Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Is This The Start Of Something? (Frerard)

Chapter 2- Gerard

by AcidicDiva 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2011-01-25 - Updated: 2011-01-25 - 618 words

Chapter 2- Gerard
Gerard: He was amazing those brown eyes and the hair and just everything. It's like when I looked into his eyes when he first walked in we had connected. He'd caught me in the act, I was looking at him and he caught me. I hope he didn't have any idea that I was gay. It would be true but no-one knew except Mikey and I also think my parents had caught on. Even now while he was writing I couldn't help but look his way. He was suddenly my gravity. Maybe love at first sight was real, the way I felt about Frankie was undescribable already. Saying all this in my head I was feeling stupid he wasn't even gay. Well he didn't look it but did I? He wore tight ripped jeans with a skeleton hoodie on. It was also obvious that he had a slight bit of eyeliner on as his eyes were darker than they should be. I smiled at this maybe he was, or maybe not. I was confused i'd never had a gay relationship i'd always been too scared. "Gerard what's the answer?" shit i'd been thinking of Frankie and not been concentrating. "ummm I don't know miss im sorry." She tuttued at me I knew Miss.Thompson though she knew my grades were high enough. "Frank what about you?" It took him a while to answer, it's like he was also thinking but paying attention at the same time. This annoyed me I needed to know. lunch Frankie and I had been talking about all our favourite things comics, music everything. It was great someone besides Mikey that liked everything I did. "So Frankie..." I stopped I hadn't meant to call him this out loud but i'd, been thinking about him so much it just seemed natural. "I'm sorry Frank." The blood rushed to my cheeks I could feel it. "Its okay Gee." he smiled widely. He'd called me Gee not many people did. I smiled back and gave a bit of a chuckle. "What's so funny?" he asked this and I didn't know what to reply how to put it down into words. "Well were talking like we've known eachother all our lives, and we havn't it just seems a bit funny." I smiled and a blush came to Frankies cheeks. Why I don't know but it made him look so cute it was unbearable. In the end I literally ended up sitting on my hands just to make sure I wouldn't reach out and rub his cheeks. The bell went and I got up it looked like Frank was angry his hands were balled into fists. I looked at them just wanting to hold his hand, telling him to squeeze if he was angry. I needed to touch him. It was worth a shot right? Even if it failed i'd of touched him. We walked to our lockers and as Frankie reached up i realised how many bruises he had on his stomach I didn't want to say anything. "Frankie we've got music next." I smiled I loved music it was the one subject, excluding art that I could express myself in. "Music!!" he soundes so happy it was like seeing a kid in, a sweetie store. It was so cute. As we were walking our hands brushed together and a tingle went all through me. I flinched at it. Maybe Frankie felt it to as he had the same reaction to me. Surely not i wasn't sure if I was seeing things right but Frankie had written 'Gee' with a love heart on his palm. No I must be seeing things he can't like me!
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