Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Killjoys Never Die- 1- Look Alive Sunshine

2- Girl

by MikeysUnicorn 4 reviews

Second part:)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2011-02-04 - Updated: 2011-02-04 - 438 words

This one is kinda boring
Sowwy, It gets better!!

The Killjoys jumped into action immediately. Ray grabbed Grace’s arm and pulled her behind the car before pulling a ray gun from his belt. Grace watched in amazement, as Mikey grabbed the Drac from behind, and held it down as Gerard aimed. The Drac struggled and broke free. Frank reacted by holding the gun to the Dracs throat and pulling the trigger immediately. After the silence confirmed the Draculoid was dead, Grace emerged from behind the car.
“Are you alright, Grace?” Frank enquired.
She nodded, still amazed from the short battle sequence.
“Wait… How do you know my name? I never told you.”
“The Better Life Industries are after you, kid. You haven’t been affected by their mind control shit, and they want to change that. Or maybe I’m telepathic.” Grace smiled. She decided she liked Frank the best.
“Frank, if you swear again, I’m afraid I’m going to have to … Do… Something…” Mumbled Mikey.
“I am terrified. Literally shaking.” Frank smirked. Mikey rolled his eyes as Grace laughed. She definitely liked Frank the best.
“See Grace doesn’t mind! Do you?”
“No, it’s funny” she replied with a laugh.
“See.” Frank said smugly.
“I don’t think we should call her Grace ya know…” Everyone turned to look at Gerard as if he was mad.
“No I mean, if BL/ind overhear us or something, they’ll know it’s her. They’re after us as it is, and we need to protect her for as long as possible… So using a codename or something would make life a whole lot easier.”
“That’s not a bad idea actually…” Ray said thoughtfully “So what should we call her?” Everyone fell silent, trying to think of a fitting name.
“Little monster” Smirked Frank. Grace growled.
“How about just Girl. It’s easy to remember and no-one will have a clue who were on about” Yawned Mikey.
“Yeah I like it…” whispered Grace.
“I think someone’s tired” Ray said knowingly.
“Hmm…” She mumbled.
I’m tired too, so I’ll take her to the hideout” Frank decided, lifting Grace into his arms. She was pretty light. He carried her into the hideout which was more or less a cave with a few sleeping bags scattered around, he set her down in one and lay down in his own.
“Can I have my own ray gun?”
“We’ll see kid” Frank smiled, and they both fell asleep, into dreams of Killjoys, ray guns and Zone 6.

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