Categories > TV > Criss Angel Mindfreak > if i shoudl fall from the sky would you twice or just pass me by...

okay soo let me get this straight! im your..........

by deannagoodenough 0 reviews

okay so yeah its been a very over whelming week so yeah! but heres ur chapter babe!

Category: Criss Angel Mindfreak - Rating: G - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2011-02-05 - Updated: 2011-02-06 - 717 words

By the time I let my mind catch up to me I was shaking slightly more confused than anything but I was slowly getting my mind to wrap around what had clicked in my head could I?... maybe be his? No… I can’t be his maybe yes maybe I’’’s...a...Joke right?!

but I have to find out I would hate myself if it was never really truly known but then if I was why would I be an orphan who is trying to pay for my own way of life not even knowing my real father well....mostly not knowing him and my mother forget it she basically wanted an abortion from what I heard and my father stopped her because he wanted me and she didn’t because I was a mistake so she ran away before she had me and gave birth to me and put me in a home for an unwanted child which to my further explanation I was wanted very much and badly by my birth father which turns out to be my boss which turns out to be a guy that I’ve known for a few months…

Also getting a pay check for and getting coffee for every now and then totally unaware and now I’ve finally had it out in the open so fast that it was hard for me to believe but I did a little but later that is like a few hours later when I was showed around and I had a room and yeah I think I could never get use to this but I can try to make everyone happy that’s what I did at my job and that’s what I’m going to do here but don’t get me wrong I’m glad that I’m his little girl as most people would put it I really am but it’s hard to be able to find out something big then be totally fine and cool with it almost like farting in front of a supper hot guy that is a rock star or something you just can’t do it like it takes weeks and or months to do that..

its hard but I guess I’m being to quite right now because I’m getting worried looks from people every time someone would look at me or pass by me so I just got up and walked around ignoring everything as I let my mind wander and when I say wander I mean it went to my very own planet were I was a turtle under the sea swimming and playing not caring who or what saw me because I was happy and free because even though I’m now 15 I am still a little 5 year old at heart and nothing can change that babe nothing at all its me..

but running into a glass sliding door does get you worried glances and a few hands poking into your face to try and help you up and allot of laughing at the very smart person who did that and that very smart person was me

"Ahh shit the glass bit my face again gosh darn it turtle!! I told you not to let me run into the door but noooo you let me and you sea what this has done! this has got me a bruised up nose grr!!!" I say poking my reflection on the door getting a worried I mean like very worried glance from J.D. and you know what I just started to laugh and it was a abs crunching laugh that has gotten me put into a lap in a room with water and sleeping things shoved at me which I don’t know how but It got me even more hyper don’t ask me I’m very very very weird and its awesome that I’m very very very weird cause this world has to have some types of weirdoes in it! and I’m just happy to be one of them but I ended up crashing like 42 minutes later in a very very very soft bed with a cat on my belly
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