Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

I've waited for so long, darlin'.

by ThatWeirdKidOo 1 review

I've waited for so long. Waited for the day that you'd wake up, so we could go back home. Waited for the day you would no longer need the wires, which morphed and tugged around your flesh.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-01-16 - Updated: 2011-01-16 - 484 words

I sat, distraught, in the hospital room.
Silently waiting, as I watched you breathe with help from cold machines.

Every hour.

On the hour.

They drew blood.

I've waited for so long.

Waited for the day that you'd wake up, so we could go back home.

Waited for the day you would no longer need the wires, which morphed and tugged around your flesh.

They protruded and stuck in awkward angles, making me flinch and drag my eyes away.
The erratic rise and fall of your chest was slowly driving me insane.

My body ached and groaned from the amount of time I had been sitting in the same place.
I struggled to distinguish between the wretched skin and sinew, which stretched around my bones, and the plastic hospital chair, that they had not-so-enthusiastically dragged up from the emergency room.
They didn't want cases like this here.
They'd rather the bed was used for someone who wanted to wake up.

Not someone like you, sugar.

I stroked the loose strands of hair from your beautiful face, and sighed, wondering if I would ever get to speak to you again.
If I could ever see those eyes, that flickered and laced with intelligence.
If I could ever tell you tha-

"Excuse me sir"

I snapped out of my sorrows as a doctor walked into the room.

I looked up at him with hollow eyes.

"We've got the results back from the tests, it doesn't look too good. I've never seen anyone survive taking the amount of pills he did,"

"W…What are saying?"
I stuttered, words struggled to escape from my mouth, being asphyxiated by anxiety.

"Well, If he doesn't, you know, improve in the next two weeks, we're going to have to turn off life support."
I couldn't believe the words I was hearing.
They couldn't do that.
Couldn't turn of the machines that kept my sweetheart alive.
It was an inconceivable act.

Usually, I would have fought back.

I would have shouted and screamed at him, until they dragged me downstairs, and locked me up.

But the words didn't arrive, and my body stayed numb, composed exactly where it has been for weeks.

The doctor looked at me, paused,
and then swiftly left the room.

I sunk into silence once again.
Clutching onto your limp, cold hand, as I sank to my knees beside you.

Trying not to disturb the wires, I leaned towards your ear.
And whispered,
"Please honey, I need you to wake up.
Please sugar, just wake up.
Give me a sign.
I want to know you're still in there."
I reached up, and kissed your forehead.
Staining it crystal clear with tears.

I squeezed my eyes shut, so tightly, that I thought they would cave in from the pressure.
Holding my breath, I waited for a sign.

But no.


I've waited for so long, darlin'.
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