Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Auditions!

Okay just a note about this. :3

by CyanideSunlight 3 reviews

Look at the title?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2011-02-12 - Updated: 2011-02-13 - 99 words

Okay. Just so you guys know, the story I'm writing right now, I have an idea for it.
If you wanna be Mikey's girlfriend, I have to make you a bitch, sowwies. And I'll probably make Gerard's girl/boy a bitch too. Depends on if I'll go with this one idea or not..
But yeah. I didn't expect I'd get that many auditions. Holy shit guys..
I'll try to use as many people as I can, but if I don't use you, sorry. :3
I love you all. Y'all are epic people. truly.
Bai for nao~ :3
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