 words


In this night of silence
I regret it all
Why did I act strong?
Why did I act foolish?
Now it's all to late

Rain falls like my tears
For you even God is crying
My sorrow is deeper then hell

Why couldn't I notice?
Why did you die for me?
I wouldv'e been much happier if you hadn't.

Your hands are so cold
Why don't you answer me?

The days of Sun have ended now there is only gray.

A seed of jelousy planted
And a blade that pierces the heart.
That was how it began.

Where are you my Sun?
Here you have only left me a husk
Where is your love?

I regret it all.
Every word, Every feeling
If I had never known you
You would still exist
You melted my icy heart
Was it all for naught?

Now I can cry
Now I can feel
I hate you for doing this to me!
Because you made me happy
Because you made me love you
Those are the things I hate you for!

I could never wish for you to not have existed
I could never wish you back to life.
Thats why now
As I drip away
I smile
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