Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forgotten

Step 2

by AddixxSin 1 review

I apologize its short. I havent had much time lately with finals coming up. r and r. and thank you for the reviews!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-01-06 - Updated: 2011-01-07 - 669 words

Addies Pov.

As the band walked in I pulled away from Gerard and sat back down. I was nervous as to how they would react and even more nervous about Mrs. Way. Her son was still the same, but missing a piece of himself. Of course she would help me with his memory, but it would still be hard for her.

“Gee! “ Frank shouted as he ran into the room with Bella under his arm. He gave him an awkward one armed hug and moved so everybody else could move in. One by one they gave careful hugs and gave me one as well. Frank put Bella into my arms and I hugged her small form close.

“So what’s your status bro? You look pretty patched up to me.” Mikey said as he was checking out Gees injuries. Gerard looked at me and I nodded. I sat up in my chair, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear and adjusting Bella in my lap as I did so and sighed.

“Gerard is recovering well. His face has some bruising obviously, and the cuts are healing fine. His internal bruising healed quickly and it should be fine for him to come home in a few days. But he is having a trouble with his memory. He can’t really remember anything for the past five years or so and I’m going to need everybody’s help in jogging that so he is back to normal as soon as possible.” I stated and looked at the reactions around the room. Mikey and his mom looked devastated. Their faces hard with thought and Mr. Way looked just like his son. Mikey and his dad were standing in an arms crossed position with stern faces. Mrs. Way hugged Gerard and he hugged back. Frank, Bob and Ray were just figuring out what was occurring.

“So he remembers us right?” Ray asked and Gerard answered “Of course! The things I remember are Otter being in the band and Bob being the useds sound guy, but I remember everybody.” He assured.

I sat there biting my lip as the room dealt with this development. Multiple questions were asked and answered by the one who remembered the least of all. I wanted to leave right then and there, but I couldn’t. During the discussion, Gerard had grabbed my hand and held onto it.Gently rubbing my hand with his thumb like I had done to him. This made me feel better than anything. The boys had started going through the bands history. Telling Gerard everything they had done, seen and said in the past five years. Laughing and crying as they discussed the insanity that the tours had caused.

“Wow, I’m almost happy I don’t remember anything.” He laughed as the stories rolled on. He picked up my hand and kissed my fingers that were entwined with his. “I wish I could remember you though.” He said and I nodded. When I was thinking I go into a quiet stare. I thought how much I needed to tell him about our life.

The night had gone on into the late hours and the night nurse had asked us to leave. Gerard had an assembly line of hugs with me at the end. He playfully said goodbye to a sleeping Bella and then gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Are you coming tomorrow?” He asked, not letting me go.

“I will. I will also bring you some things to help remind you.” I said and kissed him back. As we walked out Frank offered to drive me and the Ways back to my house.

“We will get through this honey. Don’t worry.” Mrs. Way said as she put an arm around my shoulder. I had gotten so lucky with her. She was the best mother in law I could have asked for. I knew she wouldn’t let me down as we helped her son recover.
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