Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You


by SkullyZee 3 reviews

Simple enough word. Two letters. One syllable. One meaning. Simple. Why didn't I say it? Why couldn't I say it? I should have said it. But I didn't.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-02-03 - Updated: 2011-02-03 - 506 words

Hey guy, here's the next chapter.
Thanks to all my reviewers for reviewing.

No ... No ... No ...

Simple enough word. Two letters. One syllable. One meaning. Simple. Why didn't I say it? Why couldn't I say it? I should have said it. But I didn't. Shit.

I was currently in my car, driving home. Sarah said I didn't have to pick her up anymore, that she'd just take the bus home from now on. Good. I didn't feel like dropping by her school again later. I just wanted to rest. Get some sleep. I would need all the energy I could get for tonight. For the... date. The date. With Gerard. Because I didn't say no. Because I couldn't say no. Shit.

I turned the up the radio to try and calm my mind. I sat and tried to concentrate on the familiar voice of Billie Joe Armstrong. To no avail, however, when the song ended and was replaced by self-indulgent rap music. I sighed and just turned the radio off. I guess nothing can make me relaxed today. Shit.

When I got back home, the first thing I did was go to my room and sleep. It didn't last fifteen minutes before the ringtone of my cellphone woke me up. I groaned as I reached for my phone inside my bag. I looked at the screen and it said that I jus got a text message from Melanie.

Hey Liz
How r u? I saw Gerard talking to you before you left.
What did he say 2 u?

- Mel

I stared at the screen for a while thinking about how I should reply. Should I tell her the truth? Maybe I should. So, if something bad happens to me, at least one person knows who I was with.

Hey Mel
I'm fine. Gerard asked me out on a date.
And I fucking said yes. Dont ask y.
Don't worry, I'll be careful


After I sent the message I put it on silent and tossed it back in my bag. I rolled over so I was facing the ceiling and I started thinking.

I refused to tell him where I lived so we just decided to meet up. Gerard said that he would be meeting me at the mall at 7 pm. I had exactly three hourse and fourty-seven minutes to get ready. I don't even know where we're gonna head on to. What should I wear? Ugh, fuck it! I'll just wear jeans and a t-shirt. At least in those I can run in, just in case something bad happens.

I felt my phone vibrate and and I reached into my bag for it again. It was a message from Melanie.

Ur going out with him?!
What happened to 'he's gonna kill me!'
Anyway, I thought you should know
I got a message from John's wife Minnie
John's dead. Murdered.


I can't wait to post the next chapter. I put it up as soon as I finish it.

Please review!
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