Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Shadow Warrior second version

Chapter three

by twistedmic 5 reviews

Chapter three

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Harry,Tonks - Published: 2011-02-12 - Updated: 2011-02-13 - 5543 words

Authors Notes:
Before I get to the story I want to clear something up in regards to Vernon and Dudley’s deaths. While the collapse of the wards played a part in their deaths, it was not the cause. The wards had been protecting and, when they fell, Dudley and Vernon fell victim to their own lifestyles. Somebody Vernon’s age, weight and with his temper, would most likely be at extreme risk of heart attack (which did kill him) or stroke. Dudley was a violent thug and thief (even in cannon) who tried to mug the wrong person.
And secondly, I apologize for the long delay between chapter two and three. I ended up completely re-writing this chapter after I was unhappy with the first draft, couple that with the stress of the holidays, getting a 42 inch LCD HDTV, a couple of new video games, and now getting ready for a move in the next few months, it took me a while to get this written up. End of notes.

Shadow Warrior
Chapter Three

“You gonna be okay by yourself today?” Tonks asked as she finished tying her boots.
“Yeah,” Harry said. “I’ll be fine. I was thinking of heading into Diagon Alley for a bit, then maybe see a movie.”
“Be sure to lock up if you do go out, and keep your wand with you.”
“I always do.” Harry replied.
“Good habit. I get off work at seven tonight, so I should be able to get back to take you to the Order meeting tonight at eight, Moody says he wants you there. But if anything comes up I’ll contact you with this.” Tonks said. She handed Harry a small leather bound notebook and a matching pen. “Here’s a communication journal, I’ve got its twin. Whatever I write in mine will appear in yours, and whatever you write in yours will appear in mine. Anytime you get a new message the book will get warm and vibrate slightly, just enough to get your attention. “
“Thanks, Tonks.” Harry slipped the notebook into his back pocket.
“Did you have any plans for today?” Tonks asked as they stepped out of the apartment. Once outside, she locked the door, then tapped her and on the doorframe and doorknob, activating the secondary wards.
“I was going to wander around Diagon Alley for a while, then maybe head into London to see a movie or two.” Harry said.
“Sounds like it might be fun. Just don’t get in too much trouble while you’re out.” Tonks said as they reached the street and they each went their own way.
“Don’t worry, I won’t” Harry called over his shoulder.
A short cab ride later, Harry arrived at the ‘Leaky Cauldron. He self-consciously tugged the bill of his cap lower, hoping to cover his scar, before paying his fare and climbing out of the cab, then calmly walking into the pub.
Tom the bartender looked up and waved at him in greeting though gave no indication that he recognized Harry. He returned the wave, smiling to himself, as he continued through the pub towards the arch to Diagon Alley.
After wandering around aimlessly for a while, Harry came across a wizard’s optometry shop. He reflexively adjusted his glasses and, feeling the thick and chipped plastic frames, decided to at least look into getting a new pair of glasses.
The inside of the store was similar to what he could vaguely remember from the last time he had gotten new glasses nearly ten years ago. There was a wide, open lobby with racks of empty eyeglass frames lining the walls and a desk tucked away in one corner.
The receptionist looked up as he entered.
“Welcome to Oscar’s Optometry” She said pleasantly. “How can I help you?”
“Hi, I was looking to get a new pair of glasses. How much would that cost me?”
“It will run from seven sickles to three galleons, depending on the frames and an additional five sickles per optional enchantment. We are currently running a special offer where you can get an eye exam, a pair of tier two or lower frames, the basic enchantments and an additional two enchantments for two galleons and eight sickles.”
“What are the basic enchantments?”
“An unbreakable charm and self cleaning charm are placed on the lenses, and a sticking charm to prevent the glasses from falling off while being worn.
“And what are the other enchantments?”
The receptionist handed him a pamphlet. “ Here is a list of the enchantments that we offer and their cost.”
Harry took the pamphlet and gave it a quick glance. “Okay, I’ll take the exam offer.”
“Very well, fill out this form and bring it back, and the doctor will be with you shortly.” She handed him a clipboard and a quill and inkpot. “You can sit right over there.”
Harry quickly filled out and returned the form.
“Okay,” the receptionist said. “Go ahead and pick out a set of frames and the enchantments you want while you wait for the doctor.”
He thanked the receptionist and walked over to the racks of frames. He ignored the set of tier one frames, all of which looked no different than his current pair, and concentrated on the tier two frames.
After a few minutes of searching, Harry found a pair of thin, gray wire frames. With the frames picked out he opened up the pamphlet and began reading through the offered enchantments. “ What to choose? Low-light vision? Compass overlay? Magic detection? Waterproof? Steam and fog-proof? Rear view overlay? Map overlay? Hmm, no x-ray vision, or anything to see through clothes like Moody’s eye.” Harry muttered. “Too much to hope for, I guess.”
“Are you ready, Harry?”
Harry turned and saw a short, thin man wearing a set of white robes. “Yes, sir. I am.”
“I am Doctor Malachi,” The short man said. “You’re here for some new glasses?”
Harry nodded.
“Very well, may I see your current pair of glasses?”
Harry reluctantly handed over his old pair of glasses. HE squinted and could barely make out Doctor Malachi holding his glasses up to the light.
“Now Harry, try to follow the light with just your eyes. “
A bright blue light appeared in front of Harry’s nose. The light moved slowly, right to left, up and down, then finally in a wide circle.
“Very good Harry.” Doctor Malachi said. “Here are your old glasses back, I have everything that I need. Now, what enchantments would you like?”
“I’ll take the self darkening and lowlight vision enchantments.”
Very well, I will have your new glasses ready in fifteen minutes. You can return then or wait here.”
“I think I’ll go ahead and wait.”

Fifteen minutes later Harry left the shop, marveling at how much his vision had improved with is new glasses. He could now see further, and everything was a lot sharper and clearer than he could ever remember.
Harry couldn’t help but smile as he resumed wandering through the alley, so much was changing in his life, for the better for a change, so quickly. The Dursley’s were now nothing more than a bad memory, he had clothes that actually fit, plenty of money to buy whatever he wanted and now he had a brand-new pair of glasses. ‘Maybe I should get my haircut to go with my new clothes and glasses. Hopefully if I actually want the haircut it won’t grow back overnight’
“Harry, my boy!” A somewhat loud voice jolted Harry out of his thoughts. He instinctively reached for his wand and turning to face the speaker.
Fred or George, Harry had trouble telling the two apart, was walking towards him from an open storefront.
“Almost, I’m George.”
“How’d you know it was me?” Harry asked.
George shrugged. “I know you well enough to spot you, even with the hat and the new sunglasses. Speaking of which, where’d you get the new shades?”
“I just bought them today, got them from the Optometrist shop down there. I recently came into some money and decided to treat myself to a whole new wardrobe. “
“They look good on you.” George said. “How did your relatives take to you getting your own money?”
“Don’t know, and don’t care.” Harry replied. “I don’t live with them anymore. I can’t go into too much detail right here, not secure enough, but I haven’t even seen them in nearly a week.”
“Come on up to our apartment, it’s right above the shop and perfectly secure.”
”So this is your joke shop, are you renting the space?”
“Nope, Fred and I bought it outright. IT was cheaper in the long run and we don’t have to worry about having the building sold out from under us.”
“That makes sense.”
As they walked through the store, Harry examined the wide variety of products on the shelves and piled high in bins. “Did you and Fred develop all of these?”
“Most of them. A few products, the quills for example, we bought from an outside supplier. We buy them in bulk at a discount then we give the supplier a cut of the profits we get from the sales.”
George picked up a box with a brightly colored picture of a very attractive man and woman standing on the deck of an old wooden ship. “This here is one of our higher-end creations. Patented Daydreams. Just attach the enclosed clip to your ear and whisper the incantation and you’ve got a half hour escape from reality. Perfect for those long, boring class sessions, or any other time you’ve got half an hour to kill.
You’ve got to be sixteen to buy one, though. They’re not exactly appropriate for all ages.”
“Why not?”
“Take a closer look at the picture and you’ll get an idea of why.” George said.
Harry did so, and realized that the clothes the couple were wearing nearly indecent clothes and were in a very intimate position. “Oh, that’s why.”
George placed the package back on the shelf. “That’s just one of our ‘flavors’, so to speak. We call it ‘High Seas Hedonism’. We’ve also got ‘Desert Debauchery’, ‘Jungle Fever’ and ‘Beach Party Bacchanalia’”
“Sounds interesting.” Harry said.
“You might be a few months shy of proper, but you can have one of each if you’d like, seeing as this was only possible because of you.”
“I’ll pass for now.”
George shrugged. “Well, the offer stands.”
“What’s back there?” Harry asked, pointing to a dark curtain drawn across a doorway. “ ‘Adult jokes’?”
“No, we haven’t opened that section up yet.” George said. “That’s for our more serious products. We’ve developed a whole line of shield products, hats, belts and so on. They won’t do much against serious spells, but it can block minor to moderate spells. Really useful for people who can’t manage a shield spell on their own, or for people who want an added bit of security. We also have Peruvian Darkness powder; good for if you need to make a quick escape. And one of my favorites, remote decoy devices. Just wind ‘em up and they’ll walk off for a bit then explode, causing a nice diversion. I can give you a demonstration later.”
George led Harry up to his apartment, by way of a staircase tucked behind the main counter.
“Nice place” Harry said after looking around. “I like the décor.
“Thanks, though I can’t take credit for the décor, the girls took care of that. Said that they didn’t trust us enough to handle the decorating.”
“Where are they anyway?” Harry asked.
“Licia is visiting her parents, it’s their anniversary this weekend. Lina’s at a training camp for the Harpies, and Katie’s still living at home. Her parent’s don’t want her moving out until after she graduates Hogwarts.”
“So you’ve added another one?”
George shrugged. “It’s completely consensual on all sides. And I really like her.”
“Your mother will be pissed if she ever finds out about your relationship status.” Harry said simply.
“Depends on how much she wants grandchildren.” George replied. “Now, while we’re on the subject of living arrangements, what’s your new one?”
“Oh, that. I’m living with Tonks now.”
Moving a bit fast, aren’t you?” George said with a grin. “I know you weren’t dating anyone at the end of your last term and here you are, less than two months later, moving in with a woman, and an older woman to boot. Ginny will be heartbroken.”
Harry blushed slightly. “It’s not like that. Tonks offered to let me stay with her after I got emancipated so that I could leave the Dursley’s as soon as possible. We’re not dating.”
“You should really make your move on her before it’s too late.”
“What makes you think that I want to date Tonks?”
“I’m a bit more perceptive than I let on. I noticed the way you hung around with her as much as possible last Christmas, and the way you would look at her when you thought no one notice. It was the same as with Cho, but with less drooling.
“I didn’t drool around Cho, or Tonks.”
“Sure you didn’t,” George said with a grin. “And Ron doesn’t snore like a troll.”
Harry glared at George. “You’re an ass.”
“And a smart one at that, which is the best kind of ass to be.”


“The potion is in the final stage of preparation, my Lord.” Snape said while bowing deeply before Voldemort. “We will be able to begin the next step within the next week.”
“You continue to impress me with your skills and your loyalty. When this project is successful you will be greatly rewarded.”
“You honor me, my Lord.” Snape said.
Voldemort nodded. “I have a new job for you, Severus.”
“What ever you require, Master, I will do it without hesitation.”
“Tonight is another meeting of the old fool’s Order, correct?”
“Yes, Master. There is an Order meeting tonight.”
“At the meeting tell the fool that I plan to assault Azkaban Fortress in force. My goal is to release my faithful followers and all who would willingly join my army. Also tell him that I will be launching a diversionary attack on Diagon Alley, but my true goal is the Fortress. I want you to organize and lead the attack on Diagon Alley. Use the newer recruits, it will be a suitable training mission for them.”
“Of course, Master. Snape said. “But, if I may ask, why would you tell Dumbledore of your plans to attack Azkaban?”
“Azkaban is not my goal.” Voldemort replied. “My true goal lies elsewhere. That is all you need to know.”
“Of course, Master. I meant you no disrespect.”
“Go get some rest. I will have a house elf deliver a meal to your room, along with a bottle of your choice from my personal supply of wines.”
“You are most generous, Master.”
“I only give what you have earned, Severus.” Voldemort replied
“Thank you, Master.” Snape bowed low and kissed the hem of Voldemort’s robe then hurried from the throne room.


“Fucking coward moron!” Amelia Bones snarled as she stormed into her office and slammed the heavy door behind her. “How the fuck can I operate like this?”
“Problems, Amelia?”
In a flash, Bones drew her wand and spun to face the sound of the speaker.
“Damn it, Moody!” She snapped and holstered her wand.
“You’re still quick.” Moody said. “You haven’t let the desk job dull you’re edge. That’s good.”
“What do you want? I just got word that Fudge has reassigned even more of my Aurors to his own security detail. Now I have to figure out how to run the D.M.L.E. with over a quarter of the Auror force off the street.”
I have a proposal that can help you out with your new problem.”
“Alright, let’s hear this proposal of yours.” Bones said.
“I can quite easily arrange to have a, currently, private security force step in and fill the holes in your roster.”
“And what, exactly, is this private force of yours?”
“The Order of the Phoenix.” Moody said simply
“Dumbledore’s little social club? I don’t need a bunch of half-assed spies-.”
“The Order isn’t Dumbledore’s any longer.” Moody said, cutting her off. “I’m taking it over and I’m restructuring it. The Order will now actually be doing something useful. And it would be very helpful if the Order members didn’t have to worry about getting arrested if things get ‘messy’ with any dark wizards and such.”
“You want me to deputize the entire Order of the Phoenix?”
“In a manner of speaking. And not the entire Order, some of them I don’t trust. The ones I do trust I want deputized, as you said. I want them to be issued badges and have the same level of authority as Aurors, and they will be held to the same standards as Aurors.”
“I need a drink.” Bones muttered.
Moody pulled a cold-charmed bottle of vodka from his robes. He handed it over to Bones. “I’ve already got it covered. Reznov’s Select Label.”
Bones ripped off the cap and took a long pull from the bottle. “This was supposed to be a bribe, wasn’t it?”
“Part of one. I also plan I giving you another bottle of Reznov’s, and a bottle of my ’87 Ogden’s, and a favor to be named later. Plus private training for your niece if you, and she, want it.”
“Throw in another of ’87 Ogden’s and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
“I’ll have the other bottles delivered tomorrow.” Moody said
“Who do you trust with a badge?”
“All of the old Order,” Moody said. “With the exception of Fletcher. Him you should just dump in prison for what he’s probably done. Shacklebolt and Tonks you should have reassigned as soon as possible. The Weasley twins; Fred and George, Emmeline Vance, Fleur Delacour and Harry Potter for starters. I’ll have to check with the others to see if they want in”
“Why Potter?”
“He’s got the potential and desire to join the Aurors. And he’s got a part to play in this war with Voldemort. I don’t know what it is but I know he has one.”
“Fine, provided they pass the standard screenings, those you choose will be deputized. Get me a list of their names so I can get started on the checks.”
“One more thing, in addition to having full control of the new Order, answerable only to you, I want the newer Order members to receive training. Preferably Hit-Wizard training, but standard Auror training at the very least.”
“I’ll see what I can do about that. Hently owes me a favor.”
Moody climbed to his feet. “ I don’t understand why you’ve never gone for the Minister position. You have the talent and cunning.”
Amelia shrugged. “I feel like I can do more good here.”
“Fair enough.”
“Plus the pay raise isn’t enough for the added paperwork and fewer days off.”


Albus Dumbledore sighed softly as he sat down in his cushioned desk chair and reached for a vial of pepper-up potion. The past few days had been extremely tiring, physically and magically.
He had, with the help of his brother and Filius, fortified the castle wards, making them stronger than they had been in decades. He had also personally recharged every single suit of guardian armor and had the house elves polish and sharpen the weapons.
After dealing with the castle defenses, Dumbledore turned to the other aspects of running the castle. Three full floors had been repurposed into extra housing to accommodate potential refugees. The Hospital wing had been expanded to nearly three times its original size and its supply of medical potions had been fully restocked.
The many cisterns had been cleaned, filled and sealed, and the larders had been fully stocked. Dumbledore had even gone so far as to replace and upgrade nearly all of the pipes and plumbing.
Now all that was left was the paperwork. Dumbledore sighed again and reluctantly reached for is quill and inkpot. He then wearily pulled a stack of parchment sheets closer to him and began filling them out.
Before he had even finished signing his second name, the tip of his quill snapped of and spilled ink over the document. Albus growled in annoyance, picked up his wand and cast a careful cleaning charm on the parchment. He then put down his wand and picked up a small silver knife.
“There has got to be a better way of doing this.” Dumbledore muttered as he sharpened his quill.


The sun was beginning to set when George and Harry walked up the path to the Burrow.
“Any idea of why Moody wants you to attend the meeting tonight?”
Harry shrugged. “No idea at all. Tonks just told me that he wants me here. She didn’t give me any details, she might not even know why herself.”
“I guess we’ll find out soon enough.” George said as they crested the hill and the Burrow came into view.
“Something looks different.” Harry said after looking the multi-storied home over. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something was slightly off.
“Fred and I donated some money to help fix the place up. Had the floors straightened up, gave it a fresh coat of paint and a few other things. After everything we did growing up, it was the least we could do to pay Mom and Dad back.”
“It looks nice.”
George nodded. “And I intend to pay them back for what they spent on my tuition.”
“That’s very generous of you.”
“It just seems right. Mom and Dad gave up so much, and spent so much gold to put us all through Hogwarts. They didn’t need to do that, there are other magical schools that are much cheaper, though not as good as Hogwarts.”
The air in front of them shimmered and Bill Weasley appeared in the middle of the road, wand in hand.
“Tell me something only the real you would know.”
“Just let us through, Bill.”
Bill raised his wand slightly. “Moody’s orders. I can’t let anyone through without verifying his or her identity.
George sighed. “Do you really want Harry to know what happened that time you got a hold of Mum’s wand?”
Bill blushed slightly. “Good enough for you, but I still need proof that Harry is Harry.”
“I’ve been with him all day, Bill. He’s definitely Harry.”
“I still need proof from Harry.”
“Okay, your brothers used your dad’s car to rip bars off my window and take me away from the Dursley’s four years ago.”
“Alright, proof enough for me.” Bill holstered his wand. “Go on in, the meeting’s starting soon. And Harry, Ron and Hermione are in the living room if you want to talk to them.”
“Thanks Bill.” Harry went directly in to the living room while George went to the kitchen.
Ron and Hermione were playing a game of muggle chess while Ginny watched.
“Are you ready to concede, Hermione?” Ron asked somewhat smugly.
“No! And you only know what that word means because I taught it to you. Last week.” Hermione practically snarled.
“No need to be so catty, Hermione.” Ginny said. “Just because you’re loosing.”
“For the fifth time in a row.”
“That’s not helping, Ron.” Ginny said.
“Why not take his rook with your bishop. That should get you out of check.” Harry said.
“Not now, Harry.” Hermione muttered. “I’m trying to concentrate.”
Harry smiled when, seconds later, Hermione jumped to her feet, conveniently bumping the board hard enough to topple the pieces. “Harry! When did you get here?”
“Just now, I came here for the Order meeting.”
“How did you get here?” Ron asked while quickly replacing the fallen pieces.
“I walked right up the path with George.” Harry replied with a grin.
“Funny. Didn’t the Dursley’s give you any trouble about leaving?”
“They haven’t bothered me all week. Though that’s mainly because I don’t live with them anymore. By the way, you’ve got Hermione’s queen in the wrong spot.”
“What?” Both Ron and Hermione cried at the same time.
“Ron put your queen in the wrong spot, it was supposed to be here.” Harry said and moved the queen to its proper place.
“Not that!” Hermione snapped “Did you say that you’re not living with your relatives anymore?”
“Oh, that. Yeah. I don’t live there anymore. I moved out after I got emancipated.” Harry captured Ron’s rook with Hermoine’s bishop.
“You’re emancipated?” Ron asked absently taking Hermione’s last pawn with his knight.
Harry nodded. “ Yeah. Sirius had everything set up so all I had to do was sign a few papers and that was it.”
“Where are you living now?” Ron asked.
Harry took Ron’s knight with Hermione’s queen. “ I moved in with Tonks.”
“Harry!” Hermione cried in shock.
“Good one, mate!” Ron said. “An older woman, and a metamorphmagus to boot!”
“What?” Harry asked innocently. “She let me use her spare bedroom so that I could get away from the Dursley’s as soon as possible. What did you think was happening?”
Hermione looked embarrassed and Ron developed a sudden intense interest in his shoes.
After several seconds of embarrassed silence, Harry spoke up. “You do realize that you’re in check, right?”
“Huh? Oh, right. I am.” Ron mumbled.
“And it looks like I can mate you in three more moves.”
“Oh.” Ron said again “You’re right.”
“Ready to concede?”
Ron nodded and tipped his king over just as Order members began filing into the living room.
“Looks like the meetings starting.” Harry said.
“We finally get to see what we’ve been missing.” Ron muttered as he dumped the chess pieces into the holding compartment under the board.

After a few minutes most of the Order had arrived. Mundungus Fletcher and Snape were notably absent.
Dumbledore raised his hand to quiet the gathered witches and wizards. “Attention please, I am now calling this meeting of the Order of the Phoenix to order. Before we get started I have an important announcement to make. I am officially standing down as head of the Order of the Phoenix, and handing over leadership to Alastor Moody. You will now report to him. I will now be focusing all of my attention on running Hogwarts and the Wizengamot as efficiently as possible.”
Moody stepped forward. “Now that I an in charge of the Order there will be changes made. First and foremost I have begun talks with Amelia Bones about making the Order of the Phoenix an official part of the D.M.L.E., when the Order is assimilated all approved members will be given a badge and the same authority an Auror.”
“Just like that?” Emmeline Vance asked.
“No. First, if you wish to become part of the D.M.L.E. you will have to pass the same background checks that Aurors are required to. After passing the checks, you will be given, at the very least, Auror class training and you will be required to study the Auror handbook.
And I will tell you right here and now, if any of you abuse your authority at all, even to get a free cup of coffee, I will personally make your life so miserable that the Dementors will seem like a vacation.”
“When will we get the badges?” Ron asked excitedly.
“You won’t be receiving one, Ron. Nor will Ginny. Neither of you are ready for that level of responsibility.” Arthur said. He turned to Moody. “I will not object to them receiving the training, but I do not want my youngest children to join the D.M.L.E., at least not yet. Maybe after they complete their schooling, but definitely not yet.”
“Fred and I’ll pass on the badges as well.” George said.” We’re better suited in a lab than on the streets.”
“I don’t want a badge either.” Hermione said.
Moody nodded. “Very well. How about you Potter? Do you want to join?”
“Will fudge or his lackeys have anything to do with this Order thing?” Harry asked.
“No. I will have full control of the Order, answerable only to Bones herself.”
“Alright, I’ll join.”
“How come Harry gets to join and I don’t?” Ron asked.
“We’ll discuss it later Ron.” Arthur said. “Now is not the time.”
“Any of you who wish to join the D.M.L.E. write down your name before you leave and give it to me.”
The front door burst open suddenly and Snape strode in, robes billowing out behind him.
“The meeting started at eight ‘o’ clock Snape.” Moody growled. “You’re late.”
“What time I arrive is no concern of yours. I have more important matter to attend to.” Snape sneered.
“Had you been on time, Snape, you would have heard that I am no in charge of the Order. So what time you do and don’t get here is my concern. Now, tell me what new information have you gathered. Assuming that you have received new information.”
Snape sneered again. “Yes, I do have new information on the Dark Lord’s plans. He intends to attack Azkaban Fortress soon, to release his followers and anyone else that will freely join his ranks. HE also plans to launch a diversionary attack on Diagon Alley to draw the attention of the Aurors, leaving the Fortress his for the taking.”
“Thank you.” Moody said. You’re dismissed.”
“Leave now.” Moody snapped. “The rest of the meeting doesn’t concern you.”
Snape glared at Moody, sneered once more then stormed out of the house, slamming the front door behind him.
Moody waited a moment before speaking again. “Okay, down to business. What do we do about these attacks on Azkaban and Diagon Alley?”
“Which one should we defend? We don’t have the strength to defend both.” Emmeline Vance said.
“Maybe we can get Madame Bones to station some extra Aurors around Diagon Alley.” Tonks suggested.
Moody shook his head. “That won’t work. Fudge has moved even more Aurors to act as bodyguards for himself and other officials.”
“What about removing the prisoners?” Hermione asked. “If they’re not in the prison, then the Order wouldn’t have to bother with Azkaban and could focus solely on Diagon Alley.”
“Where could we move them to? The ministry doesn’t have nearly enough cells to hold all the prisoners.” Tonks said. “ And there isn’t any other place that could accommodate them.”
“How about transfiguration? Change the prisoners to earthworms or ants, something small and easy to keep alive. Then stick them in a box of dirt until Voldemort is dead.”
“Good thinking Potter.” Moody said. “We’ll get started on moving the prisoners right away.”
He turned to Remus. “Lupin, have you made any further progress with the werewolves?”
”Not much. I was able to convince a few lone wolves to sit everything out, but for the most part the lone wolves and the packs are leaning heavily towards joining Voldemort, if only because of the anti-werewolf laws the ministry has passed.”
“If the laws are repealed will that influence the packs’ decisions to join Voldemort?”
“It’s a possibility.” Remus replied. “But I can’t say one way or another with any certainty.”
“Albus, can you get to work on repealing those damned laws?”
“I’ll get started first thing tomorrow.” Dumbledore said.
“Good, Tonks. What’s happening with Grimmauld Place?” Moody asked
“I already signed the lease, so I officially own the property, I’ve hired Collin’s Cleanup Company to clear it out, and I have scheduled the Jensing Brother’s to redo the basic wards. They’ll get them setup and anchored this weekend. Once those wards are up Professor Flitwick has agreed to cast the Fidelius charm.”
“Do you have a secret keeper yet?”
“No, but I do have someone in mind. I’ll have to talk to them personally and in private before I can get an answer. I’ll let you know when I do get a secret keeper.”
Moody nodded. “Good work. Now, if there is no further business, this meeting of the Order of the Phoenix is over. I will send word though secure means when the next meeting is scheduled. You are all dismissed.”

End of Chapter
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