Categories > Anime/Manga > Love Mode > Danny first

Danny takes to mashel

by Saira1996 0 reviews

Category: Love Mode - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2011-02-12 - Updated: 2011-02-13 - 320 words

As Danny was driving he can not help but think about Ashley he tryed to stop but it just made him think about her more. Danny didn't no why but there something about her that he like's. Danny dose not no if it is love are not because he dose not no much about it.

anny is these tap of boy that dose not no how to tall a girl that he is in love with her. As Danny thought about the way he feels be said to him salf I don't even know her but at the same time I feel like I do. One Danny got home he want in his house. His sister mashley had asked him if Andys going to have a mother party. Danny said yea why. Mashley said Andy had ashes if I want to go. Danny said your not going and the only reasin you want go is because Andy.

Mashley said yea so. Danny said his older than you and one of my bast friends. Mashley said his just 2 years older and you know that I'm going to keep asking you ok. Danny said ok but I'm taking you and I don't think that Andy like's you that way. Mashley said give it time . Danny said were did you get this from. Mashley said you. Danny said really wow.
Mashley said I herd there is a new girl in school name Ashley and Ronny asked her to Andy party.

Danny said yea how did you know. Mashley said I
meet Ashley and ever one was taking Ronny and her and how you looked made one he asked her. Danny said why would I be I just meet her. Mashley said yea but Ronny and her are nor going to end up lase to long and that you and her are going to end up with her. Danny said how are they
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