Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > If Only We Knew

Perfection Is

by LiveLikeLaughter 0 reviews

L, Near, and Mello; perfection, definitions, and transience

Category: Death Note - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Characters: L - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-01-28 - Updated: 2011-01-28 - 189 words - Complete

Perfection Is
(L, Near, & Mello)

Nothing lasts forever.

~~~L reflects as he watches the first criminal he caught begin his trial, is getting what you want done.
~~~Near believes as he finishes a blank puzzle without any mistakes for the first time, is achievement.
~~~Mello knows as he smirks and looks over the list of children below him, is when everyone thinks you're perfect.

~~~So perfection, then, is me.
~~~Achievement is a pattern-not an instant.
~~~Determined by what people think, not what you are.

~~~L thinks as he dies, is success.
~~~Near understands as Roger talks, is winning.
~~~Mello swears as he storms out of Roger's office, is power.

~~~And now Kira is perfect.
~~~Being second to a killer... is not enjoyable....
~~~I'll die before I lose to you.

~~~Near realizes as he watches reports of a burning church, is making sure that what you want to be accomplished, is.
~~~Mello sees as his heart stops, is useless.

~~~It's my turn now.
~~~Time's up.

~~~Near decides as he walks away from a warehouse, is a risk best left alone.

Some things never existed at all.
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