Categories > TV > Criss Angel Mindfreak > if i shoudl fall from the sky would you twice or just pass me by...

if i shoudl fall from the sky would you twice or just pass me by...

by deannagoodenough 1 review

i suck at these things but heres wat its about a girl falls asleep and trys to jump off of a building and criss saves her but there closer then you think that they are this is maybe could be a fath...

Category: Criss Angel Mindfreak - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2011-01-30 - Updated: 2011-01-31 - 1389 words

i walked up the last few stirs of the building to the roof top shakily grabbing the door as cold sweat beaded on my forehead and I stepped out into the night air walking to the edge slowly looking down over the circus circus hotels roof top and my foot feebly inched forward one baby step at a time..and as I looked down again I slipped falling with a scream escaping my pale lips and as I saw the ground come closer I closed my eyes from my sleeping body to never see the gory scene before me but the ground never touched me and when I opend my eyes i was laying on the sidewalk with a man looking down at me.....

I woke with a start sighing as I let my heart rate decrease before I got up but it never did so I stumbled out of bed walking into the bathroom stripping off all of my clothes and stepping into the shower letting the scolding hot water cover my aching muscles and I did what I needed to do getting out soon after walking through my cold apartment and into my room pulling out a black beater and some black faded wash skinny jeans and a pair of black converse sighing as I pulled my hair into a messy bun after brushing it and walking out of my apartment with my keys walking to my new job that I just got hired for and you wonder what that is well I work at the mindfreak store in the Luxor the only job around that I could find without being a prosatute or a stripper even if that was the only option I would rather live on the streets than to down grade myself…

but I’m not one to judge because everyone makes their own choices that’s just not my choice so I walked into the store unlocking it getting everything ready for today because I hear there was going to be a little show going on or something like that but I don’t usually pay attention unless it really involves me or that I really have to do something and today I have to clean and put all the new shipments away which I’m just fine with doing because I get to go home early and die from that nightmare again so I started to go through the shipment sorting the stuff out and putting it into the piles to go and put the stuff away in the back while singing softly as I was lost in my own thoughts doing this so I didn’t even notice any one standing well leaning on a shelf watching me in till I looked over to the side but I really didn’t pay any attention to that person anyways everyone here usually just leaves alone and lets me do their work so that I can get done and go home so I didn’t even give it a second thought in till I had to grab a box from two shelves above me which I couldn’t reach so I tried jumping but only my fingers could touch so I growled in frustration looking around finding a stick on the shelf picking it up and carefully poking the box because that box only had T-shirts in it and it fell on me but I just sighed and finished going through the box

"why are you starring at me I know I’m a freak that is short but seriously can’t you just do what everyone else does and let me do their work while you go live or walk around in the town I mean it’s just better that way...." I trialed off looking up noticing that it was my boss and he had a frown on his face
"I’m sorry I thought you were someone else...." I say looking down getting back to work in till I felt a hand pull my chin up to come face to face with him

"Why are you just doing their work for them....?" he trailed off not knowing my name

"its axel and I do it because it keeps the peace in here and I don’t like people that much so I spend all day back here I’m fine with it and so are they" I say getting up while carrying two box’s and putting them away marking them as T-shirts coming back to my spot and grabbing the other 3 boxes carrying them out into the store putting the merchandise in its right spot but I stopped once I got done with the shipment walking back out into the store with a very confused criss looking at me while he stood by the counter as I rolled my eyes and walked over to a little kid who was looking at a magic box kit and I smiled at him crouching down to his level

"How much is this miss?" he asked excitement in his voice as his big brown eyes looked at me

"Its 5.50 kiddo" I say patting his head

"Oh but I only have 4.50 ma'am" he says looking at me with a little bit of sadness in his eyes and I gave a small smile

“What if I could make you more money then what you said you had?" I asked seeing the little boys eyes light up in excitement and he nodded so fast I thought his head was going to pop off and I giggled

"Okay then...can I see one of your dollar bills?" i asked seeing some one move from he corner of my eyes so that they could sea what I am doing and I rolled my eyes and grabbed the dollar bill that was handed to me from the little boy and I held my hands closed over the bill smiling as I talked to the little boy

"So pick a number between 1 and 10"

"Umm 4"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay so what’s 4 times 4?"

"Uhh 16?"

"Yes that’s right and what’s 16 divided by 2?"

"Ummm 8" he said excitement in his voice as I nodded

“okay so place your hands over mine" I said as he did what he was told to but with caution in his movements and eyes

"Okay now can you do something very big for me?"


"Okay I need you to flip my hands any way back and forth 8 times can you do that?"
"YES!!!" he said very quickly getting a little bit hyper but he did and he counted while flipping my hands back and forth as the last turn came up he smiled while looking at me

"Was that 8 times?"


"You sure?"


"Okay then open my hands" I said looking at him as he did and he unfolded my hands taking the money out of my grasp

"Open it up" I say smiling as he did watching him grow from impatient to jumping up and down

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOOU!!" he yelled hugging me as I smiled at him again patting his head

"So do you think you have enough to by that magic kit now?"


"okay so grab it and bring it up to the front so that I can ring it up for you" I say walking to the front of the store and walking behind the counter waiting for him to bring up the kit and I rang it up smiling as he walked out of the door with a very happy grin I sighed as I put my head down but my little plan of getting a small break was soon ruined as I felt some one poke me and I jumped up falling onto the ground growling as I looked up to sea criss yet again slightly holding back a laugh at me

"Yes criss?"

"your shift it over so I was wondering if you wanted to go to my place and eat some lunch because I know you don’t have food in your apartment because your losing weight an I can see that you are" he said with a winning smirk on his face and I sighed getting up while following him out of the door as another employee walked into the store
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