Categories > Comics > X-Men > Save Tonight

Save Tonight

by Clairvoyance

Old friends, Trish Tilby and Hank McCoy, meet again.

Category: X-Men - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Beast, Other - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-05-16 - Updated: 2006-05-17 - 1566 words


Patricia Tilby stood outside at the train station as the night rain hit hard against her dark hair and raven business skirt suit. She was awaiting the arrival of her ex-lover and dear friend, Dr. Henry McCoy. His train was already ten minutes late and Trish began to worry. Deciding to venture back inside the building, she walked with her high heeled pumps hitting against the rain-stained pavement. The room was small. The entire building was small. All one room, too, except for the coed one stalled restroom and the ticket booth. She was waiting in the small town of Brytome, Michigan.

Hank was pursuing a new student for the Xavier School for the Gifted and Trish was in town on business. Surprisingly they each had a weekend off duty. Being in the same neighborhood, they decided to spend it together. Not to rekindle the flame. Not to fight and argue. Just friends. Just the weekend.

Finally, the train arrived. Not many passengers came out before he did. He must have been close to the door. Either that of 'friendly' humans let him pass by. Not many people would stand in the way of a four hundred pound full body blue furred mutant genius. It must have been that, or he was much eager to see his once beloved Trish Tilby. Any way you look at it, he was here. Here to see her. Like a love story. Like Beauty and the Beast. Hell, Trish is beautiful, but she's a bitch and Hank's only relation to the word 'beast' is X-Men code name.

She looked out the window and into the pouring rain. The blue figure approached the building. His fur already damp from the storm. He looked into the warm building. The petite journalist never looked better to him. Their eyes meet giving them each a weak feeling in the knees. Without a thought she rushed from the train station and out onto the cement. With the rain gluing her shoulder length black hair down around her face she reached his side, pulling him into a warm, friendly hug.

"Miss me?" He said as they parted, half jokingly.

She rolled her eyes and backed up quickly. "Oh, as if." As she smiled he detected a hint of blushing. He decided not to say anything about it for fear they he was blushing as well.



"Let's get out of the rain...?"

They both smiled sheepish smiles. It had been about a year since their last meet, which wasn't a pleasant one. They were both on a television news program together. Arguing bath and forth like young children. After the interview they had only spoken their apologizes by phone. Though they had been good phone buddies the past year, it was strange for each of them to see each other in the flesh...or fur.

They spent the next few minutes in the restroom as Hank dried himself off with the automatic hand drier. Which, of course, got quite a bit of laughter out of Trish. When they left the bathroom together some were suspicious. Some appalled. Some mutant supporters were hoping they were back together. Henry McCoy and Trish Tilby were one of the most public mutant/human couples back five years ago. Now they were just good friends. They worked quite well that way, too.

"Do you want to go get coffee somewhere or something?" She asked, semi-shyly.

"It depends, will I be alone or will you accompany me?"

"THAT depends. Would you like me to tag along?"

"Patricia, as in the words of Bobby Drake "duh".

Hank traveled light, bringing only a large leather bag. The drive to the coffee shop that Trish had been to earlier was silent. Trish drove carefully and calmly, but she nearly forgot to breath most of the way. Hank sat in the passenger seat of Patricia's small black car with his bag in the back seat. It was crowded because of his size, but he managed. Weighing four hundred pounds and being about the size of a lion, Hank was used to getting strange looks, but never was he starred more than when others looked through Trish's car window to see the lovely twenty-something with the large blue cat in the front.

"Damn it!" She nearly screamed without thinking.

"What ever is the trouble?" Asked the slighted stirred Hank McCoy. The pulled up in front of an empty parking lot and a coffee house building with a 'Closed' sigh across the window. "It's okay, Patricia." Said Hank, slightly rolling his eyes. "We don't HAVE to visit that particular coffee place, now do we? This is a....semi-large town. We'll find something." Ever the optimist, Hank sighed, smiled, and sat back in his seat.

"Like where? A bar?"

"Heavens no!"

On the way to the bar Trish took a back rood. At a loss of directions, she swore and turned the vehicle around. Finally, the arrived and a honky-tonk type restaurant and bar. The cars parked outside were beat up and run down, but the bar was no doubt open.

"We're here." Trish said as she rolled her eyes.

"This is absurd! What a vulgar place of entertainment!"

"Suck it up, brainiac. If I'm going in, you're going in. You're going to eat, drink, and like it, damn it!"

"Wow, and I wonder why I broke up with you."

"YOU broke up with ME?"


Anger was flowing through her body and lightening storms burned in her eyes. Never before had the brought up their exact break up. Never before had such pain been brought into both of their hearts. Trish sighed and opened her car door.

"Where are you going!" Hank shouted from inside the vehicle.

"Inside. Coming?"

He wasn't sure whether to be angry or aroused. Such fiery in that small woman turned him on like nothing else. He wasn't one to loose any sort of argument, but for this particular occasion he made an exception. "Yes, indeed." He sighed, smiled, and left the small car, with quite a bit of effort. He caught up to her and they continued to walk, in the rain, to the entrance. Suddenly, Trish turned around.

"I'm sorry!" She shouted in order to be louder than the storm.

"For what?!"

"For everything!"



"Well I'm sorry, too!"

"For what?!"

"For this!" He picked up the 'twenty nine' -year-old Patricia Tilby. Her wet hair flapped against his and their bodies intertwined in a long embraced kiss. Their arms flung over each other as if they were sheltering one another from the falling rain and fierce lighting. In a way they were. In a way they needed each other. Patricia loved him despite his mutation. Even if she didn't truly from the beginning she sure as hell did now. At the moment. With that kiss she showed him how much she needed him. He loved her always. Since her first day on the job. Sure, they had their ups and downs. They fought much...but it was much needing fighting. Much needing excitement and fiery. They both led dangerous lives. Being together made everything better. Being together gave them hope.

"Hank?" Her lips parted from his, giving her room to speak. She breathed heavily against his chest as he hugged her tightly to him.

"Patricia?" He lifted her from the ground, again and over her shoulder. Walking back to the car, he sat her in the front seat.


"No problem, Patricia. I'm have super strength and you weigh next to nothing. I had no trouble bringing you to your car and away from that hideous bar and---hey, that rhymed! And---" He was cut off. As he mad his way over to the passenger side.

"No, I mean. Thanks for that kiss. Do you want to, you know, get a hotel room or something. Together...if you know what I mean." Her face blushed and she grinned a grin of feisty sexual energy.


"I'm sorry, I'm too forward. And-"

"It's just that. I'm blue."

"I'm just that. I have eyes, dumbass. I know you're blue. I know you're furry. I know you're slightly larger than a human man. I know--"

"I okay, I get the point. You don't care about looks...."

"The MAIN thing is that we've slept together before. Many times."

"It's different now, Patricia. We can't be together continuously."

"Is it because you're seeing someone?"

"No, I'm not...are you?"

"No. Then what's the problem?"

"My place is with the X-Men. I can't share secrets with you. You tell the press and---"

"Past is past, Hank." Her eyes nearly filled with tears as she lowered her head. Never did she mean to betray his trust. Right now she didn't want to bring up the past. She want so good loving. Sex. Love making with someone that she obviously still loved. She put the car in drive and backed out of parking lot.

"Patricia? I'm sorry. Let's get that room. Let's make love tonight." Let's have me fuck your brains out.

She smiled. On the way to the hotel they were silent. Both thinking about how things have changed. How things will change. There parts in the world were dangerous, yet they remained friends, more than friends, and/or confused aquatints. They thought about their lives.

"There. That place looks nice. "
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