Categories > Movies > Pirates of the Caribbean > Blue Leads to Hell

When Happiness Doesn't Work

by devilsgyrl

Bern spies on the Captain and a whore...

Category: Pirates of the Caribbean - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2011-01-20 - Updated: 2011-01-21 - 2293 words

I stared at the woman, Alexandria, and the captain with bulging eyes. It took me a few minutes to process exactly what they were doing. Alexandria was obviously a whore. That was for certain. Her makeup and dressing style pointed to that. Normally, I didn't really give a damn about whores. Who cared about them? Nobody really. Not even the men who paid them.

This, however, was not just some random whore. This was Barbossa's wench. He had just paid her to have a fling with her, no doubt. I could literally feel my face turning green as I watched the two of them. Why did Barbossa actually have to pay someone in order to release sexual tension? Why couldn't he just use someone already on his ship? Alright, I supposed I was being stupid. We all knew that the captain isn't going to have sex with me. I'm much too young and he doesn't like me in that way anyways.

Barbossa and Alexandria walked hand and hand to the door of the pub. My gaze locked onto their hands; Alexandria's thin pale one in Barbossa's strong grasp. Just when they reached the door, I remembered that I better follow them or else I was going to get lost. I had no idea how to get back to the Black Pearl from here. Maybe it would've been better if I had just stayed in the dress store. Unfortunately, it was much too late for that. What was done was done.

I crept up from where I was sitting, looked around to make sure nobody was watching me, and then get to my feet and scurry after Barbossa and the whore. After sliding through the doorway, I start stalking them, making sure to keep a safe distance between us. I can hear Barbossa and the girl talking, but I can't make out what they're saying. The girl (I'm calling her that because whore just sounds bad) laughed a few times, making me even more jealous.

After we walk for a good ten minutes, we stop in front of a small house. House? I wasn't expecting to go to a house. Didn't people who paid for sex usually just do it in alleys? That's what I thought was typical. Yet again, this was not a typical situation. Barbossa wasn't a typical man. He was much more than that. No wonder they were going to the house.

I watched with annoyance as the two stopped outside the door. The girl said something that made Barbossa laugh. He suddenly leaned down, grabbed her arms, and pulled her to him. He kissed her mouth gently and then motioned towards the door. The woman (okay, she's not a girl, so I'd better call her a woman) opened the door and let herself and Barbossa in. They shut the door behind them.

I supposed this wasn't really a surprise. I mean, who the hell keeps a door open in the middle of the day? Nobody. Still though, I couldn't deny the fact that I had wanted to follow them. Feeling kind of depressed and miserable, I started walking around the house, kicking up the dirt on the ground as I went as a way to release the anger.

Suddenly, I found myself standing next to a window. I looked closer; the window was actually open! I knew it was an invasion of privacy to go peering into someone's house, but Barbossa was my business...wasn't he? I tried to justify my spying as I crept forward and peered through the window. Surprisingly enough, it was a bedroom. Just my luck!

I crouched below the window and crossed my fingers, hoping Barbossa and the woman would go into the room. Just as I had figured, the door opened moments later and the two of them stepped inside. The woman was laughing again (damn her) and Barbossa was smiling more than I had ever seen him smile before.

The woman leaned up and started unbuttoning the captain's jacket. He watched her carefully for a moment before his hands dropped to her body. He ran his hands over her shoulders, down her arms, and to her back. He wrapped his arms around her and started undoing the ties to her dress. By this time, the woman had gotten his jacket off and was now working on his shirt.

This was the point of time when I really got it through my head that they were going to have sex right here and now in this room. For some reason, I had a sudden urge to go pounding on the door and tell them to stop. Luckily, I was able to keep that urge to myself. Now that I knew what they were up to, I had to decide what to do next. I could stay here and watch their every move, or I could go and try to immerse myself in a shop nearby until they were done and then follow Barbossa back to the Pearl.

I knew what the right decision was. I knew what I should do. But...I wasn't quite able to remove my gaze from Barbossa and the girl. The farther they went, the more entranced I was. No, I couldn't look away, I was going to stay right her and watch every little thing they would. Too bad that I was going to be the only one to suffer for the consequences of it.

Barbossa finished untying the woman's dress and let it drop to the floor with a swish of fabric. She was left in her undergarments which were pretty much see through. The woman had managed to get off Barbossa's shirt and she was now kissing his chest all over. Barbossa tilted his head back and sighed in pleasure before bringing his hands back around to the woman's chest. He squeezed her breasts gently, just enough to make her squeal.

He took her into his arms and took her to the bed. The woman wrapped her arms and legs around him as they went to the bed. Fuck. Why did they have to go to the bed? Part of me had been wishing that they would do it on the floor so I couldn't see. Yes, I know, I'm being a hypocrite. If I didn't want to see, why didn't I just go away, right? I dunno the answer to that question. All I know is that my feet were rooted to the spot and that I was not going anywhere at the moment.

I watched the two fall into bed with a grimace. They switched places so that the woman was on top and Barbossa lay underneath her. His hands traveled down to her legs and he slipped off the rest of undergarments in a swift motion. Alexandria sat between his legs completely naked. Even though I wasn't really trying to pay attention to her, I saw enough to realize that she had a really great body. She was slim, had perfect ivory skin, and perfectly shaped breasts.

I could see her lips moving as she sat between Barbossa's legs and started undoing his belt buckle. I wanted to hear what they were saying, but even if I pressed my ear against the glass, I couldn't quite make out the words. Too bad for me. Alexandria finished with the captain's buckle and then undid his pants. Again, I had this gut feeling to look away, but I couldn't. It just wasn't even an option.

Alexandria finished undressing him and tossed their discarded clothes onto the floor carelessly. When she turned to dump them on the ground, I got my first good look at Barbossa naked. I knew it wasn't a sight I should be seeing, but I would be definitely lying if I said I didn't want to see it. Barbossa had a great body (well, at least in my opinion), but god, he was big. Much bigger than Jack had been. I had no idea how he'd fit between my legs if we did want to do it. Not like we ever would have sex exactly. It's just my mind running away with me as usual. You can't stop thoughts, can you?

I was staring at Barbossa and Alexandria with eyes glazed over from desire, when someone suddenly called my name. I just about had a heart attack. I jumped literally a mile in the air and whipped around to see who had called my name. Standing behind me in a total innocent way, were Pintel and Ragetti. They were smiling behind me and were waving. Shit. Why did they have to come find me right now? I thought I had been in a rather deserted part of town. Apparently not.

"Hey Bern!" Ragetti called, walking over to me. His smile turned into a small frown when he saw me crouched below the window, "What's that you're doing down there?" I opened my lips to try to make up an excuse, but couldn't think of anything to say. My brain seemed to have been slowed down from the images of stripped down Barbossa and the whore.

"Bern...are you actually spying on someone?" Pintel asked in amazement. His eyes sparkled and he shook a finger playfully at me, "Naughty, naughty girl! You know better than that. Who're you spying on?" Again, I tried to get my mind to work, but to no avail. Unfortunately, Ragetti answered for me, "I bet she's spying on the captain! Remember last night?"

My fucking god, did they really have to bring up last night? That was not something I needed to think about right now. Before I could think of something to say to make Ragetti and Pintel go away, they crept up on me and peered into the window on either sides of me. They gasped simultaneously and turned to stare at me in shock. When they saw my green face, they got the point.

"There, there Bern," Ragetti said in a comforting manner. He patted me on the back awkwardly. "The captain doesn't love any of these whores he has flings with. They're just...I don't know...whores." Pintel nodded and gave me a sympathetic look as well. I wasn't really in a mood for sympathy though. I would rather get mad and yell at someone.

"I never said I was jealous," I snapped irritably. Pintel rolled his eyes at me and said, "Ya didn't need to say it. I can see it in your eyes and in the way you're looking at Barbossa naked right now. I can see quite clearly that you'd give just about anything to be on top of him just like that little whore right now who, if I do say so myself, is quite pretty."

"Is it that obvious?" I asked dubiously. What Pintel said was kind of true and there really was no point in denying it. Still though. My facial expressions must give away much more than I intend them to. Ragetti nodded to my question, confirming my guess. I snuck a peak over my shoulder in the window. The whore was now rubbing Barbossa and I could just barely hear him moaning from where I sat outside. Is it bad if I was thinking that I wanted to be the one to make him scream?

Pintel poked Ragetti and then nodded to some place across the street. Ragetti got the hint and the two of them stood up. Shooting another look in my direction, Pintel said, "The two of us are going to go now. We'll see ya later tonight back on the Pearl. doing what you're doing."

I watched the two of them leave and then went back to staring at Barbossa and the woman. Now, she was crouching over his body and was positioning herself over him so he could enter her easily. After getting herself into the proper position, the woman sank down on him. She rose up and then sank down again. Her slams started out slow and steady, but increasingly got faster and faster.

Her hair fluffed out around her shoulders as she rode Barbossa hard. The captain pushed his hips up to meet her thrusts, syncing their bodies together in a rhythm as old as time. I could tell the woman was reaching her orgasm when her face turned red and when I started hearing her moans from outside the window. Barbossa reached up and squeezed her breasts. That sent her into an orgasm. She called Barbossa's name and reached her peak. Once she came back down, she gave a few more hard slams to bring Barbossa to his peak as well. I could tell when the captain was going to reach his climax because his legs started shaking and he started groaning loudly. A moment later, he cried out to Alexandria and then she collapsed on top of him.

Alexandria rolled onto her side next to him. Both were sweating and red-cheeked, but both looked happy and satisfied. When Barbossa brought the woman in close to him for a cuddle, I decided I had finally seen enough (about time, right?). I turned away from the window and started walking.

Walking without thinking is never a good idea when you're in an unfamiliar place. As I tried to walk the jealousy away, I suddenly realized I had gotten myself lost. Damn. So first I see the man I think I love fuck a whore, and then I get myself hopelessly lost. Great. So now what? Did I try to find my way back? Maybe that's what I should've done. But of course, that's not what I did do. Instead, I sat down on the ground and started crying.
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