Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Is This The Start Of Something? (Frerard)

Chapter 6- First Time

by AcidicDiva 2 reviews

Basically they have their first kiss. I wrote this last night and was thinking about not writing anymore I don't know should I carry on or stop?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2011-01-28 - Updated: 2011-01-28 - 531 words

Chapter 6- First Time
Frank: Shit he'd reacted badly. Was I meant to say it was a joke.
"Look Gee i'll go if you want, I know this is probably awkward for you." I took one last look of Gee with my eyes full of tears. I loved this boy.
"No Frank you've just made things a lot easier actually." I was trying to get what he meant by this. Was he saying he was gay also or what. Gee got up slowly and approached me. I was about 2 inches shorter than him, so I had too look up. Our faces were less than a inch away from eachothers. His hot breath like sweet candy, on my skin.
"I'm gay too Frank." my insides burst. No he couldn't be Gee gay it just didn't seem right.
"Gee your just sayi..." My sentence was cut off. Gee's soft lips pressed against mine. He started making the kiss deeper, wrapping one hand on my hair and having on the small of my back. I could feel my trousers getting tight god he was giving me such a big hard. Slowley his tongue rubbed the bottom of my lip, wanting to gain access to my mouth. I accepted and opened my mouth. For what seemed like hours we just stood there and snogged. We were having a fight too see who's tongue could be in the other persons mouth, I think we both scored equal on that. As we became more comfortable with eachother he got closer to me, pushing me against the wall. I'm sure he was mine now.

Gerard: I was kissing him. Frank was Gay just like me. Frank moaned our crotches were rubbing together. I wanted him so bad right now. He moaned into the kiss more and made me more hard. How was that even possible. The electricity that was running between us felt chemical, like we were having a reaction. It was amazing.
"Frank, Gee dinner." I broke away from the kiss and looked at Frank. He was so beautiful.
"Gee does this mean were together?" I swiftly leant down and brushed his lips with mine.
"Yes it does Frank and I think we should tell my mom." I looked at him and his eyes grew wide with fear.
"Frankie she's not a homophobe don't worry. I have a feeling she knows I'm gay anyway." I smiled at Frank he took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. I took his hand in mine and entwined our fingers together. I felt safe almost like I could do anything with, Frankies hand in mine. I wwalked downstairs and into the kitchen. I called moms name and she looked at us.
"Oh Gee i'm so happy." she ran over and gave Frankie and I a hug. I was right mom did know all along.
"Mom it's ok really, well yeah i'm gay and so's Frankie so were gona date." My voice didn't waver an inch when I said this I said it with such triumph it was unbelievable.
"Well i'm happy for you, now who wants burgers?" I smiled and ran over to mum holding my beautiful boyfriends hand.
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