Categories > Original > Mystery > The Great Library: Prologue

The Great Library: Chapter 3

by miatthas 0 reviews

Category: Mystery - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2011-01-30 - Updated: 2011-01-31 - 264 words

Josh’s best friend, Adam, usually came over on weekends. Adam was in advanced classes, so he too, had seen MsIzall’s display of magic. They had both tried to tell their parents about it, but it seemed that they had been hypnotized not to tell anyone. Josh was sure that Ms Izall had just modified everyone’s brain’s atoms, so their mind wouldn’t allow them to tell anyone. In a way in was kind of scary that teachers could now control thoughts.
I guess this for the best, thought Josh.
Adam’s voice cut through Josh’s thoughts. “Hey, can we go look for anything related to this atom modifying thing?”
Josh gave a confused look. “Huh?” he prompted.
“On the internet,” supplied Adam.
They looked on the internet for anything that had to do with modifying atoms. They found tutorials on computer generating atoms, and creating animating atom models. Obviously, that wasn’t what they were looking for.
“I think the people who are in control of Google have hidden this information really well,” Josh said.
Adam was still very optimistic they would find something. “Let’s try one of those other websites like yahoo.”
They tried yahoo,, and Wikipedia. They looked to see if there were any books about it on, and looked for any used stuff on concerning atoms on eBay. Their results yielded nothing.
Soon it was time for Adam to go home. “See ya’ at school,” Adam said as he got into his mom’s car.
“Yeah, see ya’,” said Josh.
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