Categories > Original > Mystery > The Great Library: Prologue

The Great Library: Chapter 1

by miatthas 0 reviews

Category: Mystery - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2011-01-30 - Updated: 2011-01-30 - 455 words

Josh Flint was riding in the back seat of his mom’s car.
“Mom, why do we have to stay here? Dad’s dead—”
“Your father is not dead!”
Josh was thirteen. His dad had gone into work ten years ago, and never came home. That was all his family knew about him. Josh found it hard to believe that his father was still alive, when he had not contacted his family for ten years.
Josh wanted to move to a different part of town. He didn’t like the beautiful farm house that his ancestors had lived in for centuries. He wanted to live in the city. They had enough money to buy a ten story manner. That’s what Josh wanted. His mom wanted no such thing.
Josh’s mother, Merry, did not believe her husband was dead. She strongly believed that one day soon, the family would hear about where Herndon was being held hostage. She wanted to stay in the house. If they moved, her husband wouldn’t be able to contact them.
“I’m sorry,” Josh’s mother continued, “but we must not give up hope.
“School starts tomorrow. Are you exited?”
“Yeah, I guess so.
Their house sat atop a quarter mile long driveway. Josh’s mom always made him get out of the car at the bottom of the hill, and walk up.
Josh checked the mail. They had received a letter from school. He checked who it was addressed to. That was new; it was addressed to him.
When Josh got home, he opened the letter. He felt a warm, glowing, tingling sensation as soon as he opened the letter. The letter said,

Dear Mr. Josh Flint,

Welcome to your third, and last, year at West Orient Middle School. You have been accepted into advanced Social Science. You will be expected to attended classes after school every day from three thirty to four fifteen. You will be expected to attend both in school, and after school Social Science. Mrs. Cataneseand I firmly believe that Social Science is one of the most important subjects. You will receive two Social Science grades: grade eight, and grade nine. They will both be averaged into your GPA.

Thank you for your time,
Mr. Timothy D. Tutty.

There must be some mistake, thought Josh. There’s no way they would make me do more school. And in the one of the most boring subjects!
But then something took hold of his brain. It was that warm feeling again. It all seemed alright. The extra forty five minutes didn’t seem so bad now. The warm feeling was growing stronger, and stronger. His vision blanked out in a star burst of yellow.
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