Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Collide [Frerard]

Chapter 8- Black Parade

by AcidicDiva

sorry it's short but I wrote this yesterday and I have shit going on -_- hope you enjoy though please feel free leave comments (:

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-02-03 - Updated: 2011-02-03 - 650 words

Chapter 8- Black Parade
Gerard: I grabbed Franks hand, I had to distract his dad, so I could save Mikey.
"Yeah dad, you wish I missed you." he shook my hand off, ad walked down the rest of the stairs. Frank'd dad dropped Mikey and walked to Frank. Mikey's chest was faintly rising, up and down. A wash of relief went over me, he wasn't dead but he was in bad shape.
"Frank your gonna wish you'd never said that, you little shit bag." he lunged at Frank I was helpless.
"Gee grab Mikey and go home...NOW." he shouted at me. He'd never done, that before even when we were friends.

I ran past Frank and his dad, who were too busy shouting at each other to notice me. I grabbed mikey up off the floor and ran out of the door. My house was only 2 minutes away we'd get ther in time. I ran with Mikey in my arms, ignoring the screams of every one around me. I had to go help my Frankie. What would I do if he died?

"Mom call 999." we'd just got in through the doors and as soon as mom saw Mikey she screamed.
"Mom fucking call 999!!!!" I shouted at her, my voice full of rage. Mom nodded and walked into the kitchen, I persumed that she couldn't bear to see Mikey like this. I could faintly hear mom in the kitchen on the phone.

Frank: "Go on dad kill me, like you did to mom." I was covered in cuts and bruises, all over my body.
"You little worthless piece of scum." he kneed me in the ribs, I didn't know what that awful cracking sound was but it fucking hurt. I just wanted to die, I felt like it at the moment.
"Dad if your gonna kill me do it." I made sure that every word was full of, venom and hate.
"Haha you put up more of a fight then she did." I knew who he was reffering to, my mom.
"Oh well she's away from you now, you disgusting little dick head of a father." breathing hurt now and each word, was a strain to get out.
"Your gonne regret that." he pulled me by the hair and into the kitchen. I looked onto the side, it was covered in syringes and knives. I gulped what what he going to, do to me. I'd only just started living my life with Gee.

"Not so big now are we Frank, you know you remind me so much of her. She got what was coming to her, the dirty little whore." I couldn't fight back I din't have enough power in me. I was drained.
"Just do it, kill me take my life away." I just wanted this pain to be over, to be able to feel no pain. I just wanted to have hold of Gee's hand, so we could be together to the end. He meant the world and more to me, i'd do anything.

Dad dragged me by the hair to the counter, and grabbed a syringe.
"Here you go you little fag." he stabbed the first needle into me and injected me. I cried out in pain fuck it was, so fucking painful.
"No more please." I felt weak, pitiful against his tight grip. The next thing I knew I was on the floor. He was punching my face, my nose cracked. I thought about Gee, his hazel eyes spinning around my head. I hadn't even said good-bye to the one I love. I was crying not from physical pain, but emotional pain.

He injected me again and punched me one last time.
"I'm never coming back Frank, I hope no one finds you and, you die alone." he spit on me and left. The last thing I saw was black and a parade. The Black Parade.
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