Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Lights You Make

I Was Everything

by camrae 2 reviews

If you were given one chance to change everything, would you go back?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2011-01-11 - Updated: 2011-01-13 - 746 words


“Get out of my house you miserable bastard!” She screamed. The sheer pitch and tone of her voice was enough to prompt the early signs of a headache. The pressure in his temples continued to build as she continued on her rant. “You’re a pathetic cliche’, a junkie! You think that because you’re in a famous band that you can treat people like disposable pieces of nothing?”
He could tell that this argument was not one that would end in make-up sex. With the ache in his brain reaching it’s breaking point he decided it was time to cut his losses. He would not win this argument, nor did he care to.
“You are disposable.” He said simply, barely looking into her tear stained eyes before collecting his leather jacket. He knew it was time to get out.
“You are nothing.” She said with honest, hate filled words. He knew she was wrong, but she was not worth bringing about his hot temper for. No use wasting his breathe in a fight he knew was pointless. He didn’t care enough to even make it a proper fight.

He exited her apartment lobby and placed his sunglasses over his eyes as he escaped into the hot California sun. He smiled to himself as he got into his silver ’79 Trans Am. “I’m Gerard Way, I am everything.” He assured himself as he brought the engine to life. He knew what he needed, he needed to head out into the dessert and blow off some steam. But first, he needed the perfect libation to ease the tension in his head. He pulled out of the shabby parking lot and pointed his car towards the nearest bar. This would be a good day after all. This would make it alright.

He lost count of how many times he saw the empty bottom of his glass before he decided to pay his tab and begin on his evening journey. He couldn’t be long, he had a show tomorrow. Not that he needed the sleep or rest. He could do the show with his eyes closed and his hands tied behind his back. Night was beginning to set in as he returned to his Trans Am and continued towards the dessert. The sky was full of fiery reds and translucent purples as the sun disappeared behind the hills. His head felt much better, now it was time for a little fun. The traffic was deplorable, as usual. He began to grow impatient, weaving in and out of the various packed lanes that made up the expressway. He cranked the volume up on his stereo which only added to the erratic nature of his driving. The pounding beat blasting through his speakers brought along a new urgency to be on the open road with no restrictions, topping out his classic sports car, and pushing it to it’s very limits. He felt relief wash over him as he pulled off the expressway and the presence of other vehicles became less and less the farther he drove. He let out a loud, triumphant yell as he pushed the petal to the floor, sending the car surging forward. He pounded his fist against the steering wheel to the beat of the music and began to thoroughly enjoy the feeling of freedom. He hadn’t noticed the set of distinctive lights coming around the bend as he threw his head back to sing along.

Gerard’s eyes became level with the road in time to see a flash of light before he felt the impact. Everything moved in slow motion. Tires screamed. Glass shattered. Metal crashed. He heard a pained scream as his surroundings turned white and the sounds around him became muffled. He soon experienced the feeling of his body traveling very fast. He struggled to open his eyes and saw a pair of wide blue-grey eyes staring down at him. She looked frantic and her dark brown hair was carelessly tied back and disheveled with messy pieces falling around her face. There was a white haze surrounding her and he knew that she was talking to him, screaming even, but he could only make out muffled sounds that were of no meaning or importance when he tried to put them together. He could feel himself slipping away again as the white haze surrounding the woman closed in around her and he was left again with the white nothingness.
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